He's back.

I really don't get how that guy inspires people. I get how he inspires you; it doesn't take much. However, others seem to be inspired, and I don't get it. He talks like he's in grade school and he thinks his audience maturity level is about the same.
This is where I'm at. I think he's like P.T. Barnham on steroids. He's probably been one of the all-time great grifters this country has seen. He's been great at getting fools to part with their money on various scams over the past few decades. He's been able to parlay grifting money to grifting votes. Even he didn't expect to work in 2016, but once it did, he decided he was going to tap that well for the rest of his life.
He’s cratering in the polls. Party needs to focus on senate/house races with $$$
I wish the GOP would move away from Trump and focus on the down ballot races, but I don't think that would go well for them.

If Trump even gets a hint of something like that happening, his primary focus won't be on Harris/Walz. It'll be on tearing anyone down that the RNC dares try to lift up. He'll actively tell his MAGA cult not to vote for GOP favorites who otherwise might have a good shot at winning because as has been pointed out before, he's a whiny little bitch. And if he thinks he's going down, he will all too gladly take anyone he can down with him.
He’s cratering in the polls. Party needs to focus on senate/house races with $$$
Best guess is when Harris starts the interviews and debates, the momentum will slow a fair bit. There's a reason why she flamed out early in the 20 Primary contest.

I still think she could beat Trump...but I seriously doubt the cratering you refer to, will continue and lead to any sort of route. Trump will say and do some really, really stupid stuff between now and November. But that's baked in to his cake.

Heck, with the way the EC is setup, Trump could be trailing by double digits in national polls heading in to the last couple days before election...and any sort of well, or ill, timed scandal on the Harris/Walz side, could completely flip the entire thing in the swing states.

This isn't a national election any more...its a fight over 8-10 states.
Best guess is when Harris starts the interviews and debates, the momentum will slow a fair bit. There's a reason why she flamed out early in the 20 Primary contest.

I still think she could beat Trump...but I seriously doubt the cratering you refer to, will continue and lead to any sort of route. Trump will say and do some really, really stupid stuff between now and November. But that's baked in to his cake.

Heck, with the way the EC is setup, Trump could be trailing by double digits in national polls heading in to the last couple days before election...and any sort of well, or ill, timed scandal on the Harris/Walz side, could completely flip the entire thing in the swing states.

This isn't a national election any more...its a fight over 8-10 states.
Yep Harris will win tho. It’ll be close but she’ll win. Money to trump’s campaign is a waste. Give it to the other races. Harris is basically a moron but she’s functioning. Biden was simply unfit. I suspect some folks recognized you can’t vote for that and feel okay about voting for harris. Trump lost when Biden got swapped out. And it doesn’t matter that it’s Harris. Just a D. A D that is functioning, which Biden was not.
Best guess is when Harris starts the interviews and debates, the momentum will slow a fair bit. There's a reason why she flamed out early in the 20 Primary contest.

I still think she could beat Trump...but I seriously doubt the cratering you refer to, will continue and lead to any sort of route. Trump will say and do some really, really stupid stuff between now and November. But that's baked in to his cake.

Heck, with the way the EC is setup, Trump could be trailing by double digits in national polls heading in to the last couple days before election...and any sort of well, or ill, timed scandal on the Harris/Walz side, could completely flip the entire thing in the swing states.

This isn't a national election any more...its a fight over 8-10 states.
I could be wrong, but I think both she and Walz will do well in the debates. She's already out there doing interviews and rallies and it'd take a major screw up to derail that momentum. Throw in the DNC and the bump she'll get from that and I think she'll probably have a good lead in the polls leading up to the election.

Like you said though, polls don't mean a whole lot these days. If they did, we might be at the tail end of the second Hillary Clinton presidency. The EC and those swing states will be all that matters. Lucky for Democrats, Trump can't help but say bad things about elected officials in Georgia and trashed Milwaukee ahead of the RNC. He also hasn't been able to land any hits on Harris to date.

Saying she 'turned black' was a big moment and he can get that stink off him.
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Yep Harris will win tho. It’ll be close but she’ll win. Money to trump’s campaign is a waste. Give it to the other races. Harris is basically a moron but she’s functioning. Biden was simply unfit. I suspect some folks recognized you can’t vote for that and feel okay about voting for harris. Trump lost when Biden got swapped out. And it doesn’t matter that it’s Harris. Just a D. A D that is functioning.
I still think she'll need people to be excited about voting for her...for her to win in some of the key midwestern swing states.

