All tied up going into the 9th Polls

Words mean something. Biden wasn’t “found guilty” of any crimes. Not in an impeachment and not in a trial. Fact is they really have no evidence of a crime.

Let’s be clear here. Being a Republican doesn’t require being a liar. It doesn’t require denial of facts either. It also doesn’t require attacking political opponents dishonestly. All this has been taken to extremes since Trump. I find it extremely embarrassing and shameful as a Republican.

I've come to learn from this board that words only have a meaning when the person saying them/interpreting them wants the word to mean what it really means.
I agree that Trump is a narcissist. But don't tell that most who have either run for or served as the President are not narcissist. They are just better at hiding it.
I agree with Murt. You can be confident to the point of outright arrogance (pretty much all national politicians) but that doesn’t make one a narcissist. True narcissists like Trump are dangerous because they only care about #1 and I think most politicians still have just a hint of idealism left in them from when they started. This theory I hear from all my Harley driving rebel flag waving southerners that Trump just loves this country more than anyone else is pure hogwash
I agree with Murt. You can be confident to the point of outright arrogance (pretty much all national politicians) but that doesn’t make one a narcissist. True narcissists like Trump are dangerous because they only care about #1 and I think most politicians still have just a hint of idealism left in them from when they started. This theory I hear from all my Harley driving rebel flag waving southerners that Trump just loves this country more than anyone else is pure hogwash
It’s amazing you voted for him 16 and 20, considering everyone had known who Trump is for the past 30 years. He wasn’t dangerous in 16? How about 20? Your logic doesn’t match up with your actions.
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It’s amazing you voted for him 16 and 20, considering everyone had known who Trump is for the past 30 years. He wasn’t dangerous in 16? How about 20? Your logic doesn’t match up with your actions.
He’s not the same candidate. Not even close