De'ron Davis

Disagree...he played his ass off. You don't lead conference in rebounding without playing hard. Heck a lot of games he had onky 4 or 5 shots.

Sure you do, if you inherit this thing called height. That gets you 70% of the way there for someone like him. The irony is you said he worked hard. If he actually worked hard to get himself in position on the block, he would have had more shots. He was soft and not a hard worker.
He averages more points this year vs last.
He averages more rebounds this year vs last
He averages more blocks this year vs last
He averages more assists this year vs last
He averages more steals this year vs last
His FT% higher this year vs last

The only number that declined was FG%, and that is due to two things. Lack of quality point guard play to break down the defense. Injuries at the 4, which means more double teaming of him at the five.
Come on dude you can't have honeslty watched this year and think he improved. He averaged less than a point and rebound more thisnyear...on a roster where he should have been the leading scorer
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Sure you do, if you inherit this thing called height. That gets you 70% of the way there for someone like him. The irony is you said he worked hard. If he actually worked hard to get himself in position on the block, he would have had more shots. He was soft and not a hard worker.
He also should have been a stretch 4.
Recruits read message boards. When fans are constantly bitching all the time and slamming everyone, recruits and even current players don't feel the love. Don't believe me, why don't you read the many actual stories of recruits at various schools that chose to go elsewhere because of what they read on message boards by the fans of that school.

You made the assertion, so link the articles.
Please explain how fans on a message board makes ANYONE'S life more difficult?

Let's shut down the water coolers and barbershops too. Both places were hard on coach and we would hate to make his life more difficult.

Do you believe half the crap you type?
Delusion will do that to you.
Please explain how fans on a message board makes ANYONE'S life more difficult?

Let's shut down the water coolers and barbershops too. Both places were hard on coach and we would hate to make his life more difficult.

Do you believe half the crap you type?
Yeah, I mean what's the big idea second-guessing coaches in public? Who came with that? dews

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