Domestic Terrorism

I think you're splitting hairs. She was clearly opposed to more police on subways, whether because she didn't want fare-skippers busted or she conveniently ignored the board member's complaints about other crimes. It's in keeping with her ignorance on the group thefts that she didn't believe either. She's anti cop. That's why she didn't want more police.

The inference from her line of thinking in most matters crime is clearly that cops/courts criminalize poverty. And there is some truth to that - but her idealistic "understanding" of same is extremely limited and runs afoul of reality and common sense
Meh, we can debate what she really thinks forever, and I'm not here to defend her, anyway. I go back to my original point: The Fox News piece was crap, and that's what people are actually talking about, not anything she actually said or signed off on in that letter.
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Most of your post is BS and the hyperbole added about the old white lady just doesn't help.

If you want to tally up the racist terrorists ... your side would be big stack by far but go ahead and keep ignoring how radical half the GOP has become.

Look over there, a black guy did something wrong.. doesn't validate anything.

Also the caricature liberal created by Fox News, that you guys always point to, only exists in the warped minds of old radicalized white dudes.. it's propaganda.
You mean like the speech obama gave at a stupid dumbassed BLM rally hours before the cop killings in Dallas????? The systematic racism cops speech??? Yea, don't even go there. 5 dead officers and 6 wounded!!! AND F*ck blm!!!!!!!!! This BLM sh!t is a DIVIDER a true DIVIDER. Anyone who challenges that is stupid. F*ck obama! That sh!t angered me greatly. Obama...I did that! Yes you did.
We need more gun laws. #ghostguns
I have no problem with banning "ghost guns" ; problem is, as always, the criminals will continue finding ways to produce them (most likely coming from Mexico or just down in Vinny's basement turned light machine shop) while the law abiding guy will stop (which solves nothing)...

The more pertinent issue here was that the perp bought his handgun Legally at an Ohio pawn shop which means he had to go through an FBI background check (which is why the ATF could link the handgun to him so rapidly)....

Which begs the question: How does a guy who was on the Territorist Watch List as recently as 2019 and has a significant rap sheet get cleared by the FBI to own a handgun!!!

Nice work FBI, always good to know we can count on you...🙄😖😤

If only he'd been a registered Republican... 😉😎, they'd (the FBI) have had him face down in the pawn shop parking lot before he got his vehicle door open...
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I’d think he might have made a better choice than going to the subway if his only goal was to kill a bunch of white people.
You guys are so transparent with this, which was the point of the post to begin with. Why is it so damn hard to admit the obvious? The guy had over 40 hours of youtube videos where he was ranting and raving about evil white people (that suddenly violated TOS after the guy shot a bunch of people, they were a-o-****ing-kay with the guy's content until it would be discoverable and lead to obvious conclusions being drawn by the public). His Facebook page was full of the same.

Switch this guy's color, make him a White Nationalist, have him make and post over 40 hours of White Nationalist hate on YouTube (just kidding, no way in hell that is allowed to stay up long enough to accumulate almost 2 days worth of that content), have him have white nationalist memes and more on his personal social media page and then have him shoot up a Subway. Say he hits a few white people as he is very clearly just spraying bullets. Would you be making the same kind of deflections for him?

Don't bother answering that, we already know. So simple question, why do we ALWAYS make excuses when the ideology is similar but the face is black? I will tell you why, because about half of you have changed the definition for racism. Unhinged lunatics can spout this stuff, walk down the street shouting racist stuff at whites and hispanics (video of this guy doing that exists, bet you have not seen that on any of the media you frequent), and it just gets brushed under a rug. He did not have power or something so he is just a crank. Well the crank shot people. Well now he is just mentally unstable. Clearly. However, he was a mentally unstable man who was very clearly inspired by a certain ideology.

