Being a man

Seems like it’s harder to be a masculine man these days, particularly if you are a liberal.

A liberal woman laments her difficulty in finding a masculine liberal man. It’s not hard to figure out why. Amongst the wreckage left in the wake of the modern progressive movement is the take down of traditions, including traditional male and female roles. Yes, there really are differences between the sexes. Toxic femininity is as bad as toxic masculinity. The problem is that femininity is more stylish and it’s adverse effects are seeping into education, culture, business, and life.

What do you mean by "toxic femininity"?
You know, a lot of this is the just the general corrosion of good manners and civility.
The world seems a whole lot meaner than it used to be. Regardless of whatever "side" you're on.

Maybe we should see the original article by the human with female sex organs.
You've got some noun/verb relationships to clean up there.
Wow. Is there any better example of a liberal failing the manhood test than Hickory’s giggling emojis?

A strong male response to my, or any, post would be
1. Agreement
2. Disagreement
3. STFU.

The need to say something, and that something be an emoji is decidedly not masculine. Hickory frequently proves the point.
Or maybe not cry/bitch about stupid shit like this to begin with.
I don’t think anybody is telling me not to be masculine. But I do think the education establishment, which is dominated by women, is stripping away masculinity from boys. Even to the extent of medicating them. The results show up in a number of ways including the dominance of females in K-12 performance and in high-Ed student bodies. African American men and boys are particularly screwed by femininity and it shows in all kinds of ways.
I certainly agree that males falling behind in school, and the data behind it, is a problem. However, I'm not convinced that this is some scheme against men. There are changes to curriculum that need to be made to better accommodate boys and how they learn but I'm no expert on that so I can't give specifics. Encouraging more males to go into teaching may be part of the solution.

What does it mean to be a masculine man? For me it is action instead of process. It’s sympathy more than empathy. It’s concrete sequential thinking instead of random abstract thinking. It’s powering through adversity instead of internalizing and succumbing to feelings. There are many more comparisons. I guess the point is that there is good and bad in both, that’s why we need strong doses of both.
I think part of the problem with feeling like masculinity is being stripped away is ascribing these personality traits to men. Why do you believe traditional gender roles necessary? Why not encourage both sexes to to exemplify all of these traits: sympathy and empathy, concrete and abstract thinking, be in tune with feelings to both be able to recognize them and learn when to ignore them? You agree that there is good and bad in both so why not encourage everyone to learn these traits?

Personally it doesn't make sense to pigeonhole anyone as a specific way and make them conform to specific ideals. I'm not convinced that historically non-traditional gender roles are causing the downfall of society and the only way to build it back up is to enforce them. I think that we can support everyone to act in their best interest and for the good of society without trying to tear someone down.

EDIT: FWIW I think that many of the threads and responses on the WC are from men yearning for the days of traditional masculinity how you describe and yet the responses fall into traditional feminine traits. A little ironic and shows that it only matters when "others" do it.
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Long story short, this story of a "liberal woman" realizing how awful it actually is to be liberal is intended to warm conservative hearts. The problem is that story is fake. This is a far-right conservative woman writing about how terrible liberal men are in a magazine catering to other far-right women.
Long story short, this story of a "liberal woman" realizing how awful it actually is to be liberal is intended to warm conservative hearts. The problem is that story is fake. This is a far-right conservative woman writing about how terrible liberal men are in a magazine catering to other far-right women.
Are you saying that someone around these parts got duped???
Long story short, this story of a "liberal woman" realizing how awful it actually is to be liberal is intended to warm conservative hearts. The problem is that story is fake. This is a far-right conservative woman writing about how terrible liberal men are in a magazine catering to other far-right women.

I disagree. I’m going to go with your soft as butter and it’s why you struggle with ladies. Lift some weights and eat red meat. Some push-ups wouldn’t hurt either. Get rid of that grandpa body.
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She expects to be able to be nontraditional while expecting the male she bonds with to treat her traditionally.
This is a not insignificant portion of females.

I think people are figuring out that some traditional things existed for a reason.
This is a not insignificant portion of males.

But, the genie's not going back in the bottle. And even for the women who may desire a more traditional role in the family, they certainly aren't going to take a backseat in other matters anymore. No way. I have a wife. No freaking way.

Men have responded poorly to the reorganization of society. And really well. It's a change that will continue long after we're gone. Especially as we eliminate manual labor from society. Masculinity won't be tied to the physical in the workplace much longer. Women can run a backhoe or a crane just as well as a man. And they're way less likely to be drunk the night before.

Many men currently, moreso in prior generations, derived a great deal of self worth and purpose from their jobs. Their "manly" jobs. Now there are shortages of nurses and teachers. Men should become nurses and teachers. But those numbers still lag. Both require a college degree and we could send our young men there to be nurses and teachers while their sisters are studying chemistry.

Destigmatization would help tremendously. Gender roles, including in the home, have been evolving forever. I have a couple friends whose wives out earn them by miles. Doesn't even feel that strange anymore.
Well here I am and my masculinity can only be described in one word: TOXIC!!!!!! And mine left for a Todd chrisley
I disagree. I’m going to go with your soft as butter and it’s why you struggle with ladies. Lift some weights and eat red meat. Some push-ups wouldn’t hurt either. Get rid of that grandpa body.
No no. No snarl. They don’t want us anymore. Guys like you and me and cray. Men. Our time is over. Now they like guys like this chalamet guy. Real sweet. They can wear the same jeans. Weighs 124 pounds. That’s what they like now.

I don’t know what we’re gonna do. Probably have to go Texas. See if there’s any interest in us down there.
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No no. No snarl. They don’t want us anymore. Guys like you and me and cray. Men. Our time is over. Now they like guys like this chalamet guy. Real sweet. They can wear the same jeans. Weighs 124 pounds. That’s what they like now.

I don’t know what we’re gonna do. Probably have to go Texas. See if there’s any interest in us down there.
Daughter LOVES Chalamet. She could toss him in the air like a baby.

Can someone explain once and for all where this GIF came from?
Since you asked (and I just pulled it up)

Well here I am and my masculinity can only be described in one word: TOXIC!!!!!! And mine left for a Todd chrisley
Never heard of this Todd Chrisley. Looked him up and still not sure who he is or what he is or why I should know about him or even care about him.

So, I think there’s a KC fine here. We’re going to go back and check the rule book.

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