Happy Juneteenth!


Sep 7, 2023

I started reading this and thought "hey, something written for us to all rally around. Great." Then it turns into a campaign speech (gross), and then ends with this rhetoric:

On Juneteenth, may we celebrate the essence of freedom that galvanized the country, the progress we have made in our Nation, and all that is possible when we march forward together. May we all recommit to redeeming the very soul of America — choosing love over hate, unity over division, and progress over retreat. [Yay! Good stuff!]

NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR., President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim June 19, 2024, as Juneteenth Day of Observance. I call upon the people of the United States to acknowledge and condemn the history of slavery in our Nation and recognize how the impact of America’s original sin remains. I call on every American to celebrate Juneteenth [weird; you're "calling" on people to "celebrate?" How about "honor" or "acknowledge?"] and recommit to working together to eradicate systemic racism and inequity in our society wherever they find it. [Oh boy. So we have to buy into the anti-racist theory of systemic racism (yes, that's what he's referring to) to buy into Juneteenth? Ugh--this kind of rhetoric, even if you believe it, drives division, not unity. Why not make it a way to celebrate the fact that the nation has advanced, improved on race relations, people who were not slaves fought and died and freed slaves and that that was a good thing?]

I started reading this and thought "hey, something written for us to all rally around. Great." Then it turns into a campaign speech (gross), and then ends with this rhetoric:

On Juneteenth, may we celebrate the essence of freedom that galvanized the country, the progress we have made in our Nation, and all that is possible when we march forward together. May we all recommit to redeeming the very soul of America — choosing love over hate, unity over division, and progress over retreat. [Yay! Good stuff!]

NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR., President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim June 19, 2024, as Juneteenth Day of Observance. I call upon the people of the United States to acknowledge and condemn the history of slavery in our Nation and recognize how the impact of America’s original sin remains. I call on every American to celebrate Juneteenth [weird; you're "calling" on people to "celebrate?" How about "honor" or "acknowledge?"] and recommit to working together to eradicate systemic racism and inequity in our society wherever they find it. [Oh boy. So we have to buy into the anti-racist theory of systemic racism (yes, that's what he's referring to) to buy into Juneteenth? Ugh--this kind of rhetoric, even if you believe it, drives division, not unity. Why not make it a way to celebrate the fact that the nation has advanced, improved on race relations, people who were not slaves fought and died and freed slaves and that that was a good thing?]

he's pandering but it resonates with communities who don't feel they've advanced at the same pace as the nation.

is it controversial to say that slavery lead us to, despite advancements, the uneven ground we are on today? silly that it would be.

I started reading this and thought "hey, something written for us to all rally around. Great." Then it turns into a campaign speech (gross), and then ends with this rhetoric:

On Juneteenth, may we celebrate the essence of freedom that galvanized the country, the progress we have made in our Nation, and all that is possible when we march forward together. May we all recommit to redeeming the very soul of America — choosing love over hate, unity over division, and progress over retreat. [Yay! Good stuff!]

NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR., President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim June 19, 2024, as Juneteenth Day of Observance. I call upon the people of the United States to acknowledge and condemn the history of slavery in our Nation and recognize how the impact of America’s original sin remains. I call on every American to celebrate Juneteenth [weird; you're "calling" on people to "celebrate?" How about "honor" or "acknowledge?"] and recommit to working together to eradicate systemic racism and inequity in our society wherever they find it. [Oh boy. So we have to buy into the anti-racist theory of systemic racism (yes, that's what he's referring to) to buy into Juneteenth? Ugh--this kind of rhetoric, even if you believe it, drives division, not unity. Why not make it a way to celebrate the fact that the nation has advanced, improved on race relations, people who were not slaves fought and died and freed slaves and that that was a good thing?]