The ideology that says that these things are white (and the list can be any number of normal ass things that people of all colors do around the world, it doesn't matter), white bodies take up space and therefore do violence to black bodies, black bodies need separate spaces to decompress from the interactions with whites, whites have built an entire structure of society with the goal of holding blacks down, the entire history of the country was built on slavery and everything we all learned in school about freedom was a lie, we need to be racist in the present to atone for racism that happened in the are a smart woman, you see where this is going.
I guess I can applaud the OP for finally seeing a case of racism in America. Maybe they will see more now.

But let's ask this about our system, why was he legally allowed to buy/own guns? Doesn't that tell us something about our system that a guy with a long criminal record and very vile and racist presence is allowed to buy whatever the hell guns and ammo he wants?

Don't bother answering that, we already know. So simple question, why do we ALWAYS make excuses when the ideology is similar but the face is black? I will tell you why, because about half of you have changed the definition for racism. Unhinged lunatics can spout this stuff, walk down the street shouting racist stuff at whites and hispanics (video of this guy doing that exists, bet you have not seen that on any of the media you frequent), and it just gets brushed under a rug. He did not have power or something so he is just a crank. Well the crank shot people. Well now he is just mentally unstable. Clearly. However, he was a mentally unstable man who was very clearly inspired by a certain ideology.

At the risk of taking the original bait of this post (which I clearly know is bait).....

This guy is a racist.
This guy is a nut job.
This guy posted racist, nut job shit on the Internet.
This guy shot up a subway in NYC.

Was he making the same racial violence statement as Dylann Roof or Brenton Tarrant (Christchuch mosque shooter)? I ask this only b/c those two specifically sought out a black church and a mosque. Ain't no white people there. And, neither of them would have shot white people.

This guy shot up a NYC subway car. NYC is a notorious melting pot. He had total disregard for who he would harm. Maybe that'll change and we'll find out he was JUST targeting white people but has terrible aim. Who knows.

You say he was inspired by a certain ideology. Maybe he was. So what? All kinds of crazy people do crazy shit for crazy reasons. Son of Sam said a dog told him to do it. The "reasons" in this case and something like the Norway shootings are immaterial b/c both shooters are certifiably insane. You're trying too hard to make this about race or ideology the same way some have tried to tie white nationalism into shootings in the US. And if you're successful here are you then willing to admit those shootings actually WERE the result of white nationalist ideologies. What's your end game Crazy?

It's spring in the Midwest. The sun's out. Decompress a little. You're a much better poster than this.
At the risk of taking the original bait of this post (which I clearly know is bait).....

This guy is a racist.
This guy is a nut job.
This guy posted racist, nut job shit on the Internet.
This guy shot up a subway in NYC.

Was he making the same racial violence statement as Dylann Roof or Brenton Tarrant (Christchuch mosque shooter)? I ask this only b/c those two specifically sought out a black church and a mosque. Ain't no white people there. And, neither of them would have shot white people.

This guy shot up a NYC subway car. NYC is a notorious melting pot. He had total disregard for who he would harm. Maybe that'll change and we'll find out he was JUST targeting white people but has terrible aim. Who knows.

You say he was inspired by a certain ideology. Maybe he was. So what? All kinds of crazy people do crazy shit for crazy reasons. Son of Sam said a dog told him to do it. The "reasons" in this case and something like the Norway shootings are immaterial b/c both shooters are certifiably insane. You're trying too hard to make this about race or ideology the same way some have tried to tie white nationalism into shootings in the US. And if you're successful here are you then willing to admit those shootings actually WERE the result of white nationalist ideologies. What's your end game Crazy?

It's spring in the Midwest. The sun's out. Decompress a little. You're a much better poster than this.
Thank you for the intellectual honesty about what this guy is. That was point one.

Point two would be that I don't think it is a big leap to tie some of what this guy thought into some of the stuff that they want to teach in K-12. That should be a problem for all of us.
Point two would be that I don't think it is a big leap to tie some of what this guy thought into some of the stuff that they want to teach in K-12. That should be a problem for all of us.
We'll just agree to disagree here. This guy is crazy and would have been crazy regardless of what he was taught in school.
At the risk of taking the original bait of this post (which I clearly know is bait).....

