healthcare workers at government-contracting facilities (aren't they all?) (thus, ok to fire refusers) upheld by SCOTUS through refusal to hear case.
Executive Orders - the Dictator’s minor league
Remember when vaccinations allegedly prevented the spread of Covid? And you were a murderer if you disagreed? Turns out us vaccinated folks probably killed more than the unvaccinated - our illness was less, often even undetected, and we spread more than the unvaccinated, who KNEW they were sick.
i got Covid after 5 jabs
Still took a 6th
Getting me a shingles jab soon
Growing extra parts
Executive Orders - the Dictator’s minor league
Remember when vaccinations allegedly prevented the spread of Covid? And you were a murderer if you disagreed? Turns out us vaccinated folks probably killed more than the unvaccinated - our illness was less, often even undetected, and we spread more than the unvaccinated, who KNEW they were sick.
i got Covid after 5 jabs
Still took a 6th
Getting me a shingles jab soon
Growing extra parts