Free Speech

Kudos to Vance and he is spot on here. Europe should be aligning with Western values if we’re going to be supporting them with U.S. tax dollars.
I'm as near a free speech absolutist as you can reasonably be, but I don't understand why our military alliances/foreign policy should be affected by other nation's commitment to that principle.

Germany, for example, has outlawed Nazi speech that would never fly here:

Should we distance ourselves from them because of this? I don't think so, even though I would fight to defend a person's right in the US to say those things without govt. censorship, even if I despise and vehemently disagree with the substance.

On other issues/values, though, I think it's worth questioning how much aid we should give to foreign governments that oppress their own people (see the Middle East, South America, etc.).
I'd like to know what was actually said by this EU official. Smells like bullshit to me.
Here’s the dystopian letter from the EU official.

And here’s a UK official talking about extraditing citizens of other countries for mean tweets.

Europe is a beautiful museum. Not much else.
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Kudos to Vance and he is spot on here. Europe should be aligning with Western values if we’re going to be supporting them with U.S. tax dollars.
We wouldn't have a single ally on earth if we required them to line up with our values 100%.

Also, outside of Ukraine, how much of our tax dollars are going to Europe?
You've spent a lot of time in Europe? All 40+ countries? Which one is your favorite and least favorite?
Theoretical. He hasn’t visited them all. Maybe any. He’s basically like our Will Hunting. Let him get some real life experience under his belt to go with those book smarts, business acumen, and common sense and we’ll be in the front row to witness the creation of a titan
You've spent a lot of time in Europe? All 40+ countries? Which one is your favorite and least favorite?
Fool. My comment was pertaining to the idea of historical major European powers being a declining cultural and economic force. Which is objectively true.

I don’t want to horse trade with you about who has spent more time in Europe like an annoying college kid who just got back from study abroad.

I’ll only say that I’ve spent enough time there to be secure in the knowledge that the U.S. is superior. And no amount of 14th century landmarks can paper over what they lack.
Theoretical. He hasn’t visited them all. Maybe any. He’s basically like our Will Hunting. Let him get some real life experience under his belt to go with those book smarts, business acumen, and common sense and we’ll be in the front row to witness the creation of a titan
I'm betting know it all trust fund kid.
I do not have a trust fund although I don’t begrudge wealthy families and how they decide to allocate their capital.

I would advise you worry less about the perceived wealth and social status of others. Not only is it unbecoming, but it is a shitty, destructive mindset with which to go through life.
You were killing it until "shitty". Killed the vibe for me.
I'm as near a free speech absolutist as you can reasonably be, but I don't understand why our military alliances/foreign policy should be affected by other nation's commitment to that principle.

Germany, for example, has outlawed Nazi speech that would never fly here:

Should we distance ourselves from them because of this? I don't think so, even though I would fight to defend a person's right in the US to say those things without govt. censorship, even if I despise and vehemently disagree with the substance.

On other issues/values, though, I think it's worth questioning how much aid we should give to foreign governments that oppress their own people (see the Middle East, South America, etc.).
Correct, and it's also overblown handwringing.
I'm as near a free speech absolutist as you can reasonably be, but I don't understand why our military alliances/foreign policy should be affected by other nation's commitment to that principle.

Germany, for example, has outlawed Nazi speech that would never fly here:

Should we distance ourselves from them because of this? I don't think so, even though I would fight to defend a person's right in the US to say those things without govt. censorship, even if I despise and vehemently disagree with the substance.

On other issues/values, though, I think it's worth questioning how much aid we should give to foreign governments that oppress their own people (see the Middle East, South America, etc.).
It should have been noted from the beginning that both Snarl and Cernovich were unable to distinguish between "Western" values and "American" values.

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