
Except when he had his ass handed to him by Auburn. All things are relative in bball.

I thought this would be a Chris Beard administration thread, where we banter about the idea of him repeating year two at Texas Tech and what he was on his way to doing at Texas. Will it be 3 Elite 8's in 10 years, one a natty runner-up. Year 2 at Ole Miss. Ole Miss.

No one's really going to try to compare accomplishments as a d1 basketball coach between Chris Beard and D-Rock.
Scott did not drop the ball on Beard. Pam said in the press conference that they wanted someone with great character. She was not going to agree to Beard.

I caught that too. Then she made sure D-Rock understood he was working for the best AD ever. I took that as never will there be another coach with more juice than the President or the AD again. Scott's a big boy now.
I caught that too. Then she made sure D-Rock understood he was working for the best AD ever. I took that as never will there be another coach with more juice than the President or the AD again. Scott's a big boy now.
Please stop calling him that. That's what his friends and players call him. CDD sounds so much better!
Scott did not drop the ball on Beard. Pam said in the press conference that they wanted someone with great character. She was not going to agree to Beard.
Simple as that. His character can be debated ad nauseum on this forum and it means nothing.
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I thought this would be a Chris Beard administration thread, where we banter about the idea of him repeating year two at Texas Tech and what he was on his way to doing at Texas. Will it be 3 Elite 8's in 10 years, one a natty runner-up. Year 2 at Ole Miss. Ole Miss.

No one's really going to try to compare accomplishments as a d1 basketball coach between Chris Beard and D-Rock.
All that from ‘malpractice’? Really?
Guessing you're a big Woodson guy because he didnt lose big to Purdue? When's the last time IU was in a S16? And we're talking about ole miss - equivalent of Minnesota or Iowa in the big 10 - to a S16 and will most likely be favored for an elite 8...

I think fans would have no problems with IU getting beat occasionally by Purdue, MSU, Wisconsin and then advancing to S16 and further
Oh yes, that immediately follows that if you make a comment about Beard losing, you might be a disciple of the Goatee. Sure. Beard’s a good coach but some fail to recognize that he was never going to be IU’s coach, at least not this go around.
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But he defended himself against a woman who was attacking him from reports I had heard. Next time he will just let her beat him up.
You really are a true piece of work. I've never met a "man of the cloth" so insistent on being okay with domestic violence in all of my life. It's scum like you that give your profession a bad name.
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You really are a true piece of work. I've never met a "man of the cloth" so insistent on being okay with domestic violence in all of my life. It's scum like you that give your profession a bad name.
I said it was reported that Beard was defending himself. Are you saying this is not true? If you have info I will listen.
You really are a true piece of work. I've never met a "man of the cloth" so insistent on being okay with domestic violence in all of my life. It's scum like you that give your profession a bad name.
Have you ever dealt with women who were beaten by their husbands? I have. I've loved them in Jesus' Name. Again what I said was that it was reported Beard was defending himself. So are you saying this isn't true? If it is true then I could say that you are ok with men getting hit. The truth is I don't want anybody hitting anybody.
well, that is why you dont choke and bite bitches when you want to have 7 million a year jobs. I know, it's crazy.
Classy post! Seems like in one breath you are defending women and in the next calling them bitches. I'm not sure you know which way you lean regarding this situation. Very interesting!!!!
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You really are a true piece of work. I've never met a "man of the cloth" so insistent on being okay with domestic violence in all of my life. It's scum like you that give your profession a bad name.
Kind of a dumb post, I've not read where is said he was ok with "domestic violence". I think you are doing a bit of injecting your own thoughts into others posts.
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Have you ever dealt with women who were beaten by their husbands? I have. I've loved them in Jesus' Name. Again what I said was that it was reported Beard was defending himself. So are you saying this isn't true? If it is true then I could say that you are ok with men getting hit. The truth is I don't want anybody hitting anybody.
I'd be ok with you and lucy, bitch slapping each other senseless. wouldn't take long
Kind of a dumb post, I've not read where is said he was ok with "domestic violence". I think you are doing a bit of injecting your own thoughts into others posts.
Look at the tone of his post and go read some of the great mans prior posts....this isn't the first time I've called him out on it. He's fine with a man hitting a woman if the woman hits them first. I was raised totally different and I have been in the situation before. It's really not that hard for a guy to walk away and not have to beat the woman. Not only did Beard not walk away, he proceeded to choke her out. Also, shouldn't a fine man of the cloth "turn the other cheek". Some how I doubt Jesus would have knocked the crazy lady out!
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Look at the tone of his post and go read some of the great mans prior posts....this isn't the first time I've called him out on it. He's fine with a man hitting a woman if the woman hits them first. I was raised totally different and I have been in the situation before. It's really not that hard for a guy to walk away and not have to beat the woman. Not only did Beard not walk away, he proceeded to choke her out. Also, shouldn't a fine man of the cloth "turn the other cheek". Some how I doubt Jesus would have knocked the crazy lady out!
I get that Christians are held to a higher standard but obviously it’s tough to be perfect as well. He’s just a flawed human too.

