Democrats BEST course of action...

Don't you think "disgusting" is too strong? Maybe "they're not admirable because . . . " or "They weren't ideal conservative candidates because . . . "
I would have went with Dishonest, Disingenuous, Despicable, Detestable, Democrat.
Don't you think "disgusting" is too strong? Maybe "they're not admirable because . . . " or "They weren't ideal conservative candidates because . . . "

No kidding.

I wasn't super wild about either one of them.

To me, John McCain represented almost everything wrong with the DC political establishment. And I say that as somebody who *wants* the political establishment to prevail -- but in a form that better serves the country and its people than it has. The establishment has gotten kicked in the nuts in the past 8 or so years. And, quite frankly, they brought it upon themselves....even if they haven't fully grasped that.

I thought it was fitting that McCain got the kind of treatment he did at his funeral...but not for the reasons that were intended.

McCain: loved him as an American...distrusted him as a politician.

Romney is a different story. He has his faults (mostly that he's had to be malleable in order to succeed as a politician in both MA and UT...such that I've never gotten a great sense of where exactly he actually stood on things). But he's a smart man, a wise man, and also a good man. And he's also been dead right about Donald Trump all along. And bully for him to be willing to say so.

But neither one of these men have ever been "disgusting" -- in the way that, say, Roger Stone and Steve Bannon are disgusting.
Don't you think "disgusting" is too strong? Maybe "they're not admirable because . . . " or "They weren't ideal conservative candidates because . . . "
Don't you think "disgusting" is too strong? Maybe "they're not admirable because . . . " or "They weren't ideal conservative candidates because . . . "

McCain was a good person and horrible candidate. Not deserving of what Trump said of him. Romney......yikes. Calling Gabbard treasonous . She should have kicked him in the nuts. Bottom line is Romney & McCain were both swamp creatures.
They polled for....Al Gore?
Probably because he has name recognition. I've been told by most of the WC that almost anyone in decent health would easily beat Trump as Americans are desperate for a competent alternative. That clearly isn't the case as Trump blows away Hillary, Gore, and Kamala.
Probably because he has name recognition. I've been told by most of the WC that almost anyone in decent health would easily beat Trump as Americans are desperate for a competent alternative. That clearly isn't the case as Trump blows away Hillary, Gore, and Kamala.

I'd just say that polls involving hypothetical candidates lose a whole lot of value when there's already somebody who isn't a hypothetical candidate.

In other words, some number of people are going to resent even being asked about anybody other than Joe Biden. Maybe Kamala Harris, since she's his veep. But beyond that?

However, just because they'd reject this hypothetical in a poll doesn't mean they wouldn't vote for this person as soon as they weren't hypothetical.

If you're interpreting this data to mean that Trump is strong in an absolute sense (rather than in just a relative-to-Biden sense), then I think you're misinterpreting them.
No kidding.

I wasn't super wild about either one of them.

To me, John McCain represented almost everything wrong with the DC political establishment. And I say that as somebody who *wants* the political establishment to prevail -- but in a form that better serves the country and its people than it has. The establishment has gotten kicked in the nuts in the past 8 or so years. And, quite frankly, they brought it upon themselves....even if they haven't fully grasped that.

I thought it was fitting that McCain got the kind of treatment he did at his funeral...but not for the reasons that were intended.

McCain: loved him as an American...distrusted him as a politician.

Romney is a different story. He has his faults (mostly that he's had to be malleable in order to succeed as a politician in both MA and UT...such that I've never gotten a great sense of where exactly he actually stood on things). But he's a smart man, a wise man, and also a good man. And he's also been dead right about Donald Trump all along. And bully for him to be willing to say so.

But neither one of these men have ever been "disgusting" -- in the way that, say, Roger Stone and Steve Bannon are disgusting.

The federal government is too large.......too involved in everyone's lives. Thus, the weaponization of the legal system by the Dems, the party that revels in the swamp. People like Romney and McCain who were once productive individuals just get swallowed up. In the end they became worse than useless. The solution is term limits on all federal offices. The fact that they've never been close to being adopted illustrates the basic problem.
Man, I don't know.

