Fauci Lied People Died


Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2019
"They drafted a paper suggesting a natural evolution, but even among themselves, they could not agree on the likeliest scenario. "

why would fauci do that? if it's unknown, blocked by obstacles, spoliation, politicized why take that leap. Next time just let the eye doctor from the commonwealth ask the questions. i can't believe fauci got a documentary.

Sorry ABC News. Not good enough.

These mainstream outlets coming out years after the fact and equivocating.

"It was a confusing and scary time, no one knew what was going on"

Publishing all this evidence of Chinese concealment years after the fact. Where was this curiosity at the time?

Instead we got slurs. "Conspiracy theorist!" "Anti-vaxers!" "Racist!"

A total unquestioning, defense of the American Medical establishment and denigration of anyone that stood in the way of its preferred response.

When faced with a potential calamity, their response was to back those willing to turn the authoritarian up to 100. And they should never be forgiven for that.
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Sorry ABC News. Not good enough.

These mainstream outlets coming out years after the fact and equivocating.

"It was a confusing and scary time, no one knew what was going on"

Publishing all this evidence of Chinese concealment years after the fact. Where was this curiosity at the time?

Instead we got slurs. "Conspiracy theorist!" "Anti-vaxers!" "Racist!"

A total unquestioning, defense of the American Medical establishment and denigration of anyone that stood in the way of its preferred response.

When faced with a calamity, their response was to back those willing to turn the authoritarian up to 100. And they should never be forgiven for that.
"They drafted a paper suggesting a natural evolution, but even among themselves, they could not agree on the likeliest scenario. "

why would fauci do that? if it's unknown, blocked by obstacles, spoliation, politicized why take that leap. Next time just let the eye doctor from the commonwealth ask the questions. i can't believe fauci got a documentary.

And I assume you’re being facetious and know exactly why they did that. Fauci’s NIH was funding this lab in a round about way and he knew that immediately.

This evil bastard spent the entire pandemic playing CYA. Even willing to try and discredit and destroy the careers of other scientists in the process.

What a piece of shit. No wonder OS idolizes him.
Sorry ABC News. Not good enough.

These mainstream outlets coming out years after the fact and equivocating.

"It was a confusing and scary time, no one knew what was going on"

Publishing all this evidence of Chinese concealment years after the fact. Where was this curiosity at the time?

Instead we got slurs. "Conspiracy theorist!" "Anti-vaxers!" "Racist!"

A total unquestioning, defense of the American Medical establishment and denigration of anyone that stood in the way of its preferred response.

When faced with a calamity, their response was to back those willing to turn the authoritarian up to 100. And they should never be forgiven for that.
Anyone with "half" a brain knew something was up, but don't try and preach that. Many bought in 100% what they were "told". So much so WE walk around outside these days and see people fully masked up. SMH.
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And I assume you’re being facetious and know exactly why they did that. Fauci’s NIH was funding this lab in a round about way and he knew that immediately.

This evil bastard spent the entire pandemic playing CYA. Even willing to try and discredit and destroy the careers of other scientists in the process.

What a piece of shit. No wonder OS idolizes him.
Damn straight he did and he ruined everyone that went against. Remember the phone call, Bob Redfield was telling it like it is and Fauci clearly interfered and created an entire narrative.
Trump propping fauci up with such a prominent role was a major failure
As much as Trump critics consider him a rogue that won’t listen to anybody. During Covid it’s listening to people that did him in.

He took Xi’s assurances at face value. He let Fauci call the shots.

And he didn’t realize he had been bamboozled until it was too late.
As much as Trump critics consider him a rogue that won’t listen to anybody. During Covid it’s listening to people that did him in.

He took Xi’s assurances at face value. He let Fauci call the shots.

And he didn’t realize he had been bamboozled until it was too late.
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Hindsight even better than 20/20 in this thread.

Also, just from a CYA perspective, our "ban" on gain of function research had literally just ended in 2018 so we (the US) probably ramped that shit back up. Was that being done in Wuhan for the WHO? Maybe/probably.

Was our assertion that COVID didn't emanate from a lab our effort to cover up the work we (again, the US) were doing in this field?
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"They drafted a paper suggesting a natural evolution, but even among themselves, they could not agree on the likeliest scenario. "

why would fauci do that? if it's unknown, blocked by obstacles, spoliation, politicized why take that leap. Next time just let the eye doctor from the commonwealth ask the questions. i can't believe fauci got a documentary.

That's an interesting article, but it's hard to fathom how you get your hot take from it.
"They drafted a paper suggesting a natural evolution, but even among themselves, they could not agree on the likeliest scenario. "

why would fauci do that? if it's unknown, blocked by obstacles, spoliation, politicized why take that leap. Next time just let the eye doctor from the commonwealth ask the questions. i can't believe fauci got a documentary.

