Get your popcorn ready for these fireworks: Iran launches ballistic missile, defying UN

The real issue has to do with Israel. If you are an Israelite and you read this story you would be fearful because those people in Iran want Israel dead.

To clarify, you are referring to many of the clerics and party in power, not necessarily common citizens in Iran.
Hardly an alt-fact hoot. Iran was getting crushed.

The end of economic sanctions on Iran would mean a 14 percent drop in world oil prices and a $15 billion boost in Iranian oil revenue, according to a World Bank report.

The report said that lifting sanctions — which would give Iran access to frozen assets the Obama administration estimates at roughly $56 billion — would create a “windfall” that Iran could use to resurrect its oil fields, revive domestic industries such as auto and pharmaceutical manufacturing, and reduce widespread unemployment.

Additional help for Iran’s economy could come from foreign investment, which the World Bank predicted would climb to as much as $3.5 billion in a couple of years, double this year’s level but still below the peak in 2003.

That's all extremely interesting, but it doesn't support your alt-fact.
To clarify, you are referring to many of the clerics and party in power, not necessarily common citizens in Iran.

Nah...that's not how Van rolls. Whenever Van is talking about something scary he is referring to "those people."
That's all extremely interesting, but it doesn't support your alt-fact.

I suppose that depends on what you choose to believe. The US was so close to witnessing a successful rebellion in 2011 that would have potentially ousted the religious right (Iran's problem) from power. I contend that if Obama had kept the pressure on and refused to change on sanctions, we could have pushed it over the top for the more secular, good people of Iran (not the one's Van was referring to).
I suppose that depends on what you choose to believe. The US was so close to witnessing a successful rebellion in 2011 that would have potentially ousted the religious right (Iran's problem) from power. I contend that if Obama had kept the pressure on and refused to change on sanctions, we could have pushed it over the top for the more secular, good people of Iran (not the one's Van was referring to).

Then that would be your alt-opinion.

And Van's words speak loudly for himself. It's my opinion that he doesn't understand the difference between the groups of people you are discussing.
Sanctions are working again...