About "the shit"...


Jul 17, 2002
Starter debate, recruiting blues, faithlessness, heavily guarded/qualified optimism and incipient negativity. Blah blah blah. I'm more of a mind with Cav on this (if little else 🍏), et al. and those content to keep their powder dry until after someone actually tips a damn ball.

That being said, some things I'd like to happen:

1) A few weeks into the Season Coach Woodson's remark about "Indiana Basketball is the shit" is being quoted by national pundits. Mildly surprised no one has yet advanced a so-themed sweatshirt design or some such.

2) Derik Queen reclassifies to 2023 and commits to IU. 247 has him "warm" for MD and "cool" on IU but Rivals Fan Futurecast has him 63% for IU (probably just noise). Think he's slated to visit MD Oct. 21 or so, best wishes for an early season ice storm, freak extended electrical blackout, fetid winds or some other adequate cosmic circumstance to sour his visit - Nature's version of "the shit". Seen the MD campus and lived in /traveled the DC area for years - relatively speaking, Bloomington is also "the shit". Mostly have no idea why someone NBA bound would opt for a mentor/teacher that compiled a lackluster record with the Iona Gaels & Seton Hall Pirates as opposed to someone who scored over 10,000 pts. playing in the NBA for 15 years before excelling as an assistant coach with the Bucks, Cavaliers, 76ers, Pistons (Championship) and Clippers, and also succeeded as a head coach by returning Atlanta to the playoffs and doing as much as anyone could with the then Knicks roster. Talk about "the shit".

3) XJ 5.0 and the emergence of the sweetest pick and roll in the NCAA ( - essentially abundant evidence of the "the shit". The prospect of further evolution involving wing penetration, kickouts, etc. could be very entertaining, as would be the realization that IU has an additional virtuoso facilitator in the backcourt. When NBA scouts say that someone is the "most NBA-ready" member of a team, that tells me said member is "the shit".

Generally I'd go on but having just returned from Mumbai will rather invite others to offer their views on what might also merit Woodson's eloquent designation/sobriquet.
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Starter debate, recruiting blues, faithlessness, heavily guarded/qualified optimism and incipient negativity. Blah blah blah. I'm more of a mind with Cav on this (if little else 🍏), et al. and those content to keep their powder dry until after someone actually tips a damn ball.

That being said, some things I'd like to happen:

1) A few weeks into the Season Coach Woodson's remark about "Indiana Basketball is the shit" is being quoted by national pundits. Mildly surprised no one has yet advanced a so-themed sweatshirt design or some such.

2) Derik Queen reclassifies to 2023 and commits to IU. 247 has him "warm" for MD and "cool" on IU but Rivals Fan Futurecast has him 63% for IU (probably just noise). Think he's slated to visit MD Oct. 21 or so, best wishes for an early season ice storm, freak extended electrical blackout, fetid winds or some other adequate cosmic circumstance to sour his visit - Nature's version of "the shit". Seen the MD campus and lived in /traveled the DC area for years - relatively speaking, Bloomington is also "the shit". Mostly have no idea why someone NBA bound would opt for a mentor/teacher that compiled a lackluster record with the Iona Gaels & Seton Hall Pirates as opposed to someone who scored over 10,000 pts. playing in the NBA for 15 years before excelling as an assistant coach with the Bucks, Cavaliers, 76ers, Pistons (Championship) and Clippers, and also succeeded as a head coach by returning Atlanta to the playoffs and doing as much as anyone could with the then Knicks roster. Talk about "the shit".

3) XJ 5.0 and the emergence of the sweetest pick and roll in the NCAA ( essentially abundant evidence of the "the shit". The prospect of further evolution involving wing penetration, kickouts, etc. could be very entertaining, as would be the realization that IU has an additional virtuoso facilitator in the backcourt. When NBA scouts say that someone is the "most NBA-ready" member of a team, that tells me said member is "the shit".

