COL Andrey Kislovsky, AFU Odessa local territorial defense leader..

You're a feeble old man firing off vulgar insults while hiding in anonymity. Does that make you feel virile again, internet tough guy?

And the fact that you would do it in this context, in defense of that poster, speaks volumes about you. Pathetic.
I'm not defending that poster. But if it was up to you, you'd arrest everyone who didn't agree with your world view. It doesn't matter if it's neo-Nazis or Trump supporters - you've have them all reported.

You would have done well in Stalin's Soviet Union.
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It is certainly NOT FALSE!
Multiple rallies, some as heavily-attended as Trump rallies over the past few years, are described in numerous newspaper accounts of the time. These rallies were to gin up support for boycotts of All things German, in 1933.
And you call calling for a boycott is a war? If that's true, then we're at war with Russia right now.

Don't give me that BS. "International Jewry" did not declare war on Germany. That is a fantasy and a justification for giving Nazis an excuse for the Holocaust.

Snap out of it.
The Q Anon believers are really struggling now- it’s a slow process to accept that nothing you believed on the subject is true- Trump is what he claimed to be fighting.
So you have to be a Q believer to believe Trump was not involved in Pedo Island?

We should just believe it because of what some leftists propaganda says?

You're another one obsessed with Trump who can produce no evidence of what you're accusing him of.
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It's cute that you think hitting on the underage girl was the main reason Trump parted ways with Epstein. Most people think it's more due to Trump and Epstein clashing over real estate they both wanted...

Trump bragged about intentionally walking in and catching beauty contestants at pageants he was involved in topless or even more undressed. Do you really think he ended his bromance with Epstein over an underage girl?

Only way that makes sense is if the father/relative of the girl was someone Trump viewed as a potential financial source or some other type of power broker. No way Trump broke up with his buddy Jeff over some inconsequential tart who wasn't connected to someone Trump viewed as powerful...
Just shut up you uninformed sheep. Go write a left wing essay that nobody will read. It's like listening to mushmouth.
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The Q Anon believers are really struggling now- it’s a slow process to accept that nothing you believed on the subject is true- Trump is what he claimed to be fighting.
Speaking of Q-Tips, interesting sentence of 12 yrs handed down in a child-porn case yesterday. Chances are some of the Pubs who have criticized KBJ or railed against her in the confirmation hearings and practically accused her of supporting child porn actually know the guy involved. Wonder if Tucker will profile this guy all week, and I can hardly wait to see the scathing texts from MTG... DWS;)

"Verastigui was a digital strategist for the RNC in 2017 and 2018, working on social media advertising for political committees backing former President Donald Trump, according to Verastigui’s LinkedIn page. The digital strategist also worked for the Senate Republican Conference and for a nonprofit group called Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions. An anti-abortion activist originally from San Antonio, Verastigui spoke at the March for Life in Washington in 2013, according to a video clip posted online."

This guy loved babies... I mean he really LOVED babies...

"According to an affidavit submitted in connection with Verastigui’s arrest, he sought out images of rape of children during an online chat in 2020. Prosecutors said Verastigui also fantasized online about killing children while abusing them."

Speaking of Q-Tips, interesting sentence of 12 yrs handed down in a child-porn case yesterday. Chances are some of the Pubs who have criticized KBJ or railed against her in the confirmation hearings and practically accused her of supporting child porn actually know the guy involved. Wonder if Tucker will profile this guy all week, and I can hardly wait to see the scathing texts from MTG... DWS;)

"Verastigui was a digital strategist for the RNC in 2017 and 2018, working on social media advertising for political committees backing former President Donald Trump, according to Verastigui’s LinkedIn page. The digital strategist also worked for the Senate Republican Conference and for a nonprofit group called Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions. An anti-abortion activist originally from San Antonio, Verastigui spoke at the March for Life in Washington in 2013, according to a video clip posted online."

This guy loved babies... I mean he really LOVED babies...

"According to an affidavit submitted in connection with Verastigui’s arrest, he sought out images of rape of children during an online chat in 2020. Prosecutors said Verastigui also fantasized online about killing children while abusing them."

