At least we’re consistent


Hall of Famer
Oct 25, 2002

Strange play calling that really looks like we’re attempting to kill our own momentum.

Blown defensive coverages.

We’ll play inspired LEO football in the second half and Allen will clap his way to a heart warming 30 point loss.

Strange play calling that really looks like we’re attempting to kill our own momentum.

Blown defensive coverages.

We’ll play inspired LEO football in the second half and Allen will clap his way to a heart warming 30 point loss.
30 you are optimistic.

Strange play calling that really looks like we’re attempting to kill our own momentum.

Blown defensive coverages.

We’ll play inspired LEO football in the second half and Allen will clap his way to a heart warming 30 point loss.
Tom Allen is a lame duck coach and is just going to go through the motions the remainder of however long he is here. Just completely unprepared by this coach time and again.
Tom Allen is a lame duck coach and is just going to go through the motions the remainder of however long he is here. Just completely unprepared by this coach time and again.
I don’t think he’s going through, or will go through the motions.

I just don’t think he’s capable of being an effective HC without elite level coordinators.

And since IU isn’t willing to invest the money and resources in to an elite staff…you’re right, he’s a lame duck coach.

Strange play calling that really looks like we’re attempting to kill our own momentum.

Blown defensive coverages.

We’ll play inspired LEO football in the second half and Allen will clap his way to a heart warming 30 point loss.
Really difficult to see the opportunity for any additional wins this season.

It is really hard to understand how a team can come out so unready to play. It's equally hard to understand why IU continues to attempt this option nonsense. It's almost as ridiculous as the Jaylin Lucas runs up the gut.
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I don’t think he’s going through, or will go through the motions.

I just don’t think he’s capable of being an effective HC without elite level coordinators.

And since IU isn’t willing to invest the money and resources in to an elite staff…you’re right, he’s a lame duck coach.
Yes its money issue that les to the offensive coordinator we have.

Idiots always think throwing money at an issue will fix it
If Tayven could hit intermediate targets more consistently…Bells play calling would look a lot better.

He misses A LOT of well schemed, open, receivers on what should be easy throws. Like a lot.
Still.... those short side option plays. Bell seems to think that's going to work.
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IU should go after a cheating scum coach like Urban Meyer or start bending the rules more(if there are any) to get top recruits! Better than hiring a fair weather coach that goes after 2-3star players that wouldn’t start in D2!
Yeah, should probably scratch those. But he has been setting up solid, convert-able intermediate pass plays. The running does open those up. Tayven is just missing them…basically all of them.
I don't disagree. One of my biggest concerns coming into the year was having the choice between two middling FBS Quarterbacks.
Yeah, should probably scratch those. But he has been setting up solid, convert-able intermediate pass plays. The running does open those up. Tayven is just missing them…basically all of them.
This is his fifth game of college football. We’re paying the price for not being able to bring in an experienced portal quarterback. It was a huge failure.
Tom Allen is a lame duck coach and is just going to go through the motions the remainder of however long he is here. Just completely unprepared by this coach time and again.
Tom is an example of a very good man who is in way over his head. I would liken him to Mike Davis. These are very good men but are not able to coach effectively at this competitive level. At least they can't do it for longer periods.
Tom is an example of a very good man who is in way over his head. I would liken him to Mike Davis. These are very good men but are not able to coach effectively at this competitive level. At least they can't do it for longer periods.

Is Tom Allen a very good man? Maybe. No one seems to want to work with him for very long, except for Hiller. Talented players leave. He gives off Disappointed Dad energy at every press conference and hasn’t shown any sort of self reflection or ownership of mistakes.

Mike Davis got us to within a Tom Coverdale sprained ankle of a sixth banner and he was a really sincere person. I take Mike Davis over Tom Allen 10/10 times.
Is Tom Allen a very good man? Maybe. No one seems to want to work with him for very long, except for Hiller. Talented players leave. He gives off Disappointed Dad energy at every press conference and hasn’t shown any sort of self reflection or ownership of mistakes.

Mike Davis got us to within a Tom Coverdale sprained ankle of a sixth banner and he was a really sincere person. I take Mike Davis over Tom Allen 10/10 times.
Yep. The Hoosiers briefly had a lead against Maryland in that Monday night game in the second half. It certainly wasn't happening today.
I wasn’t surprised last winter at all that no decent, nor experienced portal qb wanted to take a flyer on the CTA/Bell ship. Last year’s offensive highlight tape was downright, well, OFFENSIVE!!!

Time to give Sorsby a try? Maybe so. At the very least, I’m sure he can sail passes over guys heads at a less alarming rate…shades of LoVecchio his first year playing at IU in ‘03.
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Is Tom Allen a very good man? Maybe. No one seems to want to work with him for very long, except for Hiller. Talented players leave. He gives off Disappointed Dad energy at every press conference and hasn’t shown any sort of self reflection or ownership of mistakes.

Mike Davis got us to within a Tom Coverdale sprained ankle of a sixth banner and he was a really sincere person. I take Mike Davis over Tom Allen 10/10 times.
Jeffries sprained ankle as well.
Is Tom Allen a very good man? Maybe. No one seems to want to work with him for very long, except for Hiller. Talented players leave. He gives off Disappointed Dad energy at every press conference and hasn’t shown any sort of self reflection or ownership of mistakes.

Mike Davis got us to within a Tom Coverdale sprained ankle of a sixth banner and he was a really sincere person. I take Mike Davis over Tom Allen 10/10 times.
Isn't this the equivalent of saying I prefer a firing squad to hanging?
Tom is an example of a very good man who is in way over his head. I would liken him to Mike Davis. These are very good men but are not able to coach effectively at this competitive level. At least they can't do it for longer periods.

Nobody is saying he isn’t an upstanding guy. He’s just a terrible football coach. You know it when you see it.
We talk about the offense and the play-calling.

The defense is absolutely a trainwreck. This may be one of the worst defenses I’ve seen here since Lynch. The DL is outright pathetic. Zero pass rush and slow as hell. And the secondary? Good grief. DBs not within 20 yards of WRs. Are any of these guys really P5 material? Not seeing it at all.

That’s it. It’s bye week. We’ll probably find a way to lose it as well.

Fire Allen🔥🔥🔥

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I wasn’t surprised last winter at all that no decent, nor experienced portal qb wanted to take a flyer on the CTA/Bell ship. Last year’s offensive highlight tape was downright, well, OFFENSIVE!!!

Time to give Sorsby a try? Maybe so. At the very least, I’m sure he can sail passes over guys heads at a less alarming rate…shades of LoVecchio his first year playing at IU in ‘03.
I hope they do give Sorsby a try but the Michigan will be a tough job. Making the change in a bye week is a good time to do it.
If Tayven could hit intermediate targets more consistently…Bells play calling would look a lot better.

He misses A LOT of well schemed, open, receivers on what should be easy throws. Like a lot.
Sorsby doesn't suffer that affliction nearly so bad.
Yep. Not sure any of us fully understand how big of a deal that is/was.
Yeah, who would have seen this coming after all of the quarterbacks and running backs fled the program last year or the year before.
Yep. Not sure any of us fully understand how big of a deal that is/was.
Yeah, who would have seen this coming after all of the quarterbacks and running backs fled the program last year or the year before.

It must have been Tom Allen saying that he did not want to bring in an experienced transfer while keeping a straight face .

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