Generally I'd go on but having just returned from Mumbai will rather invite others to offer their views on what might also merit Woodson's eloquent designation/sobriquet.
Mumbai!!! Sounds like the shit.
Starter debate, recruiting blues, faithlessness, heavily guarded/qualified optimism and incipient negativity. Blah blah blah. I'm more of a mind with Cav on this (if little else 🍏), et al. and those content to keep their powder dry until after someone actually tips a damn ball.

That being said, some things I'd like to happen:

1) A few weeks into the Season Coach Woodson's remark about "Indiana Basketball is the shit" is being quoted by national pundits. Mildly surprised no one has yet advanced a so-themed sweatshirt design or some such.

2) Derik Queen reclassifies to 2023 and commits to IU. 247 has him "warm" for MD and "cool" on IU but Rivals Fan Futurecast has him 63% for IU (probably just noise). Think he's slated to visit MD Oct. 21 or so, best wishes for an early season ice storm, freak extended electrical blackout, fetid winds or some other adequate cosmic circumstance to sour his visit - Nature's version of "the shit". Seen the MD campus and lived in /traveled the DC area for years - relatively speaking, Bloomington is also "the shit". Mostly have no idea why someone NBA bound would opt for a mentor/teacher that compiled a lackluster record with the Iona Gaels & Seton Hall Pirates as opposed to someone who scored over 10,000 pts. playing in the NBA for 15 years before excelling as an assistant coach with the Bucks, Cavaliers, 76ers, Pistons (Championship) and Clippers, and also succeeded as a head coach by returning Atlanta to the playoffs and doing as much as anyone could with the then Knicks roster. Talk about "the shit".

3) XJ 5.0 and the emergence of the sweetest pick and roll in the NCAA ( - essentially abundant evidence of the "the shit". The prospect of further evolution involving wing penetration, kickouts, etc. could be very entertaining, as would be the realization that IU has an additional virtuoso facilitator in the backcourt. When NBA scouts say that someone is the "most NBA-ready" member of a team, that tells me said member is "the shit".

Generally I'd go on but having just returned from Mumbai will rather invite others to offer their views on what might also merit Woodson's eloquent designation/sobriquet.
Stay tuned on those Tee Shirts.
that flight home is the shit....literally. About as far away from the Midwest as you can get. I flew back from Bangkok many yrs ago and it felt like a week to get home and shower.
Jfk to Tokyo is the only cross the pond flight I have made. One of the worst experiences of my life. I need drugs for flying I think.
Jfk to Tokyo is the only cross the pond flight I have made. One of the worst experiences of my life. I need drugs for flying I think.
I flew non stop Chicago to Hawaii on a school trip, first time in a jet. Someone had a heart attack on the plane so that delayed like 3 hrs after we boarded. We get halfway across the pacific and they had overloaded the plane into a headwind and we had to turn around and land in San Fransisco to refuel. For roughly 1 hr out of 24 off plane in Frisco at 2 am only one restaurant open. Almost missed flight as line was so long for a sandwich to take on the plane .When I got there I was the only member of the group thats luggage was lost. It was first time in United's history of flying to Hawaii they had ever had to do this.
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Had a gummie once on a transatlantic. All was well until I was being watched through the window.
I've often thought if I were ever to write an autobiography of my life, the book would be titled, "Gremlin On My Wing". It would be a best seller, eventually making its way to paperback before Cliff Notes and ultimately a movie. That said, none of it will ever happen, but that Rod Serling episode from the '60's is certainly a memorable one etched in the minds of the aged today.
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I've often thought if I were ever to write an autobiography of my life, the book would be titled, "Gremlin On My Wing". It would be a best seller, eventually making its way to paperback before Cliff Notes and ultimately a movie. That said, none of it will ever happen, but that Rod Serling episode from the '60's is certainly a memorable one etched in the minds of the aged today.
Alas, all sounds more like 'getting the shits' than "the shit". That being said, since no one seems inclined to discuss IU BB in this thread, here's a bone - prepare to be entertained:

I've often thought if I were ever to write an autobiography of my life, the book would be titled, "Gremlin On My Wing". It would be a best seller, eventually making its way to paperback before Cliff Notes and ultimately a movie. That said, none of it will ever happen, but that Rod Serling episode from the '60's is certainly a memorable one etched in the minds of the aged today.

his great great great great grandson will be a starship captain one day.
I flew non stop Chicago to Hawaii on a school trip, first time in a jet. Someone had a heart attack on the plane so that delayed like 3 hrs after we boarded. We get halfway across the pacific and they had overloaded the plane into a headwind and we had to turn around and land in San Fransisco to refuel. For roughly 1 hr out of 24 off plane in Frisco at 2 am only one restaurant open. Almost missed flight as line was so long for a sandwich to take on the plane .When I got there I was the only member of the group thats luggage was lost. It was first time in United's history of flying to Hawaii they had ever had to do this.
Alright you win, by a lot.
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Alas, all sounds more like 'getting the shits' than "the shit". That being said, since no one seems inclined to discuss IU BB in this thread, here's a bone - prepare to be entertained:

About as spellbinding as a 3 AM piss in the toilet, one eye opened. I like my adventures real, more like reality, things I can touch and feel.

I like Mike's quote of such note. Saying IU basketball is "the shit" leaves room for interpretation. It means different things to different people, covering a wider audience of acceptance. It's the first step in regaining the national recognition we've lost. I hope there will be more quotes of Mike's garnering national dispersal. We need to have people throughout the country paying attention to IU basketball. Bob Knight was a master at garnering attention to IU basketball through his colorful personality. Maybe Woody learned something along the way in that regard. I can't imagine Archie ever saying to the Big Ten media, "IU basketball is the shit". Even Crean was reserved enough to stop at "It's Indiana!". Saying something is "the shits" is bad. Saying it "the shit" is good, we're just not sure exactly why.
Same here, and including Seoul, Shanghai, Auckland, and Sydney. All coach, with Sydney being the most exhausting.
done the Seoul and Shanghai trips. Direct flights from Ohare to Hong Kong were the worst for me. 16 hrs straight.
And the jet lag to the far east (at least for me ) was brutal. 4 days straight, was a daytime walking zombie and night time insomniac.
I flew non stop Chicago to Hawaii on a school trip, first time in a jet. Someone had a heart attack on the plane so that delayed like 3 hrs after we boarded. We get halfway across the pacific and they had overloaded the plane into a headwind and we had to turn around and land in San Fransisco to refuel. For roughly 1 hr out of 24 off plane in Frisco at 2 am only one restaurant open. Almost missed flight as line was so long for a sandwich to take on the plane .When I got there I was the only member of the group thats luggage was lost. It was first time in United's history of flying to Hawaii they had ever had to do this.
Last year my youngest daughter went to South Korea to visit her fella who is an officer in the Army. I was on edge the whole time she was gone. She had long layovers in Dallas. I guess from your experience it could be said that things just go wrong.
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I've often thought if I were ever to write an autobiography of my life, the book would be titled, "Gremlin On My Wing". It would be a best seller, eventually making its way to paperback before Cliff Notes and ultimately a movie. That said, none of it will ever happen, but that Rod Serling episode from the '60's is certainly a memorable one etched in the minds of the aged today.
Wasn’t William shatner the star of that episode . Pre Star Trek .
It was on my last flight from Mumbai back home to the good ol USA that I had an epiphany and decided to retire early and get the hell out of my corporate life. I was delayed 5 hours on the way there. Waited on line for passport control for 2 hours upon arrival. My 3 days on the ground were horrible (and I lived in China for 5 years in the early 90’s, so I know horrible). Then a 7 hour delay in the Mumbai airport trying to get home. As the plane finally ascended, I looked out the window and said “I never want to come here again”. So, I didn’t. I made a great decision. Moved to Florida. Spent the pandemic listening to Desantis and not Lightfoot. Golf handicap index now down to an 11 (from 19) two and a half years later. My wife and I have never looked back. Grateful.
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About as spellbinding as a 3 AM piss in the toilet, one eye opened. I like my adventures real, more like reality, things I can touch and feel.

