Does this amount to Treason?


Hall of Famer
Oct 23, 2009
Let's say you're a a disgraced former US politician facing charges related to child pornography and you flee 2 days before your trial is set to begin. You can choose to flee practically anywhere to hide, and you choose of all places, Russia. Not only do you flee to Russia (via Turkey), but for good measure you join the Russian Military. You become a drone operator and play a key role in the war vs Ukraine, while also participating in Russian popaganda media targeted to the US...

Are you a Traitor?

"A former Massachusetts city councilor who fled the U.S. before his trial on child abuse material charges insists he’s not a traitor for joining the Russian military.

Wilmer Puello-Mota, who allegedly fled the country in January two days before his trial was set to begin, appeared in a video Monday released by the Russian Defense Ministry that described him as one of their reconnaissance drone operators. The disgraced former member of the Massachusetts Air National Guard previously appeared in Russian media reports in April as he signed paperwork at a military registration office in Khanty-Mansiysk."

Depends on the point of view. I would say the U.S. would consider him a traitor.
Let's say you're a a disgraced former US politician facing charges related to child pornography and you flee 2 days before your trial is set to begin. You can choose to flee practically anywhere to hide, and you choose of all places, Russia. Not only do you flee to Russia (via Turkey), but for good measure you join the Russian Military. You become a drone operator and play a key role in the war vs Ukraine, while also participating in Russian popaganda media targeted to the US...

Are you a Traitor?

"A former Massachusetts city councilor who fled the U.S. before his trial on child abuse material charges insists he’s not a traitor for joining the Russian military.

Wilmer Puello-Mota, who allegedly fled the country in January two days before his trial was set to begin, appeared in a video Monday released by the Russian Defense Ministry that described him as one of their reconnaissance drone operators. The disgraced former member of the Massachusetts Air National Guard previously appeared in Russian media reports in April as he signed paperwork at a military registration office in Khanty-Mansiysk."

Oh wow. What a piece of work. I think I'll let others weigh in on the technical definition of treason (does it require that he is actively helping to conspire against the US?). I do think that once his usefulness as a mouthpiece for Russian propaganda is up, he should be careful about falling out of windows, flying in planes or eating anything he didn't make himself.
Maybe he is being groomed to be Putin’s food taster. Let’s not forget that Trump has called some of his generals treasonous. And all they did was speak the truth.