This guy is a racist.
This guy is a nut job.
This guy posted racist, nut job shit on the Internet.
This guy shot up a subway in NYC.

Was he making the same racial violence statement as Dylann Roof or Brenton Tarrant (Christchuch mosque shooter)? I ask this only b/c those two specifically sought out a black church and a mosque. Ain't no white people there. And, neither of them would have shot white people.

This guy shot up a NYC subway car. NYC is a notorious melting pot. He had total disregard for who he would harm. Maybe that'll change and we'll find out he was JUST targeting white people but has terrible aim. Who knows.

You say he was inspired by a certain ideology. Maybe he was. So what? All kinds of crazy people do crazy shit for crazy reasons. Son of Sam said a dog told him to do it. The "reasons" in this case and something like the Norway shootings are immaterial b/c both shooters are certifiably insane. You're trying too hard to make this about race or ideology the same way some have tried to tie white nationalism into shootings in the US. And if you're successful here are you then willing to admit those shootings actually WERE the result of white nationalist ideologies. What's your end game Crazy?

It's spring in the Midwest. The sun's out. Decompress a little. You're a much better poster than this.
It's all lost on me. BLM is full of racists. NRA is full of racists. White racists, black racists, Asian racists. Racists everywhere in our society. Always will be. All you can do is teach your kids and ensure our laws require equal treatment.

To qualify as domestic terrorism there has to be a political component. At the end of the day does the label matter. Get as many guns out of the hands of the people who shouldn't have them and punish violent crime with a heavy gavel
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It's all lost on me. BLM is full of racists. NRA is full of racists. White racists, black racists, Asian racists. Racists everywhere in our society. Always will be. All you can do is teach your kids and ensure our laws require equal treatment.

To qualify as domestic terrorism there has to be a political component. At the end of the day does the label matter. Get as many guns out of the hands of the people who shouldn't have them and punish violent crime with a heavy gavel
To your last point, how do you square this with the red state initiative to enact constitutional carry laws? Basic background checks for gun licenses seem to literally be the least we can do and that has been judged too much by many GOP led states.
The guy is sixty years old. He was taught what we all were taught, back in the day. Back when America was Great.
Right, Elijah Muhammad was a Black racist before the 1617 Project was ever thought of and when CRT meant "Combat Results Table".
We'll just agree to disagree here. This guy is crazy and would have been crazy regardless of what he was taught in school.

I will let this author wrap things up in a bow for me. Dylan Root was maybe crazy. (I think you have to be off in the head a bit to go on a shooting spree). He was also a racist. The two do not have to be mutually exclusive and they can feed each other. The difference being that the type of racism that Dylan Root ascribed to is (rightly) condemned by just about everyone while the type of racism Mr. Subway Shooter ascribed to is ignored or in some cases is somewhat approved of...just not to the level that he takes it.
while the type of racism Mr. Subway Shooter ascribed to is ignored or in some cases is somewhat approved of...just not to the level that he takes it.

I suspect there are some who do look the other way. I disagree it's as wide spread as you make it out to be.
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To your last point, how do you square this with the red state initiative to enact constitutional carry laws? Basic background checks for gun licenses seem to literally be the least we can do and that has been judged too much by many GOP led states.
Sad. That's just politics and vote pandering
Yes exactly. Because AOC has a long, rich history of supporting police and increasing officer presence. LOL. Shocking I know! To think she'd be against a police presence on the Subways. Impossible! That damn Fox News. Maybe the letter should be authenticated?
Maybe the answer is to pass a law that requires politicians to use the subway for their transportation.
I suspect there are some who do look the other way. I disagree it's as wide spread as you make it out to be.
You suspect people look the other way? You are the first liberal leaning poster who has said "yeah, definitely a racist" and it took until page 2 to get that admission.

