White racist groups have been spreading this myth that Blacks are conducting a race war through crime for some time. Roof bought it. Bolding mine below:
Taylor’s claim that blacks consciously targeted whites and were, in fact, committing “hate crimes,” presupposed that all interracial crimes were acts of racial malice. While Taylor
suggested interracial crime was a rampant problem, the vast majority of violent crimes are intraracial, meaning victims and perpetrators are far likelier to be of the same race.
According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics report from 2000, among white victims of violent crime, 73 percent were attacked by other whites. Among black victims, 80 percent were victimized at the hands of another black person
The idea that black people are wantonly attacking white people in some sort of quiet race war is an untruthful and damaging narrative with a very long history in America.
Below is a link to a study from 1999 on it,
It was more than five times as likely that a white victim was attacked by a white offender than by a black offender and nearly seven times as likely that a black victim was attacked by a black offender.
The greatest risk to be an aggressor or a victim of crime is poverty. And it isn't just in America, it is true in China as well -
Blacks have more poverty, thus Blacks are more likely to commit crime AND more likely to be victims. All Dylan Roof really learned is that impoverished people commit more crimes and more Blacks are impoverished. Racists take those truisms and turn them into something far more.
If you want more on the subject:
The detail available in California crime statistics, as provided by the state Criminal Justice Statistics Center (2008) in a special data run, provide new opportunities for analysis of arrests by age, race/ethnicity, and offense type and homicide risk. The findings of this preliminary analysis suggest that high arrest and homicide rates found among California's young age groups, and also among Hispanics and African Americans into late middle age, are due much less to age or race per se than to high poverty rates adhering to age and race. Poverty level also is strongly linked to higher arrest and murder rates among older age groups. The evidence for the hypothesis that poverty, not age, best explains arrest and homicide rates is consistent across different measures. First, direct cross-tabulations of arrest and homicide rates by age group and poverty level reveal that where the sociodemographics of adults in their 30s, 40s, and 50s are similar to those of young people, middle and older adult ages also suffer sharply elevated rates of murder and arrest as well. California's patterns indicate that a population aged 35-44 or 45-54 whose characteristics were 51% male, 7% black, 43% Hispanic, and 16% in poverty, the typical characteristics of 15-24 year-olds-would display homicide mortality and violence and felony arrest rates much closer to those of 15-24 year-olds. Second, bivariate regression indicates that poverty level is associated with around 4 times more of the variance in arrest and homicide rates than is age.
Poor people, no matter their race, are more likely to commit crimes worldwide. And it isn't new, the article on China has this quote, Poverty is the mother of crime. —Marcus Aurelius
Dylan Roof hated Blacks because 73% of Whites are victims of violent crimes caused by other Whites.