I guess Verastigui will be pleased with the newest Supreme Court Justice!

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Speaking of Q-Tips, interesting sentence of 12 yrs handed down in a child-porn case yesterday. Chances are some of the Pubs who have criticized KBJ or railed against her in the confirmation hearings and practically accused her of supporting child porn actually know the guy involved. Wonder if Tucker will profile this guy all week, and I can hardly wait to see the scathing texts from MTG... DWS;)

"Verastigui was a digital strategist for the RNC in 2017 and 2018, working on social media advertising for political committees backing former President Donald Trump, according to Verastigui’s LinkedIn page. The digital strategist also worked for the Senate Republican Conference and for a nonprofit group called Citizens for Responsible Energy Solutions. An anti-abortion activist originally from San Antonio, Verastigui spoke at the March for Life in Washington in 2013, according to a video clip posted online."

This guy loved babies... I mean he really LOVED babies...

"According to an affidavit submitted in connection with Verastigui’s arrest, he sought out images of rape of children during an online chat in 2020. Prosecutors said Verastigui also fantasized online about killing children while abusing them."

Hope the guy rots in hell.
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So you have to be a Q believer to believe Trump was not involved in Pedo Island?

We should just believe it because of what some leftists propaganda says?

You're another one obsessed with Trump who can produce no evidence of what you're accusing him of.
I'm not sure what "leftist propaganda" has to do with testimony at Maxwell's trial from Epstein's pilot?

The fact is when it comes to being "sheep" it's hard to compete with people who (I guess) believe Trump had some major epiphany that changed his worldview overnight. He never cared about anyone not named Trump, but suddenly he's got all these folks convinced that he gives a damn about them or making their lives better. But I guess if you can delude yourself into believing that giving up his salary meant he "lost" money for the 4 yrs he was POTUS, then you'll believe anything...

It's hilarious to me. People brag about what a great businessman Trump is, talk about all his wealth, and then for some reason they are willing to give their hard earned money to him? Because that's what successful business people do, they beg for $$ from others... :rolleyes:

Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, Soros- they all have vast riches and maintain authentic charitable foundations.. But Trump who claims to be one of the richest men in the world, all he does is beg for more from his donors and Trump's fans don't view that as contradictory? Donald Trump says he has multiple billions more than you, but he needs you to send him money?

How come documented philanthropists like Buffet or Gates constantly give wealth away and try to find ways to make other people's lives better? But super successful business mogul Donald Trump spends all his effort and time on fundraising for himself? I wonder if these questions ever occur to people I would call "Trump's sheep"?

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Bullshit it's in every freaking article including left wing nut job sources. They were neighbors in Florida. The relationship hit a wall when Epstein hit on a young daughter of one of Trumps good friends at one of Trumps parties early in the 2000's. Epstein was never welcome back after that.
Well and then there’s the Jane Doe rape case. What was she? 13?
In 2002 nobody knew about epstein and his crap. But keep your Trump parade going it suits you all well.

You are just a whipped into shape mouse in a maze they stuck you in doing the same as the other mice. Take your medicine (vax and boosters) believe in the twisted media they feed you and follow along. That's a good mouse. You all look like dumbasses. You just keep getting more and more stupid as time passes. It's pitiful and I've prayed for you, but alas your so lost your past the point of return. It's really really sad. It's like a degenerative disease.
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Got it thx.

And you call calling for a boycott is a war? If that's true, then we're at war with Russia right now.

Don't give me that BS. "International Jewry" did not declare war on Germany. That is a fantasy and a justification for giving Nazis an excuse for the Holocaust.

Snap out of it.
Just do a tiny bit of research about that era so you have a clue about the subject.

Or don't. It's all the same to me.
Just do a tiny bit of research about that era so you have a clue about the subject.

Or don't. It's all the same to me.
It's not up to me to prove your point. If you have real evidence, post it.

You won't answer my question: Is calling for a boycott a declaration of war?

I provided facts and you are providing some kind of justification for the Holocaust.