As for Beard, I researched this stuff way too much. He didn’t appear to hit her according to her statements or the police report. He also didn’t choke her out. He did have a hold of her from behind. Aka, a headlock but the police dropped the case in part because he didn’t choke with his hands. Headlocks are part of self defense classes. Again, not a good look for them at all. It’s just the story gets mangled more every time I see an anti-Beard post.
I get that Christians are held to a higher standard but obviously it’s tough to be perfect as well. He’s just a flawed human too.

As for Beard, I researched this stuff way too much. He didn’t appear to hit her according to her statements or the police report. He also didn’t choke her out. He did have a hold of her from behind. Aka, a headlock but the police dropped the case in part because he didn’t choke with his hands. Headlocks are part of self defense classes. Again, not a good look for them at all. It’s just the story gets mangled more every time I see an anti-Beard post.
And Beard had been drinking. We all know that we are not thinking right if we are drunk. In a perfect world he would have walked away. Also in a perfect world you wouldn't have your fiance hitting you like she was.
And Beard had been drinking. We all know that we are not thinking right if we are drunk. In a perfect world he would have walked away. Also in a perfect world you wouldn't have your fiance hitting you like she was.
Do any of you folks ever think that Dolson gave this thing due diligence? Do any of you believe that he may have be in contact with UT and gotten a more comprehensive report of what went down? Is it possible that he (or the search firm) enlisted investigators to get as complete a breakdown as can be had?

All that aside, are you saying the alcohol somehow exempts him of responsibility?

Time to give all this nonsense a rest. It's not who IU hired. It's not who Kentucky or Louisville hired. It's who Texas fired with cause. It's over with.
Do any of you folks ever think that Dolson gave this thing due diligence? Do any of you believe that he may have be in contact with UT and gotten a more comprehensive report of what went down? Is it possible that he (or the search firm) enlisted investigators to get as complete a breakdown as can be had?

All that aside, are you saying the alcohol somehow exempts him of responsibility?

Time to give all this nonsense a rest. It's not who IU hired. It's not who Kentucky or Louisville hired. It's who Texas fired with cause. It's over with.
I wasn't in any meetings, but I doubt Beard was ever considered. What exactly did Beard do wrong? If he never hit her or choked her and was defensive because she was attacking him then I would like to know. Now, does this look bad? Yes, if that is what he is responsible for then it is what it is. Alcohol does not exempt anyone if they did wrong. I'd just like to know what he actually did. Beard lost his dream job to this incident. He played at Texas and wanted to coach there.
Look at the tone of his post and go read some of the great mans prior posts....this isn't the first time I've called him out on it. He's fine with a man hitting a woman if the woman hits them first. I was raised totally different and I have been in the situation before. It's really not that hard for a guy to walk away and not have to beat the woman. Not only did Beard not walk away, he proceeded to choke her out. Also, shouldn't a fine man of the cloth "turn the other cheek". Some how I doubt Jesus would have knocked the crazy lady out!
I believe she said she wasn't choked. Look I raised 2 daughters and I wouldn't want anyone to hit them, but I also raised them to not step in a mans role. They were taught to not hit and you won't be hit. I think Beard should have walked away, but I also think the situation was much different than what is being projected.

