Unless you're the guy that made the last bad play.ND QB threw one not long before that, so the game could have gone either way and blamed on an interception. Games should never be thought of as the result of one play.
What an ending.
Unless you're the guy that made the last bad play.ND QB threw one not long before that, so the game could have gone either way and blamed on an interception. Games should never be thought of as the result of one play.
OSU is favored over TX so very well could happen.I rarely watch a game that I honestly don’t care who wins but this one was. Either the B1G one or the team that beat us. Will be pretty cool if both teams who beat us are in title game!
I did hear that but was only half-listening. I don't pay much attention to the announcers as a lot of what they say is either blindingly obvious even to a casual watcher like me, or seems to be absolute idiocy. They just have to be talking continuously so they say whatever random shit crosses their mind.btw did anyone hear the color guy explaining how it would be a bad move for ND to run it into the endzone for a touchdown with 30 second remaining, and a better strategy would be to take a knee at the 5 yr line, run down the clock and kick the field goal? I know I'm getting old but I just started yelling all sorts of shit at the TV when he tried to explain that strategy.