You have closed your mind to anything but some faceless conspirator instead of looking at the situation yourself.
So you have to be a Q believer to believe Trump was not involved in Pedo Island?

We should just believe it because of what some leftists propaganda says?

You're another one obsessed with Trump who can produce no evidence of what you're accusing him of.
Sorry to burst your bubble blown with orange bubble gum- the pilot testified in Maxwell trial that Trump was a frequent guest on the “Lolita Express”- he enjoys young girls. The trial transcript is on the internet and much easier to locate than the op’s Ukrainian fascist with a tranny- sorry man but you keep burying your head in the sand and make sure to listen to Tucker who isn’t sworn in under threat of perjury as was the pilot
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In 2002 nobody knew about epstein and his crap.
The passengers on the Lolita Express sure as hell knew what Epstein was up to. Trump was a frequent flyer. And, again, Trump noted in 2002 that Epstein likes them "on the younger side."

You all look like dumbasses. You just keep getting more and more stupid as time passes. It's pitiful and I've prayed for you,
Thanks. We can all use prayers. And be sure to pray for yourself. You seem angry and troubled.

Happy Palm Sunday.
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Here you go in case you truly weren’t aware of this one. Just one of 19 allegations against your guy. Probably more.
So, another anonymous source/victim who is now nowhere to be found. Yes, very credible.

"In November 2016, just days before the presidential election, Bloom suddenly announced a press conference with Jane Doe had been canceled, saying Doe had become frightened after receiving death threats. Two days later, Doe's lead attorney, Thomas Meager, filed to dismiss the case. Jane Doe has not been heard from since. nowhere to be found."

Meanwhile, you did vote for a rapist in the 90s and I've heard you expressing no regrets. And this victim isn't afraid to identify herself.

"Broaddrick’s tale ― which NBC’s “Dateline” first publicized in 1999 and BuzzFeed re-examined in August of this year ― begins in 1978, in Little Rock, Arkansas, when Bill Clinton was the state’s attorney general and running for governor. As Broaddrick tells it, she was volunteering for Clinton’s campaign and was supposed to meet him in a hotel coffee shop. At the last minute, she says, Clinton called her and suggested they meet upstairs, in a hotel room, because reporters were in the lobby. She agreed. When Clinton got to the room, she says, he raped her ― at one point biting her lip, causing it to bleed.

Two women have since said they saw Broaddrick in the hotel room, right after the alleged incident ― disheveled and, yes, with a blue, swollen lip. The women said Broaddrick told them she’d been raped by Clinton, but that she was afraid to say anything about it."
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Sorry to burst your bubble blown with orange bubble gum- the pilot testified in Maxwell trial that Trump was a frequent guest on the “Lolita Express”- he enjoys young girls. The trial transcript is on the internet and much easier to locate than the op’s Ukrainian fascist with a tranny- sorry man but you keep burying your head in the sand and make sure to listen to Tucker who isn’t sworn in under threat of perjury as was the pilot
If it was that easy to find, you'd produce it.

If you want to make the argument that Trump was involved in pedo island, then post the actual transcript of his testimony.

Sorry man, you unermine your credibility when you don't back up what you're saying with any proof.
The passengers on the Lolita Express sure as hell knew what Epstein was up to. Trump was a frequent flyer. And, again, Trump noted in 2002 that Epstein likes them "on the younger side."

Thanks. We can all use prayers. And be sure to pray for yourself. You seem angry and troubled.

Happy Palm Sunday.
Nah I'm just tired of unlearned liars...

One man esteemeth one day above another: another esteemeth every day alike. Let every man be fully persuaded in his own mind.
He that regardeth the day, regardeth it unto the Lord;
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If it was that easy to find, you'd produce it.

If you want to make the argument that Trump was involved in pedo island, then post the actual transcript of his testimony.