I'll say this much...Biden's refusals have been awfully resolute. Especially the phone interview he did with Joe Scarborough. He didn't sound like somebody who was saying "I'm staying in" merely to say it while he's making other plans behind closed doors. He said something to the effect of "Challenge me at the convention if you want to, you scummy 'elites.'"

But there's still a big part of me that has a hard time imagining him holding out against the pressure much longer. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if, despite all his recent defiance, he finally just throws in the towel. But I also wouldn't be the least bit surprised if he continues to fly the bird to those suggesting he call it a day.

At a minimum, Hunter would need a payoff & insurance
Man, I don't know.

I'll say this much...Biden's refusals have been awfully resolute. Especially the phone interview he did with Joe Scarborough. He didn't sound like somebody who was saying "I'm staying in" merely to say it while he's making other plans behind closed doors. He said something to the effect of "Challenge me at the convention if you want to, you scummy 'elites.'"

But there's still a big part of me that has a hard time imagining him holding out against the pressure much longer. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if, despite all his recent defiance, he finally just throws in the towel. But I also wouldn't be the least bit surprised if he continues to fly the bird to those suggesting he call it a day.

He is a tough old bastard, no doubt. The effort he has put into trying to retain his power is 10x greater than he's shown trying to run the country. Which is probably for the best, given that every instinct he has is detrimental to the country.
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You're probably the only person in the world that believes that. She would get absolutely crushed in the upper Midwest. She's far less popular than almost any other Dem. She was once considered the Dem frontrunner in 2020 then got 1% of the vote and had to drop out before Iowa.

Dems need to focus on down ballot races.
She is the only Presidential candidate that finished somewhere close to last in her only attempt after only one state that was then "promoted" to second in charge. She is a disaster and you are correct she would get absolutely crushed.
She is the only Presidential candidate that finished somewhere close to last in her only attempt after only one state that was then "promoted" to second in charge. She is a disaster and you are correct she would get absolutely crushed.

The only thing she's good at is playing the race card and spouting other woke nonsense. That alone plus having a pulse makes her a better option for the Dems than Biden.
I think Harris would do better than people think. She’s not Trump, which is the most important quality anyone can have for a large part of the electorate.
Oh, please... Harris wouldn't be any more in control than Joe is. This country is being run by a background group that isn't going to changed, even if Harris is President.
Nah, people don’t care that much. Dems won’t have to apologize for anything. Simply giving people a viable alternative to Trump will be enough.

Trump will call her heels up Harris or worse and alienate a shit load of people who would otherwise possibly vote for him. He’d say something stupid that the media would play up as racist.

I’m surprised the Dems haven’t made the switch yet.
You really think the Dems will rally around her when she didn't get a serious look in the Dem primaries?

Dems will stay home in droves if she's the nominee. That cackle laugh will get awfully old by election day.
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Oh, please... Harris wouldn't be any more in control than Joe is. This country is being run by a background group that isn't going to changed, even if Harris is President.
Bilderberg and the Illuminati. Duh.
Don't you think "disgusting" is too strong? Maybe "they're not admirable because . . . " or "They weren't ideal conservative candidates because . . . "
Hmmmmm….……..worthless saggy tits? Is that moving in the right or wrong direction?

Confused Pointing GIF by Mohegan Sun
Dems will stay home in droves if she's the nominee. That cackle laugh will get awfully old by election day.

Who in the living hell would be the VP candidate? Rachel Levine?
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Oh, please... Harris wouldn't be any more in control than Joe is. This country is being run by a background group that isn't going to changed, even if Harris is President.

They'd have to write a new song for her hubby....maybe Fanfare for the First Twerp?
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This is what James Carville is advocating.

It sounds good in theory. But I can also see it backfiring and making matters worse -- depending largely on how Kamala Harris and her folks welcome this kind of process when she's the sitting Vice President. If she welcomes this -- from beginning to end, regardless of the outcome -- then it could be helpful. If she doesn't, then it's a whole different ball of wax.

I read where Whitmer ruled out seeking the nomination. So I'm guessing that the other interested candidate would be Newsom? Anybody else....JB Pritzker, maybe?
That guy that actually ran in the primary, don’t recall his name, could give it another go. I’d expect 5 or 6 would try. We’d most likely get a preview of the VP candidate among them.
Man, I don't know.