40 hours of content like this on YouTube:

These white motherf***ers, this is what they do. . . . What do you think they gonna do to your black ass. . . . It’s just a matter of time before these white motherf***ers decide, ‘Hey listen. Enough is enough. These n****** got to go . . . The whole world is against you. And you’re against your f***ing self. So why should you be alive again is the f***ing question. Why should a n***** be alive on this planet? Besides to pick cotton or chop sugar cane or tobacco . . . And so the message to me is: I should have gotten a gun, and just started shooting motherf***ers.

You think that stays up if a white dude posts the reverse image of that content? You think 40 hours of that stays up? If that is not looking away, what is? And dig down into what he is saying there at the end. Tell me that is not expressed in flowery academic mumbo-jumbo like Ibram Kendi puts out. White people are racist at their core (they still think you should be a slave) so here is what we have to do about it.

Marvin and Uncle Mark say that Elijah Mohammad has been around longer than the 1619 project and that this guy probably learned the "conventional" way. Yep. And in this guy's day, the NoI was considered cooky cranks by most people and you had to seek out their craziness. Now they want to put it a sanitized version of the same in school.
If 1617 and CRT triggered this guy, what triggered Root?
Trayvon Martin. More specifically, after that incident he started looking into crime statistics. What he found there led him down the white supremacy path. My guess there would be that he stumbled on an argument about who commits crime particularly with regards to transracial crime, saw things were completely different then what is considered common knowledge, and that he was then sucked in by people who did share a piece of the actual truth in those crime statistics but wrapped in lies that he bought into. That last part is my editorializing, the Trayvon Martin and racism motivating him is what I was able to find with quick research which mentioned his confession and writings he had done.

We are both getting his name wrong too, it is Roof if you want to fact check me.
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Trayvon Martin. More specifically, after that incident he started looking into crime statistics. What he found there led him down the white supremacy path. My guess there would be that he stumbled on an argument about who commits crime particularly with regards to transracial crime, saw things were completely different then what is considered common knowledge, and that he was then sucked in by people who did share a piece of the actual truth in those crime statistics but wrapped in lies that he bought into. That last part is my editorializing, the Trayvon Martin and racism motivating him is what I was able to find with quick research which mentioned his confession and writings he had done.

We are both getting his name wrong too, it is Roof if you want to fact check me.

White racist groups have been spreading this myth that Blacks are conducting a race war through crime for some time. Roof bought it. Bolding mine below:

Taylor’s claim that blacks consciously targeted whites and were, in fact, committing “hate crimes,” presupposed that all interracial crimes were acts of racial malice. While Taylor suggested interracial crime was a rampant problem, the vast majority of violent crimes are intraracial, meaning victims and perpetrators are far likelier to be of the same race. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics report from 2000, among white victims of violent crime, 73 percent were attacked by other whites. Among black victims, 80 percent were victimized at the hands of another black person​

Below is a link to a study from 1999 on it,

It was more than five times as likely that a white victim was attacked by a white offender than by a black offender and nearly seven times as likely that a black victim was attacked by a black offender.​

The greatest risk to be an aggressor or a victim of crime is poverty. And it isn't just in America, it is true in China as well -

Blacks have more poverty, thus Blacks are more likely to commit crime AND more likely to be victims. All Dylan Roof really learned is that impoverished people commit more crimes and more Blacks are impoverished. Racists take those truisms and turn them into something far more.

If you want more on the subject:

The detail available in California crime statistics, as provided by the state Criminal Justice Statistics Center (2008) in a special data run, provide new opportunities for analysis of arrests by age, race/ethnicity, and offense type and homicide risk. The findings of this preliminary analysis suggest that high arrest and homicide rates found among California's young age groups, and also among Hispanics and African Americans into late middle age, are due much less to age or race per se than to high poverty rates adhering to age and race. Poverty level also is strongly linked to higher arrest and murder rates among older age groups. The evidence for the hypothesis that poverty, not age, best explains arrest and homicide rates is consistent across different measures. First, direct cross-tabulations of arrest and homicide rates by age group and poverty level reveal that where the sociodemographics of adults in their 30s, 40s, and 50s are similar to those of young people, middle and older adult ages also suffer sharply elevated rates of murder and arrest as well. California's patterns indicate that a population aged 35-44 or 45-54 whose characteristics were 51% male, 7% black, 43% Hispanic, and 16% in poverty, the typical characteristics of 15-24 year-olds-would display homicide mortality and violence and felony arrest rates much closer to those of 15-24 year-olds. Second, bivariate regression indicates that poverty level is associated with around 4 times more of the variance in arrest and homicide rates than is age.​