I like Mike's quote of such note. Saying IU basketball is "the shit" leaves room for interpretation. It means different things to different people, covering a wider audience of acceptance. It's the first step in regaining the national recognition we've lost. I hope there will be more quotes of Mike's garnering national dispersal. We need to have people throughout the country paying attention to IU basketball. Bob Knight was a master at garnering attention to IU basketball through his colorful personality. Maybe Woody learned something along the way in that regard. I can't imagine Archie ever saying to the Big Ten media, "IU basketball is the shit". Even Crean was reserved enough to stop at "It's Indiana!". Saying something is "the shits" is bad. Saying it "the shit" is good, we're just not sure exactly why.
Bully for you. It's a movie, they're not supposed to depict 'real anything' you disingenuous hypocrite - you claim Rod Serling's gremlin was cool (and somehow relevant to an autobiography) and then dump on a feature tribute that eclipses the original in every conceivable way. Don't give a FF about your reality any more than you do that of anyone else, though the movie likely displays more creativity in 90 minutes that you've evidenced in 20+ years of posting if your surreal commentary is any indication.

There's absolutely nothing ambiguous about CMW's quote. It's also so far removed from "the first step in regaining the national recognition" that only a pontificating fool would imagine/say so. As for BK, he was a master "at garnering attention to" BK. Nothing about his narcissistic behavior needs to be resurrected at IU - it was his Teams' winning that led to and cemented IU's legacy, not the self-absorbed jackassery of a coach who managed to reduce IU's BB Program to a national soap opera by the time he was done.

CMW didn't say what he did to draw attention or bait the national media - he said it because IU BB is uniquely, incomparably and distinctively 'a thing'' that he's genuinely excited about beginning with his/this Team. Coming from someone that has lived and seen as much BB as he has is exactly why it's good/remarkable.

Be nice if fans would allow CMW to be CMW without projecting him as some sort of nascent BK 2.0 or in any way lacking the chops, insight or experience to succeed doing things his way. Hardly his first rodeo given that he has more cumulative playing AND coaching experience than anyone else who has ever held his position at IU.
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Wasn’t William shatner the star of that episode . Pre Star Trek .
yes one of the most classic Twilight Zone episodes. Perfect role for the where his overacting plays perfectly into the part of paranoid flyer (who turns out to be not so paranoid after all).

Every time I have a window seat by the wing, I look out there for the gremlins and bent aluminum plates.
Wasn’t William shatner the star of that episode . Pre Star Trek .
Yes, Shatner played the "psychotic" passenger in 1963 and John Lithgow in 1983. The Twilight Zone episodes were called "Nightmare at 20,000 Feet."

Narrator : You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination. That's the signpost up ahead - your next stop, the Twilight Zone!
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yes one of the most classic Twilight Zone episodes. Perfect role for the where his overacting plays perfectly into the part of paranoid flyer (who turns out to be not so paranoid after all).

Every time I have a window seat by the wing, I look out there for the gremlins and bent aluminum plates.
That aluminum plate you refer to is called "cowling" on an aircraft. It houses the engine components. In the movie, the torn cowling discovered by the maintenance crew during the rainstorm was a subtlety that spoke in large volume, the brilliance of Rod Serling. I avoid window seats on flights today for that very reason. I have enough "gremlins on my wing" already.
Bully for you. It's a movie, they're not supposed to depict 'real anything' you disingenuous hypocrite - you claim Rod Serling's gremlin was cool (and somehow relevant to an autobiography) and then dump on a feature tribute that eclipses the original in every conceivable way. Don't give a FF about your reality any more than you do that of anyone else, though the movie likely displays more creativity in 90 minutes that you've evidenced in 20+ years of posting if your surreal commentary is any indication.

