My wife hates the holidays. Thinks they're dumb because we'll, she's her. I do the whole elf on a shelf thing for my youngest because well, she still believes (believed) and I wanted to enjoy it with her. My wife thought it was stupid.
A month or so ago we were playing a game she got for Christmas, Tapple. It's a game where there's a timer, you chose a category off a card and have to give a answer based on a letter of the alphabet that's available. Once a letter is picked, you click it down and the next person goes, in which time the timer resets and the next player goes. It kind of fun. Anyway, my youngest picked mythical/magical creatures. My youngest asks for an explanation what that means so we tell her. She starts off and gives Harry Potter, I gave something like lochness monster, then my wife gives Tooth fairy. My youngest looks at her but doesn't say anything and keeps playing. She gives and answer, I give and answer and then my wife says it.... Santa Claus. My daughter instantly stops and says what???? Santa's not real?
I looked at my wife and said, yep, you did it now. I looked at my kid, who had a tear coming down her cheek. In that moment, she found out we were Santa, the tooth fairy and the Easter bunny.
She's still salty.