Current B1G stats:
IU is 3rd in hitting with a .321 average, while Purdue is 1st at .330.
Pitching: IU is 14th with a team ERA of 6.44, while MSU is 1st at 3.31.
NCAA fielding rankings:
IU currently ranks 223 among D1 teams. IU has 411 putouts with 129 assists, and has 23 errors and a fielding percentage of .959. They are 160th with 4.99 walks per 9 innings. They are 92d in hitting batters with 24 hit batters.
IU is 3rd in hitting with a .321 average, while Purdue is 1st at .330.
Pitching: IU is 14th with a team ERA of 6.44, while MSU is 1st at 3.31.
NCAA fielding rankings:
IU currently ranks 223 among D1 teams. IU has 411 putouts with 129 assists, and has 23 errors and a fielding percentage of .959. They are 160th with 4.99 walks per 9 innings. They are 92d in hitting batters with 24 hit batters.
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