Another MSU player allegedly involved in a heinous crime

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Everybody is pleased.
Your teachers and caregivers would be notable exceptions to that, however. That list will likely include your creditors one day, but that’s after you become a grown up. In the meantime, Good Boy!
Fife wasn't the problem. Mr. Enabler Tom Izzo is the problem. He will never acknowledge he has no control over his players and then covers for their actions even when they admit guilt. He is a disgusting person.
When a player rapes or sexually assualts someone, Izzo will be on the scene before 911 does.
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I did not realize how many times he has been arrested and for how man serious things.

He gone forever this time.
Izzo and MSU does seem to look the other way when it comes to character. Without knowing Appling, He might have been a better person at MSU. People can turn bad for reasons unrelated to the coach they played for.
Fife wasn't the problem. Mr. Enabler Tom Izzo is the problem. He will never acknowledge he has no control over his players and then covers for their actions even when they admit guilt. He is a disgusting person.
Their campus culture is the bigger problem. Plenty of their FB players have been less than stellar citizens, too. Not hard to understand when you see the approach they took when Nasser’s misdeeds were uncovered.
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Fife wasn't the problem. Mr. Enabler Tom Izzo is the problem. He will never acknowledge he has no control over his players and then covers for their actions even when they admit guilt. He is a disgusting person.
I don't know how you give Fife such a complete pass on this. Yeah he probably was not enabling anything, but he could have walked away and refused to be any part of it. He didn't.
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so you're comparing a rapist, a murderer and a heroin dealer to Leary? Absolutely pathetic!
No dumbass, I'm saying that the fine people you knew in college can become rapist, murderers and thieves years later. I don't like Izzo, but he is only responsible for his players while they are in school.
I don't know how you give Fife such a complete pass on this. Yeah he probably was not enabling anything, but he could have walked away and refused to be any part of it. He didn't.
Fife did walk away to work with a better man. We will never know what Dane thought of Izzo's decision to keep a rape suspect on the team while crying over survivors of sexual abuse within the athletic program.
No dumbass, I'm saying that the fine people you knew in college can become rapist, murderers and thieves years later. I don't like Izzo, but he is only responsible for his players while they are in school.
As a freshman the guy was accused of rape. Given the string of crimes after his time at MSU, I'm inclined to the think there was fire under all the smoke.
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Fife did walk away to work with a better man. We will never know what Dane thought of Izzo's decision to keep a rape suspect on the team while crying over survivors of sexual abuse within the athletic program.
We will never know...for sure.
No dumbass, I'm saying that the fine people you knew in college can become rapist, murderers and thieves years later. I don't like Izzo, but he is only responsible for his players while they are in school.
Why the name calling? You lose.