There's absolutely nothing ambiguous about CMW's quote. It's also so far removed from "the first step in regaining the national recognition" that only a pontificating fool would imagine/say so. As for BK, he was a master "at garnering attention to" BK. Nothing about his narcissistic behavior needs to be resurrected at IU - it was his Teams' winning that led to and cemented IU's legacy, not the self-absorbed jackassery of a coach who managed to reduce IU's BB Program to a national soap opera by the time he was done.

CMW didn't say what he did to draw attention or bait the national media - he said it because IU BB is uniquely, incomparably and distinctively 'a thing'' that he's genuinely excited about beginning with his/this Team. Coming from someone that has lived and seen as much BB as he has is exactly why it's good/remarkable.

Be nice if fans would allow CMW to be CMW without projecting him as some sort of nascent BK 2.0 or in any way lacking the chops, insight or experience to succeed doing things his way. Hardly his first rodeo given that he has more cumulative playing AND coaching experience than anyone else who has ever held his position at IU.
Do you still hold it against me that I didn't vote for Joe? I detect a sense of deeply seeded anger towards me that pontificates from your chapped lips regarding nearly everything I say that you don't agree with. It's almost as if I've come to expect your triggered response of negativity. At the risk of getting too personal, does your resume of life include a bedwetter history perhaps?
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That aluminum plate you refer to is called "cowling" on an aircraft. It houses the engine components. In the movie, the torn cowling discovered by the maintenance crew during the rainstorm was a subtlety that spoke in large volume, the brilliance of Rod Serling. I avoid window seats on flights today for that very reason. I have enough "gremlins on my wing" already.
it was a great episode...even though, looking back now, the antagonist was little more than a fat short kid in a weird teddy bear one-sie. Serling could really tap that dark part of your imagination. There were some episodes of the Outer Limits that I loved as well.
Do you still hold it against me that I didn't vote for Joe? I detect a sense of deeply seeded anger towards me that pontificates from your chapped lips regarding nearly everything I say that you don't agree with. It's almost as if I've come to expect your triggered response of negativity. At the risk of getting too personal, does your resume of life include a bedwetter history perhaps?
In truth your nonsense is so imminently forgettable can't recall ever having a prior exchange with you - seems your penchant for talking out your ass and pretending it's gospel elicits the same response from me as any of similar ilk. And just because you piss wheresoever you please, don't imagine others share your affliction. GLWT.
Bully for you. It's a movie, they're not supposed to depict 'real anything' you disingenuous hypocrite - you claim Rod Serling's gremlin was cool (and somehow relevant to an autobiography) and then dump on a feature tribute that eclipses the original in every conceivable way. Don't give a FF about your reality any more than you do that of anyone else, though the movie likely displays more creativity in 90 minutes that you've evidenced in 20+ years of posting if your surreal commentary is any indication.

There's absolutely nothing ambiguous about CMW's quote. It's also so far removed from "the first step in regaining the national recognition" that only a pontificating fool would imagine/say so. As for BK, he was a master "at garnering attention to" BK. Nothing about his narcissistic behavior needs to be resurrected at IU - it was his Teams' winning that led to and cemented IU's legacy, not the self-absorbed jackassery of a coach who managed to reduce IU's BB Program to a national soap opera by the time he was done.

CMW didn't say what he did to draw attention or bait the national media - he said it because IU BB is uniquely, incomparably and distinctively 'a thing'' that he's genuinely excited about beginning with his/this Team. Coming from someone that has lived and seen as much BB as he has is exactly why it's good/remarkable.

Be nice if fans would allow CMW to be CMW without projecting him as some sort of nascent BK 2.0 or in any way lacking the chops, insight or experience to succeed doing things his way. Hardly his first rodeo given that he has more cumulative playing AND coaching experience than anyone else who has ever held his position at IU.
Wow, relax dude.