I am ignorant on his marital history as far as dates and also the date his dad died .You must be kidding. You can’t be that ignorant about Trump. He’s been a “celebrity” for about 50 years.
I am ignorant on his marital history as far as dates and also the date his dad died .You must be kidding. You can’t be that ignorant about Trump. He’s been a “celebrity” for about 50 years.
you think any wife was unaware of his family wealth?But my question is did he marry Ivanka before he got the inheritance. I it was before perhaps they married for love even though he messed it up with Marla.
No kidding. Married 3 times and cheated on all 3 of them. Was rich when he got married each time. Use Google and become less ignorant.I am ignorant on his marital history as far as dates and also the date his dad died .
They married at least in part because Ivana was knocked up and refused Donald's wishes that she get an abortion. He was already a successful real estate developer. A few months later Don Jr. was born....perhaps they married for love even though he messed it up with Marla.
So that explains why pro-lifers love him.They married at least in part because Ivana was knocked up and refused Donald's wishes that she get an abortion. He was already a successful real estate developer. A few months later Don Jr. was born.
A few years later, after a string of other affairs, Donald started his affair with Marla Maples. It started out hush-hush but got more brazen over time. He went on a ski trip with Ivana, brought Marla along too, and hopped rooms. Well, the paths of wife and mistress crossed.
Then Ivana got a divorce and almost immediately Donald married Marla, because Marla was knocked up and refused Donald's wishes that she get an abortion. A few months later Tiffany was born.
More affairs, more sleaze, probably many abortions that actually were performed according to Don's wishes, and Marla & Donald broke up.
Amazingly, Melania was apparently not knocked up by Donald while his mistress, prior to her marriage. Once she did get knocked up (or likely before), Donald started cheating on her.
What a guy!
Google exists. Fred Trump died in 1999, same year as the Marla Maples divorce, 2 years after they separated.
Their lack of transparency followed by obstructionThe problem is that the Chinese government itself showed guilty knowledge through its conduct in late 2019 and early 2020. There were many stories about this that never gained traction. Some of that was due to Fauci deceptions.
So DT didn't get inheritance money until 99?. Then the narrative he mad his money that way is wrong. I do agree with you that DT is slimy with women. I would not want him dating my daughter.They married at least in part because Ivana was knocked up and refused Donald's wishes that she get an abortion. He was already a successful real estate developer. A few months later Don Jr. was born.
A few years later, after a string of other affairs, Donald started his affair with Marla Maples. It started out hush-hush but got more brazen over time. He went on a ski trip with Ivana, brought Marla along too, and hopped rooms. Well, the paths of wife and mistress crossed.
Then Ivana got a divorce and almost immediately Donald married Marla, because Marla was knocked up and refused Donald's wishes that she get an abortion. A few months later Tiffany was born.
More affairs, more sleaze, probably many abortions that actually were performed according to Don's wishes, and Marla & Donald broke up.
Amazingly, Melania was apparently not knocked up by Donald while his mistress, prior to her marriage. Once she did get knocked up (or likely before), Donald started cheating on her.
What a guy!
Google exists. Fred Trump died in 1999, same year as the Marla Maples divorce, 2 years after they separated.
Seriously?!? No. Do you really not know how to use an internet search engine? WTH, man?So DT didn't get inheritance money until 99?. Then the narrative he mad his money that way is wrong. I do agree with you that DT is slimy with women. I would not want him dating my daughter.
So DT didn't get inheritance money until 99?. Then the narrative he mad his money that way is wrong. I do agree with you that DT is slimy with women. I would not want him dating my daughter.
He was gifted millions by his Dad, decades before his death.So DT didn't get inheritance money until 99?. Then the narrative he mad his money that way is wrong. I do agree with you that DT is slimy with women. I would not want him dating my daughter.
Re the last part, it is true that 99.9999% of all pandemics and viruses that have circulated in human history have zoonotic origins. That's a strong fact. But technology has advanced and we have had issues in the past.
Rather than blame a political party or a nation for Covid, though, we, as a species, should be concerned with containing and safely dealing with this tech. Otherwise, even if Covid wasn't the result of lab leak, one is bound to occur in the future and kill a lot of people. I think the scientific community that spent so much time denigrating the lab leak proponents bear a lot of the responsibility for these conversations not taking place.
