I get that but would his skill set be used differently? We don’t know but some skills transcend and some don’t. The game has changed drastically since then. I know it’s an unpopular take.
in Wilt's day, you couldn't travel, double dribble, and palm the ball, as much as you wanted to.
they actually called floor violations back then, even if a lot looser than college or HS.
some of today's stars would struggle to see the court back then, because they'd get called for floor violations all the time.
today's players not only travel or double dribble every possession under the old rules, but literally travel and/or double dribble multiple times every possession.
they travel and double dribble on the catch, where they fumble the ball, pick it back up and dribble again, while taking a couple steps off the catch as well, then "handling" the ball, then again on the stop they take a couple steps without shooting or passing, fumble the ball again, and pick it back up.
that was also pre Shaq, when you couldn't just shove or back your defender out of the way like an offensive tackle, if he was guarding you. (the Shaq rule).
you also didn't have that beyond ridiculous "no guarding/no chargeing zone" circle under the basket we have now. (one of the worst rules in all of sports)..
the defenses were also much more compressed inside.
Wilt would thrive in today's game.
quicker than Shaq, faster than Shaq, just as strong, with great touch inside.
today's game does have far more great shooters though.