Ballo post game comments

Pretty obvious there are two sides of the coin on this, at least for me.

Heads: Ballo can say whatever the hell he wants, and if you're upset by those comments and think he's soft and can't handle the heat, then i'd say you're soft and are hyper-analyzing what a 22yr old said after his last game of collegiate basketball. Quit being a snowflake fan.

Tails: Play better. And Mike Woodson (or was it Leal) should have never made the "True Fans" comment. That was divisive and unconstructive towards the fan base. Woodson's lack of accountability made us fans take it out on the whole team.

Ballo seems like a decent human being. He's young. He'd also kick all of our asses in a one-on-one fight. Let the man grieve.
What BS. There is no way he can handle the great John Wick one to one.
So I guess IU should have a very apathetic fanbase to not scare off coaches.
I'm not suggesting that. I'm suggesting that Ballo should probably choose his words more carefully and the university should be instructing him to do so.

Do you ever hear about the players bragging about all the benefits that come with being a college basketball player, especially at a place like IU? They are typically treated like kings around campus and probably do pretty well with the ladies too. If you hear about the bad, how about them telling everyone how great it is to have one million dollars in the bank? Nope, only the negative stuff from a few bad apples, which as we know, every fanbase has.
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I'm not suggesting that. I'm suggesting that Ballo should probably choose his words more carefully and the university should be instructing him to do so.

Do you ever hear about the players bragging about all the benefits that come with being a college basketball player, especially at a place like IU? They are typically treated like kings around campus and probably do pretty well with the ladies too. If you hear about the bad, how about them telling everyone how great it is to have one million dollars in the bank? Nope, only the negative stuff from a few bad apples, which as we know, every fanbase has.
Just keep excusing it.
Several guys were getting death threats. I think we can all agree that shouldn’t be happening.
I highly doubt that.

They may have got a message that said something like "I wish you were dead", but threats of death? I hightly doubt that.
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Bring in a real NBA pro at the start of the year and have him show the players what his social media looks like. What a college player gets is probably tame by comparison.
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When you run out of excuses for another disappointing performance, some have been enabled to throw down their race card.

Everyone lives life under a death threat. We spend our whole lives dealing with this threat of imminent death. It usually goes without needing to be said. Not for Ballo, it’s his grievance, his excuse.
If true sounds like the digital era version of-Do you have Prince Edward in a can?

What BS about Woodson. He was forced to resign under duress and even threatened to rescind a couple weeks ago. Protecting his family ? BS.
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Ballo said he was getting threats so I don't think it's fair to go after people/posters for believing him at his word. There's also a facebook post going around that Woodson's early retirement was due to death threats and stalkers and leaving for his family's safety. Given that there's no proof of Woodson actually saying that, I am less inclined to believe that one.

Now I have no clue if any of the above is true (i would assume none of us do). However, I bet someone said something to Ballo (I don't think he would just make that up). Now how bad that something was and whether or not it came from an actual IU fan is unknown. We have had players in the past show photos of hate mail they have received from "fans" so obviously we either have some nutbags in our fanbase or nutbags pretending to be in our fanbase. The post about woodson could be completely fabricated by some idiot trying to stir up sympathy or could have some truth. Hoping/Thinking it is the former because I really don't think Woodson is voluntarily leaving.

Anyway, criticizing players/coaches for their performance should be fine. Threatening/stalking is not. Hopefully those crossing the line are turned into police.
Yeah, I just listened to Ballo's comments. I don't know how he played, and I'm sure the kevlar bodysuit slowed him down for fear of being shot dead on the court. He sounded absolutely terrified.

That's as big a smokescreen and nothing-burger as I've heard in awhile. If he got a death threat or threat at all, he obviously took it as seriously as it warranted. I'll be glad to flush this entire team and regime. I hope the phrases "true fan" and "real fans" are never uttered by an IU player again. If they're winning, there will never be a need. This is this team and staff grasping at every straw they can to avoid looking in the mirror and taking some responsibility on themselves.
I didn’t either. I was assuming he was the only one complaining of death threats and they were race inspired. Maybe I’m overthinking it. Perhaps it was simply, “Hello, Omar?…Omar Ballo? I’m a deranged psychopath on campus who’s going to blow your brain out if I don’t start seeing more double doubles in your box score.” Forgive me for assuming “black-ass brain”.
For someone who whines about others playing the "race card" , you sure whipped it out pretty quickly...and, in a situation about which you were totally ignorant.
Well played. :rolleyes:
Yeah, I just listened to Ballo's comments. I don't know how he played, and I'm sure the kevlar bodysuit slowed him down for fear of being shot dead on the court. He sounded absolutely terrified.

That's as big a smokescreen and nothing-burger as I've heard in awhile. If he got a death threat or threat at all, he obviously took it as seriously as it warranted. I'll be glad to flush this entire team and regime. I hope the phrases "true fan" and "real fans" are never uttered by an IU player again. If they're winning, there will never be a need. This is this team and staff grasping at every straw they can to avoid looking in the mirror and taking some responsibility on themselves.
I prefer to believe it was a couple of Industrial Management nerds huddled in a Purdue dorm room on Saturday night emailing Ballo with threats to blow up his BMW XM SUV.
Very much so. Obama was one of those entitled presidents you couldn’t touch while in office. He cowered behind his card as a protected pompous prick. Don’t get me started.
Blah, blah, blah.

So, to be clear, you were the only one playing the race card, for no reason other than your feelz were bruised by a president who hasn't been in office for almost a decade. Talk about ODS.
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Blah, blah, blah.

So, to be clear, you were the only one playing the race card, for no reason other than your feelz were bruised by a president who hasn't been in office for almost a decade. Talk about ODS.
I am what I am in brute honesty, offering no apologies. There are worse characters in life. Let’s both agree to drop it now before you start sounding a bit triggered here, too.
I am what I am in brute honesty, offering no apologies. There are worse characters in life. Let’s both agree to drop it now before you start sounding a bit triggered here, too.
Pointing out your triggered race card troll bait hardly renders me triggered.
But, I agree, you need to stop.
That's right, because they only deserve positive support from their fanbase when they're winning.
No, they won't be looking for excuses then. You either have rabid fans who are going to show up, or you have fans that don't care and will stop coming if you're not winning. The level of support the IU program has gotten compared to the result's it's produced over the last 10-12 years is phenomenal. Yes, there is always a percentage of fans who say dumb things or carry things too far, but if the choice is the level of support IU has gotten over the last 10 years, or an empty arena, which do you think any coach, players or administrators are choosing?

PS: there will be a % of bad fans in either group.
Was Bracey Wright the one with “slow feet” or was that someone else? Knight once stated it as such.
Wright played for Davis. He was the "HELP" that was on the way. He was the one who stood around dribbling a hole in the floor.

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