Poor people, no matter their race, are more likely to commit crimes worldwide. And it isn't new, the article on China has this quote, Poverty is the mother of crime. —Marcus Aurelius

Dylan Roof hated Blacks because 73% of Whites are victims of violent crimes caused by other Whites.
White racist groups have been spreading this myth that Blacks are conducting a race war through crime for some time. Roof bought it. Bolding mine below:

Taylor’s claim that blacks consciously targeted whites and were, in fact, committing “hate crimes,” presupposed that all interracial crimes were acts of racial malice. While Taylor suggested interracial crime was a rampant problem, the vast majority of violent crimes are intraracial, meaning victims and perpetrators are far likelier to be of the same race. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics report from 2000, among white victims of violent crime, 73 percent were attacked by other whites. Among black victims, 80 percent were victimized at the hands of another black person​

Below is a link to a study from 1999 on it,

It was more than five times as likely that a white victim was attacked by a white offender than by a black offender and nearly seven times as likely that a black victim was attacked by a black offender.​

The greatest risk to be an aggressor or a victim of crime is poverty. And it isn't just in America, it is true in China as well -

Blacks have more poverty, thus Blacks are more likely to commit crime AND more likely to be victims. All Dylan Roof really learned is that impoverished people commit more crimes and more Blacks are impoverished. Racists take those truisms and turn them into something far more.

If you want more on the subject:

The detail available in California crime statistics, as provided by the state Criminal Justice Statistics Center (2008) in a special data run, provide new opportunities for analysis of arrests by age, race/ethnicity, and offense type and homicide risk. The findings of this preliminary analysis suggest that high arrest and homicide rates found among California's young age groups, and also among Hispanics and African Americans into late middle age, are due much less to age or race per se than to high poverty rates adhering to age and race. Poverty level also is strongly linked to higher arrest and murder rates among older age groups. The evidence for the hypothesis that poverty, not age, best explains arrest and homicide rates is consistent across different measures. First, direct cross-tabulations of arrest and homicide rates by age group and poverty level reveal that where the sociodemographics of adults in their 30s, 40s, and 50s are similar to those of young people, middle and older adult ages also suffer sharply elevated rates of murder and arrest as well. California's patterns indicate that a population aged 35-44 or 45-54 whose characteristics were 51% male, 7% black, 43% Hispanic, and 16% in poverty, the typical characteristics of 15-24 year-olds-would display homicide mortality and violence and felony arrest rates much closer to those of 15-24 year-olds. Second, bivariate regression indicates that poverty level is associated with around 4 times more of the variance in arrest and homicide rates than is age.​

Poor people, no matter their race, are more likely to commit crimes worldwide. And it isn't new, the article on China has this quote, Poverty is the mother of crime. —Marcus Aurelius

Dylan Roof hated Blacks because 73% of Whites are victims of violent crimes caused by other Whites.
Blacks are 13 percent of the population and account for as much as half of all violent crime. Most of that is black on black. Poverty, family and opportunity are always the root causes. What doesn't help is defunding and bail projects. Have you seen DeSantis' Father's project in Florida? Pretty cool stuff. Lots of money to help dads be dads
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You suspect people look the other way? You are the first liberal leaning poster who has said "yeah, definitely a racist" and it took until page 2 to get that admission.