Would love to believe we are all marching together starting with putting aside, even for just one day, that this is a presidential election year
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I started reading this and thought "hey, something written for us to all rally around. Great." Then it turns into a campaign speech (gross), and then ends with this rhetoric:

On Juneteenth, may we celebrate the essence of freedom that galvanized the country, the progress we have made in our Nation, and all that is possible when we march forward together. May we all recommit to redeeming the very soul of America — choosing love over hate, unity over division, and progress over retreat. [Yay! Good stuff!]

NOW, THEREFORE, I, JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR., President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim June 19, 2024, as Juneteenth Day of Observance. I call upon the people of the United States to acknowledge and condemn the history of slavery in our Nation and recognize how the impact of America’s original sin remains. I call on every American to celebrate Juneteenth [weird; you're "calling" on people to "celebrate?" How about "honor" or "acknowledge?"] and recommit to working together to eradicate systemic racism and inequity in our society wherever they find it. [Oh boy. So we have to buy into the anti-racist theory of systemic racism (yes, that's what he's referring to) to buy into Juneteenth? Ugh--this kind of rhetoric, even if you believe it, drives division, not unity. Why not make it a way to celebrate the fact that the nation has advanced, improved on race relations, people who were not slaves fought and died and freed slaves and that that was a good thing?]
Leftists can't stop talking trash, even for that one day.

I'd love to hear Joe read "his" Proclamation.
“And so it was, that on this day, Juneteenth, that I signed, right here in the rectangle office, the emancipation proclamation ending the Second World War and freeing Jews to pursue the American dream. And guess what? (Whispering. we’re not done.). There’s more to do. GORBACHEV BRING DOWN THAT WALL!!!!!!”

The bank was closed this morning
As to slavery, I am sure that many of you think that

he's pandering but it resonates with communities who don't feel they've advanced at the same pace as the nation.

is it controversial to say that slavery lead us to, despite advancements, the uneven ground we are on today? silly that it would be.
definitely re uneven ground. blacks got screwed. they were 300 years late to the economic table. deprived intergenerational transfer of wealth. opportunity. Property. etc. but at this point we are 75 years in. multiple generations. we've had a black president. david steward is up at the trainwreck in westport having lunch with 7 billion dollars in the bank as a self-made black man. the excuses and pandering are beginning to get tiresome. the protections for race and benefits are endless at this point. more needs to be done but more accountability needs to begin to happen as well. the city is declining yet again in population and it's largely owing to black crime.
It’s time to start seeing a little accountability. A little less pointing the finger
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definitely re uneven ground. blacks got screwed. they were 300 years late to the economic table. deprived intergenerational transfer of wealth. opportunity. etc. but at this point we are 75 years in. multiple generations. we've had a black president. david steward is up at the trainwreck in westport having lunch with 7 billion dollars in the bank as a self-made black man. the excuses and pandering are beginning to get tiresome. the protections for race and benefits are endless at this point. more needs to be done but more accountability needs to begin to happen as well. the city is declining yet again in population and it's largely owing to black crime.
It’s time to start seeing a little accountability. A little less pointing the finger
Biden’s proclamation will fix it all. Don’t worry
“And so it was, that on this day, Juneteenth, that I signed, right here in the rectangle office, the emancipation proclamation ending the Second World War and freeing Jews to pursue the American dream. And guess what? (Whispering. we’re not done.). There’s more to do. GORBACHEV BRING DOWN THAT WALL!!!!!!”

The bank was closed this morning

Good one......problem is, you can't out-farce the farce.
definitely re uneven ground. blacks got screwed. they were 300 years late to the economic table. deprived intergenerational transfer of wealth. opportunity. etc. but at this point we are 75 years in. multiple generations. we've had a black president. david steward is up at the trainwreck in westport having lunch with 7 billion dollars in the bank as a self-made black man. the excuses and pandering are beginning to get tiresome. the protections for race and benefits are endless at this point. more needs to be done but more accountability needs to begin to happen as well. the city is declining yet again in population and it's largely owing to black crime.
It’s time to start seeing a little accountability. A little less pointing the finger

We needed a badass truthteller as the first black president, not Obama.
Leftists can't stop talking trash, even for that one day.