It was clear from the get go that China was covering up. What wasn’t so clear was Fauci’s collaboration. As soon as Trump said “China virus” the democrats and the media pounced and politicized the the pandemic. Fauci quickly became the Democrat good guy.

The whole pandemic response, especially considering all the “emergency” election leniency measures were a product of an absent press and an unaccountable, unelected, and in some cases, corrupted government.
"They drafted a paper suggesting a natural evolution, but even among themselves, they could not agree on the likeliest scenario. "

why would fauci do that? if it's unknown, blocked by obstacles, spoliation, politicized why take that leap. Next time just let the eye doctor from the commonwealth ask the questions. i can't believe fauci got a documentary.

The blame game, etc. is interesting and the response to legitimate scientific inquiry in 2020-23 should be concerning to everyone.

But the most important aspect of this whole issue is here:

. . . WHO chief Tedros said that it was “premature” to rule out the lab leak theory, saying such lab accidents were common,” and pressed China to be more transparent."

If lab leaks are common and we have the tech to modify viruses to make them more deadly, we need to have a world-wide treaty on how to handle these things regardless of covid's origins. There is no containing an outbreak in today's world.

To me, this issue is now as important as nuclear proliferation.
The blame game, etc. is interesting and the response to legitimate scientific inquiry in 2020-23 should be concerning to everyone.

But the most important aspect of this whole issue is here:

. . . WHO chief Tedros said that it was “premature” to rule out the lab leak theory, saying such lab accidents were common,” and pressed China to be more transparent."

If lab leaks are common and we have the tech to modify viruses to make them more deadly, we need to have a world-wide treaty on how to handle these things regardless of covid's origins. There is no containing an outbreak in today's world.

To me, this issue is now as important as nuclear proliferation.
"They drafted a paper suggesting a natural evolution, but even among themselves, they could not agree on the likeliest scenario. "

why would fauci do that? if it's unknown, blocked by obstacles, spoliation, politicized why take that leap. Next time just let the eye doctor from the commonwealth ask the questions. i can't believe fauci got a documentary.

Keep politics off The Hoosier.
"They drafted a paper suggesting a natural evolution, but even among themselves, they could not agree on the likeliest scenario. "

why would fauci do that? if it's unknown, blocked by obstacles, spoliation, politicized why take that leap. Next time just let the eye doctor from the commonwealth ask the questions. i can't believe fauci got a documentary.

IMO a potential viral pandemic should be considered as being a threat to our national security.

A threat with which we should be prepared to respond just like a nuclear, chemical, or biological attack from an adversary.

Once under attack the important consideration should be how to respond and save lives. This requires having a plan to respond already in place. A plan to which all Americans are in agreement.

Not having a plan and turning the response into a political squabble is simply suicidal in my opinion.

So here we are as a country having faced what could have been a biological attack, and we still are playing politics over what our response should have been.

As to Fauci, did he lie, or did he do the best he could with what he knew ?

Now with hindsight and having experienced the attack what as a nation is our plan for a similar attack ?
IMO a potential viral pandemic should be considered as being a threat to our national security.

A threat with which we should be prepared to respond just like a nuclear, chemical, or biological attack from an adversary.

Once under attack the important consideration should be how to respond and save lives. This requires having a plan to respond already in place. A plan to which all Americans are in agreement.

Not having a plan and turning the response into a political squabble is simply suicidal in my opinion.

So here we are as a country having faced what could have been a biological attack, and we still are playing politics over what our response should have been.

As to Fauci, did he lie, or did he do the best he could with what he knew ?

Now with hindsight and having experienced the attack what as a nation is our plan for a similar attack ?
Fauci. My god where do we begin. Fauci lied and people died.

I have no idea hoot. My guess is fauci did what he thought was best. But he’s a science guy and they should be nowhere near the public or anyone setting policy. Agree on your other stuff. This gain of function and other research that poses a threat apparently needs greater policing. We should all insist upon same

Our gov was an abject failure during Covid. From white lies to politicalization to gross negligence by the agencies we dump obscene amounts of money into. You think Joe Biden is worrying about auditing them? Just immediately cut a check to WHO

First we need to get rid of Biden Harris and the identity appointments and get competent leaders.

People and business will always create jobs and keep the economy cookin. If gov could only do the basics…. Keep us safe. Water clean. Bridges repaired
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Fauci. My god where do we begin. Fauci lied and people died.