40 hours of content like this on YouTube:

These white motherf***ers, this is what they do. . . . What do you think they gonna do to your black ass. . . . It’s just a matter of time before these white motherf***ers decide, ‘Hey listen. Enough is enough. These n****** got to go . . . The whole world is against you. And you’re against your f***ing self. So why should you be alive again is the f***ing question. Why should a n***** be alive on this planet? Besides to pick cotton or chop sugar cane or tobacco . . . And so the message to me is: I should have gotten a gun, and just started shooting motherf***ers.

You think that stays up if a white dude posts the reverse image of that content? You think 40 hours of that stays up? If that is not looking away, what is? And dig down into what he is saying there at the end. Tell me that is not expressed in flowery academic mumbo-jumbo like Ibram Kendi puts out. White people are racist at their core (they still think you should be a slave) so here is what we have to do about it.

Marvin and Uncle Mark say that Elijah Mohammad has been around longer than the 1619 project and that this guy probably learned the "conventional" way. Yep. And in this guy's day, the NoI was considered cooky cranks by most people and you had to seek out their craziness. Now they want to put it a sanitized version of the same in school.
It would be interesting to test something like that. Put up essential identical post by a black and a white and see if both remain up. Also test liberal verses conservative. I'm surprised that nobody has ever tested that (maybe they have and I don't know it). If I was a congress person and thought I was gonna be bringing in FB, Google, etc for questioning about their practices I would definitely hire some people to do something like that.
I have no problem with banning "ghost guns" ; problem is, as always, the criminals will continue finding ways to produce them (most likely coming from Mexico or just down in Vinny's basement turned light machine shop) while the law abiding guy will stop (which solves nothing)...

The more pertinent issue here was that the perp bought his handgun Legally at an Ohio pawn shop which means he had to go through an FBI background check (which is why the ATF could link the handgun to him so rapidly)....

Which begs the question: How does a guy who was on the Territorist Watch List as recently as 2019 and has a significant rap sheet get cleared by the FBI to own a handgun!!!

Nice work FBI, always good to know we can count on you...🙄😖😤

If only he'd been a registered Republican... 😉😎, they'd (the FBI) have had him face down in the pawn shop parking lot before he got his vehicle door open...
Couldn't agree more. My comment was 100% sarcastic.
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If I was looking to go shoot some Whites, a subway train in Brooklyn wouldn’t be my first choice. Although I guess it was inbound at rush hour so maybe. Still, at least get on up by Williamsburg, that will score you more Whities.

On the other hand, a Christmas parade in Waukesha, WI is an awesome place to score you some Whites.
White racist groups have been spreading this myth that Blacks are conducting a race war through crime for some time. Roof bought it. Bolding mine below:

Taylor’s claim that blacks consciously targeted whites and were, in fact, committing “hate crimes,” presupposed that all interracial crimes were acts of racial malice. While Taylor suggested interracial crime was a rampant problem, the vast majority of violent crimes are intraracial, meaning victims and perpetrators are far likelier to be of the same race. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics report from 2000, among white victims of violent crime, 73 percent were attacked by other whites. Among black victims, 80 percent were victimized at the hands of another black person​

Below is a link to a study from 1999 on it,

It was more than five times as likely that a white victim was attacked by a white offender than by a black offender and nearly seven times as likely that a black victim was attacked by a black offender.​

The greatest risk to be an aggressor or a victim of crime is poverty. And it isn't just in America, it is true in China as well -

Blacks have more poverty, thus Blacks are more likely to commit crime AND more likely to be victims. All Dylan Roof really learned is that impoverished people commit more crimes and more Blacks are impoverished. Racists take those truisms and turn them into something far more.