I'd love to hear Joe read "his" Proclamation.
Leftists… lol. Have you read or listened to Trump’s trash on such holidays as Memorial Day, Easter, Christmas? Never once can make it through without trashing people. That’s your guy.
As to slavery, I am sure that many of you think that


Some of the slave owners were kind enough to sleep with the slaves as can be seen on the television program "Finding Your Roots".

Fine people on both sides of the bed.
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Leftists… lol. Have you read or listened to Trump’s trash on such holidays as Memorial Day, Easter, Christmas? Never once can make it through without trashing people. That’s your guy.

Trump does talk a lot of trash. But he's one man. Your whole party is full of sh** 24/7. For proof, watch CNN or MSNBC any day of the week.........Or look what the Left has done with the national security state. Wake up.
definitely re uneven ground. blacks got screwed. they were 300 years late to the economic table. deprived intergenerational transfer of wealth. opportunity. Property. etc. but at this point we are 75 years in. multiple generations. we've had a black president. david steward is up at the trainwreck in westport having lunch with 7 billion dollars in the bank as a self-made black man. the excuses and pandering are beginning to get tiresome. the protections for race and benefits are endless at this point. more needs to be done but more accountability needs to begin to happen as well. the city is declining yet again in population and it's largely owing to black crime.
It’s time to start seeing a little accountability. A little less pointing the finger
Kind of off point a little, but you mentioned a black billionaire. What about the hundreds of black professional athletes who are making millions - many millions, in many cases.

Are they investing in their communities, or are they building/buying mansions with the rich white folk and living among them? I know some are involved in their communities, but are they starting businesses (other than Subway) and employing people in their old neighborhoods? Some are, I'm sure, but i'd guess the majority aren't.

Not only professional athletes, but celebrities.... there's a lot of money out there - a LOT - that could be reinvested into their old communities instead of competing with each other to see who can have the better car or yacht.
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Watching Euros in the pool with no clients blowing me up...

I celebrate my Texas forefathers for waiting for the day after my birthday to create Juneteenth. Best holiday ever.

Let's go!

Happy belated birthday!
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definitely re uneven ground. blacks got screwed. they were 300 years late to the economic table. deprived intergenerational transfer of wealth. opportunity. Property. etc. but at this point we are 75 years in. multiple generations. we've had a black president. david steward is up at the trainwreck in westport having lunch with 7 billion dollars in the bank as a self-made black man. the excuses and pandering are beginning to get tiresome. the protections for race and benefits are endless at this point. more needs to be done but more accountability needs to begin to happen as well. the city is declining yet again in population and it's largely owing to black crime.
It’s time to start seeing a little accountability. A little less pointing the finger

You know Dr Dre?
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he's pandering but it resonates with communities who don't feel they've advanced at the same pace as the nation.