I have no idea hoot. My guess is fauci did what he thought was best. But he’s a science guy and they should be nowhere near the public or anyone setting policy. Agree on your other stuff. This gain of function and other research that poses a threat apparently needs greater policing. We should all insist upon same

Our gov was an abject failure during Covid. From white lies to politicalization to gross negligence by the agencies we dump obscene amounts of money into. You think Joe Biden is worrying about auditing them? Just immediately cut a check to WHO

First we need to get rid of Biden Harris and the identity appointments and get competent leaders.

People and business will always create jobs and keep the economy cookin. If gov could only do the basics…. Keep us safe. Water clean. Bridges repaired
You know what's crazy? Alex Jones predicted this sh!t in 2010 and then again in June 2018...LOL. I saw a Tucker/Rogan clip of all the crap this guy has got right and Covid was a biggie.
Fauci. My god where do we begin. Fauci lied and people died.

I have no idea hoot. My guess is fauci did what he thought was best. But he’s a science guy and they should be nowhere near the public or anyone setting policy. Agree on your other stuff. This gain of function and other research that poses a threat apparently needs greater policing. We should all insist upon same

Our gov was an abject failure during Covid. From white lies to politicalization to gross negligence by the agencies we dump obscene amounts of money into. You think Joe Biden is worrying about auditing them? Just immediately cut a check to WHO

First we need to get rid of Biden Harris and the identity appointments and get competent leaders.

People and business will always create jobs and keep the economy cookin. If gov could only do the basics…. Keep us safe. Water clean. Bridges repaired

MM66, maybe the day will come when the country places its faith in Artificial Intelligence to solve problems such as how to respond to a Covid pandemic.

Then again, if we cannot trust voting machines, rigged AI computers would probably be subject to conspiracy theories.
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You know what's crazy? Alex Jones predicted this sh!t in 2010 and then again in June 2018...LOL. I saw a Tucker/Rogan clip of all the crap this guy has got right and Covid was a biggie.
I’ve never read or heard anything from Alex jones. Is he the sandy hook guy?

Love ioe rogan and Dana white. White president Rogan vp. Let’s goooooo
MM66, maybe the day will come when the country places its faith in Artificial Intelligence to solve problems such as how to respond to a Covid pandemic.

Then again, if we cannot trust voting machines, rigged AI computers would probably be subject to conspiracy theories.
At this point I’d take Covid if it ended Burger King commercials. There has to be something we can do. I hope that co goes right out of Fing business. I can’t even think of one near me
At this point I’d take Covid if it ended Burger King commercials. There has to be something we can do. I hope that co goes right out of Fing business. I can’t even think of one near me
I've seen quite a few shuttered in the past few years. It's going to go BK in another way pretty soon, I would imagine.
I’ve never read or heard anything from Alex jones. Is he the sandy hook guy?

Love ioe rogan and Dana white. White president Rogan vp. Let’s goooooo
Listen for yourself...I don't watch him either, but this is pretty mind boggling. This is a great clip!

You know what's crazy? Alex Jones predicted this sh!t in 2010 and then again in June 2018...LOL. I saw a Tucker/Rogan clip of all the crap this guy has got right and Covid was a biggie.

Well ya, but Alex Jones uses a Ouija board and Fauci doesn't even have one.

Just not a fair comparison.
Then again, if we cannot trust voting machines, rigged AI computers would probably be subject to conspiracy theories.
Hoot it's funny you say that because when ChatGPT first allowed a person to get an account on their system I got one. Just to see if it was political I ask it to write a negative poem about Trump, Pence, Bush and another Republican or two and it wrote some pretty negative. poems I then ask it to write a negative poem about Biden, Harris, Hillary, and a couple other Democrats and it wouldn't do it. I haven't tried that in a long time so it may not be that way now. The reason I remember it so clearly is because about the time I was doing that a big shot from the company was being interviewed on TV and said they tried to not be political (paraphrasing). 😅
Hoot it's funny you say that because when ChatGPT first allowed a person to get an account on their system I got one. Just to see if it was political I ask it to write a negative poem about Trump, Pence, Bush and another Republican or two and it wrote some pretty negative. poems I then ask it to write a negative poem about Biden, Harris, Hillary, and a couple other Democrats and it wouldn't do it. I haven't tried that in a long time so it may not be that way now. The reason I remember it so clearly is because about the time I was doing that a big shot from the company was being interviewed on TV and said they tried to not be political (paraphrasing). 😅
Numerous articles describing early ChatG interactions.

Juxtaposition of racial types in questions regarding identity, social norms, primacy, elicited significantly different responses.

Who is surprised?

You will be assimilated.

Resistance is futile.
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  • Haha
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