I'll say this much...Biden's refusals have been awfully resolute. Especially the phone interview he did with Joe Scarborough. He didn't sound like somebody who was saying "I'm staying in" merely to say it while he's making other plans behind closed doors. He said something to the effect of "Challenge me at the convention if you want to, you scummy 'elites.'"

But there's still a big part of me that has a hard time imagining him holding out against the pressure much longer. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if, despite all his recent defiance, he finally just throws in the towel. But I also wouldn't be the least bit surprised if he continues to fly the bird to those suggesting he call it a day.
He has to be outwardly resolute even if inwardly unsure. I think it’s a matter of when, not if.
McCain & Romney are disgusting because they did not have the balls to take on the MSM and the corruption of the deep state. Part of the problem, not of the solution.
Disgusting?!? Did you not vote for them and bitch about Obama for 8 years?
She might be their best choice but she’d be a stronger choice should she win the nomination after a short pre-convention “primary” against other candidates. This needs to happen and it needs to start ASAP. Biden needs to announce he’s not accepting the nomination this week. This will steal the news cycle from the RNC and increase the Dems’ chances of defeating Trump.
They’ve circled the wagons. Joe is staying.
I'd just say that polls involving hypothetical candidates lose a whole lot of value when there's already somebody who isn't a hypothetical candidate.

In other words, some number of people are going to resent even being asked about anybody other than Joe Biden. Maybe Kamala Harris, since she's his veep. But beyond that?

However, just because they'd reject this hypothetical in a poll doesn't mean they wouldn't vote for this person as soon as they weren't hypothetical.

If you're interpreting this data to mean that Trump is strong in an absolute sense (rather than in just a relative-to-Biden sense), then I think you're misinterpreting them.
I actually take it to show that the Democrats have fundamental structural problems with this election that are outside the individual peculiarities of Biden.

But your point is valid, too.
I actually take it to show that the Democrats have fundamental structural problems with this election that are outside the individual peculiarities of Biden.

But your point is valid, too.

Maybe. But it’s hard for me to imagine a ticket consisting of Gretchen Whitmer and Josh Shapiro losing to a ticket led by Donald Trump.

It’s worth noting that Dem candidates in AZ, NV, and OH are running strong and well ahead of Biden in states that Trump is poised to win.
This seems like as good a thread as any to post this.

I'm not a fan of Crooke, but as a guy who has had enough of US politics and the corporate media arms aligned with their preferred side of the coin, the article speaks to me.
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Maybe. But it’s hard for me to imagine a ticket consisting of Gretchen Whitmer and Josh Shapiro losing to a ticket led by Donald Trump.

It’s worth noting that Dem candidates in AZ, NV, and OH are running strong and well ahead of Biden in states that Trump is poised to win.
Republicans have put up a lot of bad congressional candidates. There may also be an element of strategic voting this year, as people wary of a Trump White House put extra effort into supporting Dem House candidates.
This seems like as good a thread as any to post this.

I'm not a fan of Crooke, but as a guy who has had enough of US politics and the corporate media arms aligned with their preferred side of the coin, the article speaks to me.
The moral high ground of this administration as it relates to trump is illusory. The only difference is trump’s rot is more overt
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This seems like as good a thread as any to post this.

I'm not a fan of Crooke, but as a guy who has had enough of US politics and the corporate media arms aligned with their preferred side of the coin, the article speaks to me.
I feel like clicking on that link will give me a computer virus.
You really think it would be the end of Trump if he loses? I have my doubts.
It should be a wake-up call to his devoted followers that the guy was a three time popular vote loser, a two time EC loser, and that he caused Republicans to underperform in every election since 2020, including costing the GOP the Senate in 2020. Plus he’s 78 and aging fast and ugly.
I actually take it to show that the Democrats have fundamental structural problems with this election that are outside the individual peculiarities of Biden.

But your point is valid, too.
Democrats have pooped themselves on this last election cycle. Biden SHOULD have been nothing more than a transitional candidate/president so both parties can put out someone who isn't doo doo. Both failed, but at least Haley gave it a go.

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