If you want more on the subject:

The detail available in California crime statistics, as provided by the state Criminal Justice Statistics Center (2008) in a special data run, provide new opportunities for analysis of arrests by age, race/ethnicity, and offense type and homicide risk. The findings of this preliminary analysis suggest that high arrest and homicide rates found among California's young age groups, and also among Hispanics and African Americans into late middle age, are due much less to age or race per se than to high poverty rates adhering to age and race. Poverty level also is strongly linked to higher arrest and murder rates among older age groups. The evidence for the hypothesis that poverty, not age, best explains arrest and homicide rates is consistent across different measures. First, direct cross-tabulations of arrest and homicide rates by age group and poverty level reveal that where the sociodemographics of adults in their 30s, 40s, and 50s are similar to those of young people, middle and older adult ages also suffer sharply elevated rates of murder and arrest as well. California's patterns indicate that a population aged 35-44 or 45-54 whose characteristics were 51% male, 7% black, 43% Hispanic, and 16% in poverty, the typical characteristics of 15-24 year-olds-would display homicide mortality and violence and felony arrest rates much closer to those of 15-24 year-olds. Second, bivariate regression indicates that poverty level is associated with around 4 times more of the variance in arrest and homicide rates than is age.​

Poor people, no matter their race, are more likely to commit crimes worldwide. And it isn't new, the article on China has this quote, Poverty is the mother of crime. —Marcus Aurelius

Dylan Roof hated Blacks because 73% of Whites are victims of violent crimes caused by other Whites.
Yeah, white supremacists spread that lie just like the lie that black people need to be afraid of whites, the cops are out hunting down blacks, etc. That is my point, it is a lie. And that is what I believe probably sent Roof into the arms of the people peddling what you highlighted at the end of your post.

You have to remember the rhetoric around Martin. Young guy just got attacked out in the street for being black by a "white" guy. And everything that came out of it. Then you dig into the crime statistics and find (as you posted) that crimes that cross races are rare, so black people are not being hunted. Furthermore, in the rare instances where a black person and a white person are both involved in a crime, it is far more likely that the white person is the victim in the crime. Compare that to the rhetoric around Martin's case at the time and a guy (Roof) who was susceptible to the hate message from white supremacists was given a perfect opening where they feed him a kernel of truth to suck him in (we have the truth the media and our culture at large won't tell you) and then they gave him a steady dose of hate from there.

Roof shot those people in a church because he hated them for their skin color. We don't spend a bunch of time navel gazing on the why's for white racists, I just wish we had the same consistency for non-white racists. The double standards don't do much to help anyone.
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I guess I can applaud the OP for finally seeing a case of racism in America. Maybe they will see more now.

But let's ask this about our system, why was he legally allowed to buy/own guns? Doesn't that tell us something about our system that a guy with a long criminal record and very vile and racist presence is allowed to buy whatever the hell guns and ammo he wants?

He wasn't supposed to have been able to.... Thought we covered that... The FBI dropped the ball in a Big way on his background check...

Be damn glad he had a handgun (and literally clearly had no idea how to use it) because the mayhem would have been far more horrific had he gone to the gasoline ignited by fireworks as his first move inside that enclosed space...

He had a hatchet with him also... Should we ban hatchets, gasoline, and fireworks? It's not the tool it's the perpetrator that's the problem. It always is...

I submit that if just one or two of those sheep, er, people inside that subway car had a firearm of their own they might very well have solved the problem on the spot...
Blacks are 13 percent of the population and account for as much as half of all violent crime. Most of that is black on black. Poverty, family and opportunity are always the root causes. What doesn't help is defunding and bail projects. Have you seen DeSantis' Father's project in Florida? Pretty cool stuff. Lots of money to help dads be dads
But, but, but... 😳 , you're a Racist, White Supremacist, Nazi for pointing those facts out...😉

Thought I'd beat them to the punch and soften the blow a bit 😉

He wasn't supposed to have been able to.... Thought we covered that... The FBI dropped the ball in a Big way on his background check...

Be damn glad he had a handgun (and literally clearly had no idea how to use it) because the mayhem would have been far more horrific had he gone to the gasoline ignited by fireworks as his first move inside that enclosed space...

He had a hatchet with him also... Should we ban hatchets, gasoline, and fireworks? It's not the tool it's the perpetrator that's the problem. It always is...