is it controversial to say that slavery lead us to, despite advancements, the uneven ground we are on today? silly that it would be.
I've always wondered how one judges if they are advancing on pace with everyone else? What does that mean and what does it look like? Also does individual actions and decisions have an impact? I will use myself as an example.
I became a pastor which is not an economic boom. Sure, you have the tv preachers who make a lot. But I am not good enough looking for tv. When I compare myself with others from my high school class they have made a ton of money compared to me. Does this mean I am not advancing on pace with them?
There are those from my high school class who have gotten hooked on drugs and alcohol. They are far more poor than I am. Has America failed them because they have not advanced?
What if you compare the females from my class who got married, stayed married and built a life with their husbands. Their economic circumstance is far better than those women who had children out of wedlock and had to raise their children without any help. Has America failed them?
I wish people would think about these things far more. Point to one law on the books today which favors one race rather than another? If the laws are there to promote white supremacy then which ones are? Also if they exist then why do Asians seem to prosper very well in America? Why do Cubans who come here flourish? If these laws exist they aren't doing a very good job if they were meant to bring white supremacy to the land.
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I've always wondered how one judges if they are advancing on pace with everyone else? What does that mean and what does it look like? Also does individual actions and decisions have an impact? I will use myself as an example.
I became a pastor which is not an economic boom. Sure, you have the tv preachers who make a lot. But I am not good enough looking for tv. When I compare myself with others from my high school class they have made a ton of money compared to me. Does this mean I am not advancing on pace with them?
There are those from my high school class who have gotten hooked on drugs and alcohol. They are far more poor than I am. Has America failed them because they have not advanced?
What if you compare the females from my class who got married, stayed married and built a life with their husbands. Their economic circumstance is far better than those women who had children out of wedlock and had to raise their children without any help. Has America failed them?
I wish people would think about these things far more. Point to one law on the books today which favors one race rather than another? If the laws are there to promote white supremacy then which ones are? Also if they exist then why do Asians seem to prosper very well in America? Why do Cubans who come here flourish? If these laws exist they aren't doing a very good job if they were meant to bring white supremacy to the land.
It’s not politically prudent to pander to Asians. There’s your answer
The store still obviously does a daily deposit and occasionally I'm asked to do it. It's now all twentysomething guys. No doubt all with Kelley degrees, buried in debt.
That's disappointing.
No shit. I quit going inside and now just use the drive up.
I went in to a newer Chase branch her to cash a check, which I could have done through the ATM, but this check was kind of illegible.

So, I walk in and..... nobody is there. The lobby is empty. I don't even see where any tellers. Just a couple of offices. Finally one gal comes out and asks if I need help. I tell her I need to deposit a check and she points around the corner, where there are 2 teller windows, but no tellers. I have to wait until one of the guys is done with their customer to come to the window to help me.

Very weird. I felt like the place was being robbed and I was the only one who didn't know.
I've always wondered how one judges if they are advancing on pace with everyone else? What does that mean and what does it look like? Also does individual actions and decisions have an impact? I will use myself as an example.
I became a pastor which is not an economic boom. Sure, you have the tv preachers who make a lot. But I am not good enough looking for tv. When I compare myself with others from my high school class they have made a ton of money compared to me. Does this mean I am not advancing on pace with them?
There are those from my high school class who have gotten hooked on drugs and alcohol. They are far more poor than I am. Has America failed them because they have not advanced?
What if you compare the females from my class who got married, stayed married and built a life with their husbands. Their economic circumstance is far better than those women who had children out of wedlock and had to raise their children without any help. Has America failed them?
I wish people would think about these things far more. Point to one law on the books today which favors one race rather than another? If the laws are there to promote white supremacy then which ones are? Also if they exist then why do Asians seem to prosper very well in America? Why do Cubans who come here flourish? If these laws exist they aren't doing a very good job if they were meant to bring white supremacy to the land.
Quality post!

Serving your congregation, spreading His word, and knowing Him is Life.

None of the other virtue signalling has any meaning.

It only rationalizes failure..
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I've always wondered how one judges if they are advancing on pace with everyone else? What does that mean and what does it look like? Also does individual actions and decisions have an impact? I will use myself as an example.
I became a pastor which is not an economic boom. Sure, you have the tv preachers who make a lot. But I am not good enough looking for tv. When I compare myself with others from my high school class they have made a ton of money compared to me. Does this mean I am not advancing on pace with them?
There are those from my high school class who have gotten hooked on drugs and alcohol. They are far more poor than I am. Has America failed them because they have not advanced?
What if you compare the females from my class who got married, stayed married and built a life with their husbands. Their economic circumstance is far better than those women who had children out of wedlock and had to raise their children without any help. Has America failed them?
I wish people would think about these things far more. Point to one law on the books today which favors one race rather than another? If the laws are there to promote white supremacy then which ones are? Also if they exist then why do Asians seem to prosper very well in America? Why do Cubans who come here flourish? If these laws exist they aren't doing a very good job if they were meant to bring white supremacy to the land.
Perhaps the White Supremacy Boogeyman teamed with the Southern Border Boogeyman to show us all what's what!