
We've got the Mandalorian. What more does he need?
Whatever he wants. VBucks for a birthday or holiday gift will get him a long way.

Friday night it was a blizzard out so I let my kid FaceTime play with his friends. Five of them played for hours and just laughed and had a good time the whole time.
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That's great. I hate the builders. My son says I need to learn how to "crank 90s" whatever the hell that means.
I suck at the building. You have to put in a bunch of time to get good at that. In the early game if I take a shot at someone and they proceed to build the Empire State building, I just nope out. My oldest will get into those builder fights that give you motion sickness to watch.

I do the challenges with the kids to help out.
I suck at the building. You have to put in a bunch of time to get good at that. In the early game if I take a shot at someone and they proceed to build the Empire State building, I just nope out. My oldest will get into those builder fights that give you motion sickness to watch.

I do the challenges with the kids to help out.
My understanding is that PC players have a building advantage over console players but the reverse is true for aiming/shooting. Who knows - could be a wive’s tale.
My understanding is that PC players have a building advantage over console players but the reverse is true for aiming/shooting. Who knows - could be a wive’s tale.
PC have an advantage at both. They set hot keys for building so as quickly as you can hit those hotkeys is as quick as you can build.

You can't do that as well with a controller. Aiming with the PC is actually better to but the consoles get a buff that helps auto aim a little bit to even that out.
PC have an advantage at both. They set hot keys for building so as quickly as you can hit those hotkeys is as quick as you can build.

You can't do that as well with a controller. Aiming with the PC is actually better to but the consoles get a buff that helps auto aim a little bit to even that out.
That pic of the gamer kid with the faux moustache and tricked out keyboard is going to haunt my dream tonight.
PC have an advantage at both. They set hot keys for building so as quickly as you can hit those hotkeys is as quick as you can build.

You can't do that as well with a controller. Aiming with the PC is actually better to but the consoles get a buff that helps auto aim a little bit to even that out.
I had no idea Pokemon dubstep music was a thing.
That pic of the gamer kid with the faux moustache and tricked out keyboard is going to haunt my dream tonight.
Fireflies. Always keep some fireflies so when you come upon those people you just toss those and watch it burn. That little Stinger SMG is decent at getting through the builds too.

Avoid early and then burn them out when the circle has closed in. That's about the only way I have success at that point.
PC have an advantage at both. They set hot keys for building so as quickly as you can hit those hotkeys is as quick as you can build.

You can't do that as well with a controller. Aiming with the PC is actually better to but the consoles get a buff that helps auto aim a little bit to even that out.
I guess the silver lining is that console players don’t end up in the same pool as PC players or do they?
I guess the silver lining is that console players don’t end up in the same pool as PC players or do they?
Yeah everyone is thrown in together but there is supposed to be skills based matchmaking so that people like you and I who probably play with the kids here and there don't get thrown in with guys like in that video who play hundreds of hours a month.
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Good for you. It's not easy finding a game you both like . I don't like the Switch and most of the Xbox games are M. We played Red Dead a while, and the car racing game Forza or whatever it's called, a new Donkey Kong and a few others but she reverts back to Minecraft and I leave her to it. I've been trying to find something for shitty weather days. I want to get Flight Simulator real bad but she says it looks too boring.

I would like to note my daughter (15, no) and I did get three games of backgammon in tonight. We race to 11 points for $5. I’m up 7-4 currently. She disdains video games and likes math. There’s hope yet.
I used to miss class all the time in college because of backgammon. My kids never liked it, so I haven’t played in a long time.
(Slick AOTF reference, btw.)
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You know what's funny about kids and all this video game shit. I guess it's all signed up for with my email account so I'm bombarded with stupid video game emails all day. The MineCraft New Year Celebration Continues! Don't miss the latest from Animal Crossing!!!
I long ago sacrificed my gmail account to every g*ddamn thing under the sun. I currently have over 40,000 unread emails. I'm at 50% of the allowed storage capacity. I have no plans to do anything about this.
I long ago sacrificed my gmail account to every g*ddamn thing under the sun. I currently have over 40,000 unread emails. I'm at 50% of the allowed storage capacity. I have no plans to do anything about this.
I like to enter my friend's email addresses for stuff that I know will get spammed.

I'd laugh about it more with them, but they always seem to forget to invite me out with them . . .