I’m a progressive conservative.
My last big case was a severely under-designed PEMB. Sizing the building elements was the result of imputing the owner specs and the computer program would run a series of linear calculations and give the builder the needed specifications of the various elements. The building was underdesigned mostly because of inputting errors. (Garbage in, garbage out). There were also questions about whether our clear span requirements could even be handled by this supplier. . Nobody caught the error and the result was a huge law suit. Would an AI program have caught the mistakes? Seems like this could be an important use of AI.
Me too. As well as the number of the very first phone call I recall making. (To an aunt). I also still remember some land line numbers of frequently called numbers in my practice 50+ years ago.
Oh, and I also missed the stack of pink phone message slips. (Before your time?) They were good reminders of work to be done. Much better than pages of email and voice mail.