Sorry man, you unermine your credibility when you don't back up what you're saying with any proof.
Dude you are lazy and unwilling to do any research that would prove the man you desire as president is a bonafide pedophile-sorry brother I’ve read the trial transcript but here is an article so you’ll again ignore and deny the truth. Hopefully you’ll believe the only source that believed in Hunter’s laptop. Frequent flyer and a pedophile. Trump, Prince Andrew, Clinton, Dershowitz all friends with Epstein- all full blooded members of the evil cabal Trump reportedly was fighting against- you have bought a bogus tale man
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So, another anonymous source/victim who is now nowhere to be found. Yes, very credible.

"In November 2016, just days before the presidential election, Bloom suddenly announced a press conference with Jane Doe had been canceled, saying Doe had become frightened after receiving death threats. Two days later, Doe's lead attorney, Thomas Meager, filed to dismiss the case. Jane Doe has not been heard from since. nowhere to be found."

Meanwhile, you did vote for a rapist in the 90s and I've heard you expressing no regrets. And this victim isn't afraid to identify herself.

"Broaddrick’s tale ― which NBC’s “Dateline” first publicized in 1999 and BuzzFeed re-examined in August of this year ― begins in 1978, in Little Rock, Arkansas, when Bill Clinton was the state’s attorney general and running for governor. As Broaddrick tells it, she was volunteering for Clinton’s campaign and was supposed to meet him in a hotel coffee shop. At the last minute, she says, Clinton called her and suggested they meet upstairs, in a hotel room, because reporters were in the lobby. She 19 women...19. agreed. When Clinton got to the room, she says, he raped her ― at one point biting her lip, causing it to bleed.

Two women have since said they saw Broaddrick in the hotel room, right after the alleged incident ― disheveled and, yes, with a blue, swollen lip. The women said Broaddrick told them she’d been raped by Clinton, but that she was afraid to say anything about it."
She was 13 and was getting death threats. Her name is Katie. Many of the 19 , I’m sure there were more, have put their names to the accusations. Many of them were before Trump decided to be a politician ( and you morans fell for the used car sales pitch). E Jean Carrol rape case still on the courts. Trump paid off many of his accusers, hello Stormy. He threatened their lives and scared many away. He’s the guy for Christians. As for your what about? That was 30 years ago and those stories were not out there at the time. But you idolize Trump knowing full well what he is.
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She was 13 and was getting death threats. Her name is Katie. Many of the 19 , I’m sure there were more, have put their names to the accusations. Many of them were before Trump decided to be a politician ( and you morans fell for the used car sales pitch). E Jean Carrol rape case still on the courts. Trump paid off many of his accusers, hello Stormy. He threatened their lives and scared many away. He’s the guy for Christians. As for your what about? That was 30 years ago and those stories were not out there at the time. But you idolize Trump knowing full well what he is.
And you've just confirmed you know you're sh!t. Have a great day. :)
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Sorry to burst your bubble blown with orange bubble gum- the pilot testified in Maxwell trial that Trump was a frequent guest on the “Lolita Express”- he enjoys young girls. The trial transcript is on the internet and much easier to locate than the op’s Ukrainian fascist with a tranny- sorry man but you keep burying your head in the sand and make sure to listen to Tucker who isn’t sworn in under threat of perjury as was the pilot
Tinfoil on sale at Sam's club last week?
Dude you are lazy and unwilling to do any research that would prove the man you desire as president is a bonafide pedophile-sorry brother I’ve read the trial transcript but here is an article so you’ll again ignore and deny the truth. Hopefully you’ll believe the only source that believed in Hunter’s laptop. Frequent flyer and a pedophile. Trump, Prince Andrew, Clinton, Dershowitz all friends with Epstein- all full blooded members of the evil cabal Trump reportedly was fighting against- you have bought a bogus tale man
LMAO. Is that all you've got? Where's the testimony Trump flew to Pedo Island, as you claim? No one denies he knew Epstein and used his plane occassionally, but there's no indication he was on the island.

And, Trump banned Epstein from his residence.

You are simply repeating rumors because you're too lazy - or stupid - to actually understand that Trump was not involved with Epstein and his sordid island.

