Gameday Chili


Oct 4, 2010
I call this my "1850 Compromise" chili.

I've doubled the meat, and cut the beans in half. The radicals like TMP would still not recognize it as "true" chili, but more reasonable anti-beaners would probably accept it as a decent middle ground.

I do not know exactly what the spices are. I'm using a dry spice mix my sister put together, helpfully labeled as "Sister Goat's Colon Cleansin' Chili Powder."

Can't beat this cold, and I don't want to mix Sudafed with beer, and I don't want to watch the game tonight sober, so I figured the next best thing to pseudoephedrine would be a shit ton of chile pepper. While the meat and beans were simmering in the spices, I started the tomato sauce (tomato paste/rotel/salt/water/more spices) and added a few (read: ten or twelve) healthy dashes of Tapatio, as well.

Gameday lentil soup

Ate too much over the holiday.

Neighbors and their incessant food giving.
"Reasonable anti-beaners"? Really? You're catering recipes towards racists?

But only if they raise some legitimate border control arguments?
fwiw - I love the bean!

C-$ is the bean hater.

anyways, "anti-beaners" can be taken three different ways, and one is racist.
Wife made some potato soup

Threw in a bunch of asparagus, kale and other chit to make it healthy. Was delicious especially on a cold night. Hearty meal and the kids even liked it.