Honestly, I think the debates will end up being pretty consequential. Trump, without question, is declining in his abilities to effectively speak. His debate performance against Biden was awful, historically awful. His convention speech was awful. The speech a couple days ago was awful. I mentioned...there's a reason why Harris flamed out in the 20' Primary...she wasn't very good either on the debate stage.

All she has to do is stand up there, try to take the high road, fact check him on some of his more absurd lies, and speak in general platitudes and she'll probably come across like a cross between Lincoln and JFK next to Trump.

But if she takes his bait, and gets down in the mud with him, it could really hurt her momentum, and affect the election.
Yep Harris will win tho. It’ll be close but she’ll win. Money to trump’s campaign is a waste. Give it to the other races. Harris is basically a moron but she’s functioning. Biden was simply unfit. I suspect some folks recognized you can’t vote for that and feel okay about voting for harris. Trump lost when Biden got swapped out. And it doesn’t matter that it’s Harris. Just a D. A D that is functioning, which Biden was not.
Putting a younger, more energetic candidate against Trump was a huge shot in the arm.

Despite Trump, the GOP and Fox News trying to paint her to the contrary, she's been coming off as likeable and popular. I still think there is a large contingent that just really hates Trump and she'll definitely benefit from that support. So far, she's been able to tap into the new, younger energy and get some folks actually excited about voting for her.
Putting a younger, more energetic candidate against Trump was a huge shot in the arm.

Despite Trump, the GOP and Fox News trying to paint her to the contrary, she's been coming off as likeable and popular. I still think there is a large contingent that just really hates Trump and she'll definitely benefit from that support. So far, she's been able to tap into the new, younger energy and get some folks actually excited about voting for her.
You’re a far left poster in a bubble. She’s horrible. An empty pant suit of avg intellect at best who is incredibly annoying with her inane cackle. Her policies will be squad garbage. Equity of outcome bs. Terrible candidate that wasn’t voted into this opp - fitting
I still think she'll need people to be excited about voting for her...for her to win in some of the key midwestern swing states.

Honestly, I think the debates will end up being pretty consequential. Trump, without question, is declining in his abilities to effectively speak. His debate performance against Biden was awful, historically awful. His convention speech was awful. The speech a couple days ago was awful. I mentioned...there's a reason why Harris flamed out in the 20' Primary...she wasn't very good either on the debate stage.

All she has to do is stand up there, try to take the high road, fact check him on some of his more absurd lies, and speak in general platitudes and she'll probably come across like a cross between Lincoln and JFK next to Trump.

But if she takes his bait, and gets down in the mud with him, it could really hurt her momentum, and affect the election.
I think all of this is spot on. And your third paragraph is key.

I'm sure his campaign will tell Trump certain types of attacks are off limits, but I'd put a lot of money on him not being able to help himself. Especially if he feels like he's losing. If she stays on message and does what you've suggested, she'll easily win the debates.
Best guess is when Harris starts the interviews and debates, the momentum will slow a fair bit. There's a reason why she flamed out early in the 20 Primary contest.

I still think she could beat Trump...but I seriously doubt the cratering you refer to, will continue and lead to any sort of route. Trump will say and do some really, really stupid stuff between now and November. But that's baked in to his cake.

Heck, with the way the EC is setup, Trump could be trailing by double digits in national polls heading in to the last couple days before election...and any sort of well, or ill, timed scandal on the Harris/Walz side, could completely flip the entire thing in the swing states.

This isn't a national election any more...its a fight over 8-10 states.
He's not cratering in any polls. The last 2 national polls, CNBC and Rasmussen, have him up +2 and +5 respectively. Haven't been any polls since. I wonder why.

You’re a far left poster in a bubble. She’s horrible. An empty pant suit of avg intellect at best who is incredibly annoying with her inane cackle. Her policies will be squad garbage
Yet here we are, watching her and Walz wipe the floor with Trump and Vance. Anything can happen - especially in this election cycle - but right now, people are more excited and hopeful about voting for Harris/Walz.

James Carville said it last summer. If one of the parties ran a younger more energetic candidate, they'd win. So far the Democrats are proving him right. In the last few weeks, the contrast between Harris/Walz and Trump/Vance has been stark. Trump is fear mongering, grumpy and old. Vance is just effing weird. And that's not even getting into his doubling and tripling down on his head-scratching attack on single childless women.
This is almost as sick of a burn as when Trump called Nikki Haley out for not calling in the National Guard to defend the Capitol on January 6. Or when he owned the British by bringing up the embarrassing fact that the US Revolutionary War soldiers were able to take over the airports and rammed the ramparts.
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Yes, Trump may lose the $4-5B he has in Truth stock by returning to X. But Trump cares about the country much more than his money. He's a man of the people and he's giving back.
At point, having read your posts for a good while now, I wholeheartedly believe that you believe everything you typed here.
Yet here we are, watching her and Walz wipe the floor with Trump and Vance. Anything can happen - especially in this election cycle - but right now, people are more excited and hopeful about voting for Harris/Walz.

