All tied up


Sep 9, 2009

It’s anyone’s election. @Bowlmania your babydoll is slipping. The more Harris talks the more people dislike her and realize how ridiculous she is. The winner of the election is going to be who says the least amount of dumb shit. Democrats need to hide Harris away in basement like they did Biden.

It’s anyone’s election. @Bowlmania your babydoll is slipping. The more Harris talks the more people dislike her and realize how ridiculous she is. The winner of the election is going to be who says the least amount of dumb shit. Democrats need to hide Harris away in basement like they did Biden.
she had that approval rating as vp for a reason. Nothing has changed but the media glow up
I'm not sure this plays into the hands of Trump/Vance.
I agree. It should be a lay up for Democrats, but Harris is championing price controls, handouts, and Marxism. Pretty stupid shit to say. It’s pathetic it’s the best Democrats could produce.
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I agree. It should be a lay for Democrats, but Harris is championing price controls, handouts, and Marxism. Pretty stupid shit to say. It’s pathetic it’s the best Democrats could produce.

In a normal election I'd agree, but I don't believe that this one will hinge on the issues. This one is about The Feels. And anyway, some of the populist Harris stuff probably sounds great to a lot of voters.
In a normal election I'd agree, but I don't believe that this one will hinge on the issues. This one is about The Feels. And anyway, some of the populist Harris stuff probably sounds great to a lot of voters.

I think in simplistic terms that there are four major voting groups driving her main rise with a couple minor groups added to it.

I wasn't a Kamala fan during the 2020 Dem primary. I was a Pete fan mainly because he was by far the most polished presenter of his political beliefs. He reminded me of the star corporate leaders that you knew was going to rise in the company by how he simply carried himself and communicated.

After the primary was over Pete crushed with the older Dem voters, including older women. The word was boomers, particularly boomer women mentioned that he brings back memories of RFK's campaign. Pete however really struggled with black dem voters and the younger Dem voters.

Which gets to one of my points. The overwhelming favorite of the youth Dem voters was Bernie. Which we cynically joked how the youngest won the older voters but the oldest dominated the youth vote for Dems.

Meaning I believe Kamala is getting the energy from the youth Dem movement as she more aligns with Sanders, and they are just excited that a progressive leaning candidate is getting a shot. Youth vote brings so much energy to a campaign when you connect with them. To me that's why the Biden (who Sanders fans don't like, see IGW) to Kamala move has gotten a huge energetic youth vote fired up.

The second group is obviously the black dem voter group. Again, with Kamala they are getting a shot for a better representative culturally which is historically rare as we all know.

Third group is obviously women. With the right, at least in social discussions, strongly leaning into the cryptic evangelical beliefs (which is laid out in scary detail with project 25 and with a VP choice that is spewing it's belief system where women are basically created by God to be subservient) along with Roe v Wade being blown up by a conservative court, that's a group that is going to be difficult to really win over IMO. Adding the relating factor of Kamala being a woman who the perceived male dominated religious right has already attacked her using the classic insults that have always been thrown around towards them being that she's just a dumb, gold digging whore who's only talent is sucking dick and being a token black politician.....attacks that will resonate with women because they are definitely aware of those old tactics....let's just say I believe that's another massive group that Kamala might have more energized vs Biden which is also why we keep telling the right to continue spewing it, because we know just how dumb, unoriginal and offensive it is to a massive voting block. Hell the right did similar but unoriginal insults to Haley the so called bird brain. It's who Maga is. They must think that angry over 40 white dudes are a big enough block to offset the losses from the other groups from using dumb, unoriginal but stereotypical insults.

So young progressives, black voters and women are three gigantic groups that the Kamala take over has gotten their attention.

Other groups at play are obviously those that don't want Trump again. Personally I know he is near 100% a populous influencer who believes he can convince a massive number of people to believe him, but I am still a little surprised and disappointed that his believed influence of Jan 6th along with his massive delay of responding as it was going on how it didn't end his political career. That being said I was expecting to see political campaign ads that were mainly just replays of that day, which I haven't seen yet.

So progressive youth, African American dems, woman and Trump rejecters are, to me the sources of energy from moving from a Biden candidate to quite simply a younger, more progressive woman.

Also political campaigns are rarely about core policy to my personal chagrin, it's about the energy and buzz that gets generated. Biden had zero but Harris has seen a huge energy push mainly driven by the groups mentioned, particularly young progressives and women in my opinion.
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