Fire him

He's going to enjoy some cigars on the golf course this weekend, and finish the day off playing some poker with the boys. F$%k him


What’s that you say? Another $1 million raise? Sounds great, Quinn! This shit easy, man. Just makes sure they get on the bus and get home? That the deal? I’ll take it!”
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Woodson didn't miss wide open 3's down the stretch, Goode, Galloway, Carlyle, etc...did. Woodson didn't get beat off the dribble, Woodson didn't close out on 3's. But Woodson did put this team together.
In the second half, Woodson stopped playing Reneau and Ballo at the same time. Nebraska started seriously driving to the basket.
We are going to always play the what if game…what if IU would have moved off Woody last year and hired Dusty May.
It might be the "what if" game....then again, it might be the "wtf" game. It is truly unconscienable what has happened to this program. Its been the Chinese "death by a thousand paper cuts"....and somebody keeps supplying more paper.
We are going to always play the what if game…what if IU would have moved off Woody last year and hired Dusty May.
Obviously you can always play that game. Clearly we should’ve made a move and hired him. But what if we hire the guy from Drake and he ends up being better? It’s possible. We are beyond due for some good luck.
It might be the "what if" game....then again, it might be the "wtf" game. It is truly unconscienable what has happened to this program. Its been the Chinese "death by a thousand paper cuts"....and somebody keeps supplying more paper.
Painful couple of decades, yes.
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Woodson had a coach that made him a better player. These kids do not.

Time to move on.
I don't disagree with your thoughts but they cannot move on until the results speak for themselves. That may happen before the season ends or it may not.
I think its harder for a program to go from relevant to irrelevant, then back to relevance again; than it is to go from irrelevance to relevance. The ancient success of the program is a millstone around the neck; because it produces a false sense of security and current success. Woody demonstrates the former, and CCC demonstrates the latter. There has to be a vision, accountability, a commitment to excellence and hard work by all hands on deck including the coaches. Again, CCC is show and tell in this regard. Woody seems to lack all of the above.....and frankly, so do his superiors.
I think its harder for a program to go from relevant to irrelevant, then back to relevance again; than it is to go from irrelevance to relevance. The ancient success of the program is a millstone around the neck; because it produces a false sense of security and current success. Woody demonstrates the former, and CCC demonstrates the latter. There has to be a vision, accountability, a commitment to excellence and hard work by all hands on deck including the coaches. Again, CCC is show and tell in this regard. Woody seems to lack all of the above.....and frankly, so do his superiors.
i wonder if woody ever talks to coach cig. maybe get a few pointers? nevermind. stupid question.
I think its harder for a program to go from relevant to irrelevant, then back to relevance again; than it is to go from irrelevance to relevance. The ancient success of the program is a millstone around the neck; because it produces a false sense of security and current success. Woody demonstrates the former, and CCC demonstrates the latter. There has to be a vision, accountability, a commitment to excellence and hard work by all hands on deck including the coaches. Again, CCC is show and tell in this regard. Woody seems to lack all of the above.....and frankly, so do his superiors.
I think that depends on the individual program and what resources are available to make a program relevant, or relevant again. We still have everything in place that made us great (fertile recruiting ground, money, facilities, fan/alumni base). The only thing we have lacked is a coach that is able to take advantage of it all.