Virology: A timeline of lab accidents, biological attacks and increasingly dangerous experiments
A series of laboratory leaks and risky experiments have taken place since the 1970s.www.lemonde.fr
You need to learn what "apathy" is.“Suspicion” is not the word I would use. More so a general apathy towards anything told or portrayed to me by a government entity.
The official story is still that Jeffrey Epstein killed himself. When bold face lies can shamelessly be told like that by the Federal Government, how is it possible to take much of anything at face value?
When Government officials will knowingly lie to you about the effectiveness of a surgical mask and a vaccine during what some people would classify as a “pandemic”.
After that, I just don’t really care. Maybe they’re telling the truth, I’m open to anyone who has a reason they may not be. Just got to live your life knowing that federal government actions and narratives should never be taken at face value.
One of the all-time dumbest conspiracy theories surrounding J6 was Ray Epps being a Fed or CI. There was no support for that and he was convicted and sentenced appropriately for his crime. President Trump pardoned him.
Lapping up everything presented to you whether it was fauci lying about masks, the genesis of Covid, the fiction of distancing, vaccines and side effects/spread/kids/ 51 intelligence officials, is every bit as dumb as adherence to conspiracy. It’s just the other side of the coin. It’s the side of stupid you occupy as a progressive virtue signaling goose stepperYou need to learn what "apathy" is.
Strongly suggesting/claiming that a mask and vaccine are not "effective" or that the govt. "lied" is not "apathy" toward someone's expression of the opposite position -- it's actually just outright denial of the opposition position based on absolutely no rational data at all. That's not what "apathy" is.
Did you do your own studies of masks and vaccines to support your suggestions about masks and vaccines or did you just repeat that stuff from the internet without challenging it?
🤣Lapping up everything presented to you whether it was fauci lying about masks, the genesis of Covid, the fiction of distancing, vaccines and side effects/spread/kids/ 51 intelligence officials, is every bit as dumb as adherence to conspiracy. It’s just the other side of the coin. It’s the side of stupid you occupy as a progressive virtue signaling goose stepper
So he turned millions into billions. Most people who hate him shrug that kind of accomplishment.He was gifted millions by his Dad, decades before his death.
Good read on the relationship between populism and conspiracy theories.
It’s well researched, so read it before this admin takes the site down.
Conspiracy Mentality: How it Relates to Populism, Relative Deprivation, Mistrust of Expertise and Voting Behaviour - PMC
Background and research aims. Considering the high prevalence of conspiracy theories and misinformation, there is an urgent need to explain the tendency to adopt a conspiracy mentality and identify behavioural (including voting) outcomes of a high ...pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
He was not telling people to go into the Capitol while at the Capitol. That was previously. Others testified under oath at their trials that he did not. He talked big the day before and then he tried telling people not to go in the while at the Capitol. He was another MAGA, but he got cold feet. He had a low-level charge and others who actually assaulted police were much higher on the priority list. And finally, CIs and Feds do NOT get convicted when they're doing their jobs. I think it was super dumb all along, but once he was convicted the theory became absolutely asinine.We've had this discussion before, I know.
But, given what was known about Epps' actions on that day and things subsequent to that, I disagree with you that it was a dumb conspiracy theory. When you have a guy loudly and repeatedly urging people to go into the Capitol (with others around him chanting that he's a Fed) who then himself refused to enter the Capitol....and who then avoided any criminal charges for 2.5 years...who sent the texts that he sent...and who, despite being so vocal about people entering the Capitol, received a light charge and no jail time...
...it's not at all hard for me to understand why so many people found that not adding up, especially when compared to the dispensations for other people there.
Now, Pizzagate...that was a dumb conspiracy theory.
So he turned millions into billions. Most people who hate him shrug that kind of accomplishment.
Don't tell that to Barack Obama. He thinks populism is a good thing and has scoffed publicly at the label being applied to Donald Trump and his movement.
He was not telling people to go into the Capitol while at the Capitol. That was previously. Others testified under oath at their trials that he did not. He talked big the day before and then he tried telling people not to go in the while at the Capitol.