Easy to end all of the guessing noise


Sep 28, 2002
If FG wants to keep Crean then just come out publicly and say it. His radio interview took zero questions on Crean's situation. He has moved the NIT game to an away game to avoid low attendance and I think negative crowd reactions. If he believes that Crean is the guy, he is going to have to man up and come out and have a presser and say he is all in and that no coaching changes are planned from his end.

His lack of clarity is what is causing some of the frustration. If he is going to continue to a 10th year just say it. Fans can vent and decide if they want to continue supporting the program but there won't be any doubt on where we are headed.
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If FG wants to keep Crean then just come out publicly and say it. His radio interview took zero questions on Crean's situation. He has moved the NIT game to an away game to avoid low attendance and I think negative crowd reactions. If he believes that Crean is the guy, he is going to have to man up and come out and have a presser and say he is all in and that no coaching changes are planned from his end.

His lack of clarity is what is causing some of the frustration. If he is going to continue to a 10th year just say it. Fans can vent and decide if they want to continue supporting the program but there won't be any doubt on where we are headed.

This is why I still have some hope. The recent JMV thing about Glass not wanting to get rid of Crean can mean that Crean is looking for another job. Who knows? In fact, if he was going to be kept, it makes more sense to have already said it. Get the wailing and gnashing of teeth out of the way early. Why wait?
If FG wants to keep Crean then just come out publicly and say it. His radio interview took zero questions on Crean's situation. He has moved the NIT game to an away game to avoid low attendance and I think negative crowd reactions. If he believes that Crean is the guy, he is going to have to man up and come out and have a presser and say he is all in and that no coaching changes are planned from his end.

His lack of clarity is what is causing some of the frustration. If he is going to continue to a 10th year just say it. Fans can vent and decide if they want to continue supporting the program but there won't be any doubt on where we are headed.

Fred Glass did that in 2014 and again in 2015 after the season was over and I think one year even late in the season. The sound of 'crickets' in Bloomington is what is frustrating IU fans. I believe that even with three years left on CTC's contract, due to the current environment around the mens basketball program, Fred needs to make a statement soon.

Otherwise I will think that his silence means either a deal is in the works in the background for a new coach or an extension is being worked on for CTC's contract. Remember in 2014, Fred said that CTC was "not the problem but the solution"

Those are some scary words and hard to go back on just three years later. Although with Fred Glass firing Wilson less than a year after giving him a 6 year extension ... all things are possible.
Or he just doesn't want to piss everyone off with games left to play. Waiting until after the season is over to spring the bad news might be preferable to him. After all there's still a chance we could host a 2nd round game.
This is why I still have some hope. The recent JMV thing about Glass not wanting to get rid of Crean can mean that Crean is looking for another job. Who knows? In fact, if he was going to be kept, it makes more sense to have already said it. Get the wailing and gnashing of teeth out of the way early. Why wait?

What on Earth could Glass be thinking?
What on Earth could Glass be thinking?

Glass could know that it is a certainty Crean is gone. But he wants to do it in such a way that everyone is able to save face. So soon after the season is done, Crean announces he is going to "pick a school" and thanks IU for a great 9 years. Glass then says, we appreciate Crean's 9 years and wish him well.

Nothing I have hard means the above is not possible. Not saying it's probable. I have no clue. But it is still possible.
Fred Glass did that in 2014 and again in 2015 after the season was over and I think one year even late in the season. The sound of 'crickets' in Bloomington is what is frustrating IU fans. I believe that even with three years left on CTC's contract, due to the current environment around the mens basketball program, Fred needs to make a statement soon.

Otherwise I will think that his silence means either a deal is in the works in the background for a new coach or an extension is being worked on for CTC's contract. Remember in 2014, Fred said that CTC was "not the problem but the solution"

Those are some scary words and hard to go back on just three years later. Although with Fred Glass firing Wilson less than a year after giving him a 6 year extension ... all things are possible.
He fired Wilson because he had no choice. I still believe he wants to do most anything to not have to fire crean.
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If FG wants to keep Crean then just come out publicly and say it. His radio interview took zero questions on Crean's situation. He has moved the NIT game to an away game to avoid low attendance and I think negative crowd reactions. If he believes that Crean is the guy, he is going to have to man up and come out and have a presser and say he is all in and that no coaching changes are planned from his end.

His lack of clarity is what is causing some of the frustration. If he is going to continue to a 10th year just say it. Fans can vent and decide if they want to continue supporting the program but there won't be any doubt on where we are headed. matter how soft and slowly he pumps the brakes on this bus....if it stops with Crean still onboard....IU will take a significant financial hit...some, if not much of it permanent.... matter how soft and slowly he pumps the brakes on this bus....if it stops with Crean still onboard....IU will take a significant financial hit...some, if not much of it permanent....
I don't disagree but if that is where he is headed, he might as well take his medicine. Nothing changes by waiting if he is going to retain Crean.
The football season ticket renewal deadline is March 31st.....He may not want to announce his horrible decision until after that. I am holding out my renewal and if nothing is announced or it is announced that he is coming back, they will lose my FB Tix, Baseball Tix, Basketball Tix, Soccer and $2,500 annual VC donation. I also will never go back. Not that this is a big amount in the grand scheme of things but having decent BBall seats is why I do it and as long as the Clapster is there, it is absolutely no fun.
I don't disagree but if that is where he is headed, he might as well take his medicine. Nothing changes by waiting if he is going to retain Crean.
I don't disagree but if that is where he is headed, he might as well take his medicine. Nothing changes by waiting if he is going to retain Crean.
Exactly I mean does he think by waiting people are going to be calmer about it? He has to know tons of people are furious and fed up with this. If he is going to run the program into the ground then just get on with it.
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Exactly I mean does he think by waiting people are going to be calmer about it? He has to know tons of people are furious and fed up with this. If he is going to run the program into the ground then just get on with it.
If it was a simple Crean is our guy, he would have already said that. There is something going on behind the scenes. Perhaps Crean asked for a window to look at other jobs or they are working on some sort of extension / non-extension that looks like a longer agreement to help Crean recruit but really just spreads out what they have with no additional buyout attached to it.

I think if they are really looking to hire someone else, that it would have already leaked. Too many trustees, friends of trustees, wives, etc. that eventually someone spills so the fact that we don't have anything leads me to believe they are not going that direction.
who hired Sampson?

who hired Crean?

why was Wilson fired?

IU seems pretty immune from leaks on anything.

where are the Russians when we need them.
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who hired Sampson?

who hired Crean?

why was Wilson fired?

IU seems pretty immune from leaks on anything.

where are the Russians when we need them.
Yes we need Russians. Wilson was about to be an embarrassment with possible legal implications. I believe he had been given some kind of Knight zero tolerance notice. When Crean was hired, it was a bit of a surprise but some of the folks that they approached like Tony B. were known and leaked. I don't recall the Sampson stuff too well so don't know what was being kicked around at that time. Wiki Leaks must be busy with other priorities.