I submit that if just one or two of those sheep, er, people inside that subway car had a firearm of their own they might very well have solved the problem on the spot...
And 2 or three armed people may have panicked and added 20 people to the casualty list. There is an assumption that anyone armed will act perfectly in combat. I think history shows that isn't always true. Friendly fire happens.
Yeah, white supremacists spread that lie just like the lie that black people need to be afraid of whites, the cops are out hunting down blacks, etc. That is my point, it is a lie. And that is what I believe probably sent Roff into the arms of the people peddling what you were.

You have to remember the rhetoric around Martin. Young guy just got attacked out in the street for being black by a "white" guy. And everything that came out of it. Then you dig into the crime statistics and find (as you posted) that crimes that cross races are rare, so black people are not being hunted. Furthermore, in the rare instances where a black person and a white person are both involved in a crime, it is far more likely that the white person is the victim in the crime. Compare that to the rhetoric around Martin's case at the time and a guy (Roof) who was susceptible to the hate message from white supremacists was given a perfect opening where they feed him a kernel of truth to suck him in (we have the truth the media and our culture at large won't tell you) and then they gave him a steady dose of hate from there.

Roof shot those people in a church because he hated them for their skin color. We don't spend a bunch of time navel gazing on the why's for white racists, I just wish we had the same consistency for non-white racists. The double standards don't do much to help anyone.

You say, "We don't spend a bunch of time navel gazing on the why's for white racists, I just wish we had the same consistency for non-white racists." I am confused, we spend a lot of time on why's for non-White? You are pretty much the only one here who has done that.

This guy is racist, he should be charged with terrorism and hate crimes. If anyone abetted him, they should be charged. I am not sure that someone showing him the Anti racist book would qualify.

Benjamin Nathaniel Smith killed Ricky Byrdsong and a couple others. Matthew Hale led the "church" that preached the hatred that Smith believed. I don't think Hale was ever charged, I know he was never convicted for anything related to Smith's spree. But the FBI did infiltrate the "church" after, which led to other charges. People can be nonviolent racists. I wish there were no racists, but I suspect that is a right we have. Smith crossed the line and frankly Hale probably crossed that line.

James crossed the line Anyone advising James in a similar way as Hale should be investigated as I suspect that crosses the line.

James guy deserves a fair trial and, after a fair conviction, the book thrown at him.
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Hate speech on both sides eventually causes violence by the targeted audience for the hate speech.

Hate speech is one reason I concluded multiple candidates for office over the last 10 years were unworthy of office.
Hate speech on both sides eventually causes violence by the targeted audience for the hate speech.

Hate speech is one reason I concluded multiple candidates for office over the last 10 years were unworthy of office.
In your view, is hate speech protected free speech?

I believe there is a line somewhere, but where it exactly is seems tough to pin down. People have gotten smarter, they know "kill X" is a legal problem for them, but saying "kill X" in abstract terms isn't.
You say, "We don't spend a bunch of time navel gazing on the why's for white racists, I just wish we had the same consistency for non-white racists." I am confused, we spend a lot of time on why's for non-White? You are pretty much the only one here who has done that.

This guy is racist, he should be charged with terrorism and hate crimes. If anyone abetted him, they should be charged. I am not sure that someone showing him the Anti racist book would qualify.

Benjamin Nathaniel Smith killed Ricky Byrdsong and a couple others. Matthew Hale led the "church" that preached the hatred that Smith believed. I don't think Hale was ever charged, I know he was never convicted for anything related to Smith's spree. But the FBI did infiltrate the "church" after, which led to other charges. People can be nonviolent racists. I wish there were no racists, but I suspect that is a right we have. Smith crossed the line and frankly Hale probably crossed that line.

James crossed the line Anyone advising James in a similar way as Hale should be investigated as I suspect that crosses the line.

James guy deserves a fair trial and, after a fair conviction, the book thrown at him.
If they go after the guy advising him you're speaking of everybody's pal - Lois Farrakhan...

Give me a heads up when that actually happens... He's been spewing Hate Speech on Steroids for decades...

Let's just say I won't holding my breath waiting for that to occur... Wrong flavor of Hater..
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