You don't even get credit for that weak effort.
  • Like
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She was 13 and was getting death threats. Her name is Katie. Many of the 19 , I’m sure there were more, have put their names to the accusations. Many of them were before Trump decided to be a politician ( and you morans fell for the used car sales pitch). E Jean Carrol rape case still on the courts. Trump paid off many of his accusers, hello Stormy. He threatened their lives and scared many away. He’s the guy for Christians. As for your what about? That was 30 years ago and those stories were not out there at the time. But you idolize Trump knowing full well what he is.
Katie..... does she have a last name?

Oh wait - I'll bet you don't know her last name. Because she made the charge anonymously and now can't be found.

Do you ever get tired of being duped by leftist media?d

30 years ago? I guess that makes it OK with you. But you want to dredge up an anonymous claim from 30 years ago. You're hypocrisy is unbelievable.

You must not follow the news - Stormy is paying Trump!
Katie..... does she have a last name?

Oh wait - I'll bet you don't know her last name. Because she made the charge anonymously and now can't be found.

Do you ever get tired of being duped by leftist media?d

30 years ago? I guess that makes it OK with you. But you want to dredge up an anonymous claim from 30 years ago. You're hypocrisy is unbelievable.

You must not follow the news - Stormy is paying Trump!
Katie..... does she have a last name?

Oh wait - I'll bet you don't know her last name. Because she made the charge anonymously and now can't be found.

Do you ever get tired of being duped by leftist media?d

30 years ago? I guess that makes it OK with you. But you want to dredge up an anonymous claim from 30 years ago. You're hypocrisy is unbelievable.

You must not follow the news - Stormy is paying Trump!
I imagine most 13 year olds getting death threats might not want their name out there. I got duped? Bless your heart. I don’t think a Trumper can ever talk about someone ELSE getting duped. Lol
LMAO. Is that all you've got? Where's the testimony Trump flew to Pedo Island, as you claim? No one denies he knew Epstein and used his plane occassionally, but there's no indication he was on the island.

And, Trump banned Epstein from his residence.

You are simply repeating rumors because you're too lazy - or stupid - to actually understand that Trump was not involved with Epstein and his sordid island.

You don't even get credit for that weak effort.
Sand meet ostrich still- Google can’t be trusted nor employed. You must be young enough to believe when Trump told you it was the “greatest economy” You clearly can’t remember when the federal deficit was balanced by Trump’s fellow pedophile
It's not up to me to prove your point. If you have real evidence, post it.

You won't answer my question: Is calling for a boycott a declaration of war?

I provided facts and you are providing some kind of justification for the Holocaust.

You have closed your mind to anything but some faceless conspirator instead of looking at the situation yourself.
Of course it was war, and it is war today.

It was war when the USA imposed strict boycotts on Japanese energy, scrap iron and other key imports in the run up to WW2. Like cyber war and China's bioweapon attack, war takes different forms.

Still looking for the 'fact' you allege to have posted.

I'd advise you to "snap out of it", but you seem happily mired in your world.....
WOW! If that isn't the ultimate pot calling the kettle black! Thank's that made my day Zeke LOL. Granted I don't think you really pretend, you are just blinded by hate. Did you save your pink pussy hat ?
Thank’s ( lol) back at ya, big guy. Something about serial sexual abusers just turns me off. Seems it makes him a hero in some of your eyes. Whatever
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I imagine most 13 year olds getting death threats might not want their name out there. I got duped? Bless your heart. I don’t think a Trumper can ever talk about someone ELSE getting duped. Lol
You have no clue. There was never any evidence or even appearance of Trump raping a 13 year old. Some made up story by leftist media.

And you buy it hook, line, and singer.

And all the while, there is Juanita's Braoddrick's testimony that is backed up by witnesses. Not a peep about it from you.

You're disgusting.
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Thank’s ( lol) back at ya, big guy. Something about serial sexual abusers just turns me off. Seems it makes him a hero in some of your eyes. Whatever
Well we know that's a lie - you voted for Bill Clinton. Twice.

I think you actually get turned on by sexual abusers. You vote for Trump and you believe every salacious word from an anonymous 'source' that's reported only on leftist media.

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