As far as Pastor, trying to interpret the context of a post is IMO not fair so I choose not to go there.
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What happened to the bite marks? Where those not a thing? Reports said she had bite marks. What man defends himself with biting? I suppose if you are in imminent danger of having an eye clawed out or something.

I would have been fine with Beard. But he isn't the be-all-end-all holy grail gods gift to coaching. Neither is our guy, but nobody can say DeVries doesn't have a really good resume either.
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I wasn't in any meetings, but I doubt Beard was ever considered. What exactly did Beard do wrong? If he never hit her or choked her and was defensive because she was attacking him then I would like to know. Now, does this look bad? Yes, if that is what he is responsible for then it is what it is. Alcohol does not exempt anyone if they did wrong. I'd just like to know what he actually did. Beard lost his dream job to this incident. He played at Texas and wanted to coach there.
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What happened to the bite marks? Where those not a thing? Reports said she had bite marks. What man defends himself with biting? I suppose if you are in imminent danger of having an eye clawed out or something.

I would have been fine with Beard. But he isn't the be-all-end-all holy grail gods gift to coaching. Neither is our guy, but nobody can say DeVries doesn't have a really good resume either.
Not that I was there but I have taken self defense classes and wrestled in school. I have also held people in a headlock from behind as a way to control a situation. You can tighten if they are still going after you or you can lessen when they calm down. In that situation I had, the guy did have a free arm to scratch, eye poke, grab, or whatever. I am going out on a limb but tucking your head or biting are really the only options if you’re keeping to headlock in place. Who knows…
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Do any of you folks ever think that Dolson gave this thing due diligence? Do any of you believe that he may have be in contact with UT and gotten a more comprehensive report of what went down? Is it possible that he (or the search firm) enlisted investigators to get as complete a breakdown as can be had?

All that aside, are you saying the alcohol somehow exempts him of responsibility?

Time to give all this nonsense a rest. It's not who IU hired. It's not who Kentucky or Louisville hired. It's who Texas fired with cause. It's over with.
In retrospect I don't think Beard was ever considered, at least not to the point of running a background investigation on him. I think he was off the table from the beginning, though a few weeks ago I was less sure.
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But he defended himself against a woman who was attacking him from reports I had heard. Next time he will just let her beat him up.
There’s good old Van. No matter what information he receives, he never changes his mind and always sticks to his “facts”.
In retrospect I don't think Beard was ever considered, at least not to the point of running a background investigation on him. I think he was off the table from the beginning, though a few weeks ago I was less sure.
I think that is correct. I imagine ADs talk. He may have talked to others who did.
I said it was reported that Beard was defending himself. Are you saying this is not true? If you have info I will listen.
No Van, you prove over and over again you truly will NOT listen. There were multiple posts , the police report etc that have been in threads you have been in. You choose to be willfully ignorant and believe just what you want to believe.
I get that Christians are held to a higher standard but obviously it’s tough to be perfect as well. He’s just a flawed human too.

As for Beard, I researched this stuff way too much. He didn’t appear to hit her according to her statements or the police report. He also didn’t choke her out. He did have a hold of her from behind. Aka, a headlock but the police dropped the case in part because he didn’t choke with his hands. Headlocks are part of self defense classes. Again, not a good look for them at all. It’s just the story gets mangled more every time I see an anti-Beard post.
And your reasoning for the bite marks and lacerations?
I think that is correct. I imagine ADs talk. He may have talked to others who did.
I'm guessing that Dolson never talked to anyone about Beard. He was never even on the list. No way you settle for a hire like DeVries when a guy like Beard is available and reportedly wants to be here, unless he's just not an option for PR reasons.
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There’s good old Van. No matter what information he receives, he never changes his mind and always sticks to his “facts”.
Laughable. Yeah, he's not the only one who doesn't change their views when presented with new facts.
And Beard had been drinking. We all know that we are not thinking right if we are drunk. In a perfect world he would have walked away. Also in a perfect world you wouldn't have your fiance hitting you like she was.
Where did you see she was hitting him? Can you cite that? All I saw was that she broke his glasses. Do you wonder why she had marks all over her and he had none? Does it make it ok that he was drinking? Is it ok if he has has an alcohol problem, which has been rumored?