James Carville said it last summer. If one of the parties ran a younger more energetic candidate, they'd win. So far the Democrats are proving him right. In the last few weeks, the contrast between Harris/Walz and Trump/Vance has been stark. Trump is fear mongering, grumpy and old. Vance is just effing weird. And that's not even getting into his doubling and tripling down on his head-scratching attack on single childless women.
None of that speaks to policy. That the electorate isn’t very bright and hadn’t learned from the progressive policies of 2020 isn’t surprising.
None of that speaks to policy. That the electorate isn’t very bright and hadn’t learned from the progressive policies of 2020 isn’t surprising.
A lot of truth there. But the Trump ground game is infinitely better than 2020 and Harris polls far worse than Biden did 4 years ago. No Zuckerbucks this time either. Still a lot of Zeke, Hickory, Goat, Mark, Cosmic, etc voters out there.

This is almost as sick of a burn as when Trump called Nikki Haley out for not calling in the National Guard to defend the Capitol on January 6. Or when he owned the British by bringing up the embarrassing fact that the US Revolutionary War soldiers were able to take over the airports and rammed the ramparts.
Thank God IDK one person stupid enough to vote for the dems. Thats like committing suicide. You have a clueless ditz and a sex change sanctuary. Thats madness.
None of that speaks to policy. That the electorate isn’t very bright and hadn’t learned from the progressive policies of 2020 isn’t surprising. We know you haven’t learned
I do wonder at this point if it’s a Trump problem or if as a whole the country is just more collectivist than we would like it to be. The majority of Americans seem to be yearning for the managed decline best exemplified by European governments. I just have a hard time believing that DeSantis or Haley wouldn’t be looking at a similarly tight race.

I still think this is a 50/50 race and am not as pessimistic as you but the fact that Harris has been able to open up a popular vote lead in such a short time should make even the most confident Trump let take a pause.
You’re a far left poster in a bubble. She’s horrible. An empty pant suit of avg intellect at best who is incredibly annoying with her inane cackle. Her policies will be squad garbage. Equity of outcome bs. Terrible candidate that wasn’t voted into this opp - fitting
She’ll be so freaking terrible that once Trump is out of the equation I think the Pubs can put a squirrel in the race in 2028 and win. A Harris win and a Republican congress will ensure that she can’t cause too much damage and the man who has hikacked the Pubs for 8 years will be gone. That may be the best we can hope for
If he posts stuff like this being back on Twitter could be a help to him. But eventually he’s gonna fire off some late night rants and we’ll realize it was better when he was better off on truth.
I would assume Wiles is vetting all Tweets before they post.
She’ll be so freaking terrible that once Trump is out of the equation I think the Pubs can put a squirrel in the race in 2028 and win. A Harris win and a Republican congress will ensure that she can’t cause too much damage and the man who has hikacked the Pubs for 8 years will be gone. That may be the best we can hope for
She’s full of shit. Her record is extremely liberal. Any attempt to disavow her history is just a bait and switch. 4 years of equity of outcomes identity politics and race baiting is what we’ll get.
She’s full of shit. Her record is extremely liberal. Any attempt to disavow her history is just a bait and switch. 4 years of equity of outcomes identity politics and race baiting is what we’ll get.
She's on tape stating that we don't say Merry Christmas in this country and we can't call the 9/11 hijackers terrorists but yeah she's a moderate.
Yep Harris will win tho. It’ll be close but she’ll win. Money to trump’s campaign is a waste. Give it to the other races. Harris is basically a moron but she’s functioning. Biden was simply unfit. I suspect some folks recognized you can’t vote for that and feel okay about voting for harris. Trump lost when Biden got swapped out. And it doesn’t matter that it’s Harris. Just a D. A D that is functioning, which Biden was not.
Wake up Murt and keep fighting. They want you to doom. Don't fall for it.

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I am better off than when he was president. My 401(k) and savings are all significantly in better spots. Plus, I don’t have to wear a mask around people or stay away from crowds. I also stand to make a lot more in selling my house now than at any time during Trump’s presidency.

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