But not a single person here, will have a say in who the new Coach will be.
What Dolson will gather all the info he needs, maybe thru a search team/group
But I feel it will include the following: The new Coach should be one who demands accountability for
A players action, demand integrity and respect for IU. Because what you do wrong reflects on the school.
A Coach that demands the rules he lays down be followed. You don’t like that, he will find players who will.
It is not all about the money. The thinking that wall we want are wins and titles no matter what, can’t be.
There has to be accountability at all points. Do it the right way. It may sound old school, but that is the way
It has to be done! Yes this is my opinion but I think it is the right way. No Short Cuts!!!
What Dolson will gather all the info he needs, maybe thru a search team/group
But I feel it will include the following: The new Coach should be one who demands accountability for
A players action, demand integrity and respect for IU. Because what you do wrong reflects on the school.
A Coach that demands the rules he lays down be followed. You don’t like that, he will find players who will.
It is not all about the money. The thinking that wall we want are wins and titles no matter what, can’t be.
There has to be accountability at all points. Do it the right way. It may sound old school, but that is the way
It has to be done! Yes this is my opinion but I think it is the right way. No Short Cuts!!!