About last night

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Nov 6, 2001
Just to clear this up once and for all. The political post were not heated in any way. Most people were just commenting on how Bush was stammering around and looked very unpresidential. The topic was brought up because it was happening in real time while a few of us were online. Aruss got online and deleted the post without even reading them according to him.

I made the fatal mistake of just asking why and the next thing I know Aruss and Etec inform me that they are "My Daddy", "My Boss" and my "Dictator". The thing just kept snowballing from there. Everytime I would tell them that I had no problem with the no political banter, I would get a history lesson on the OTF and how they started it and that my 800 dollars in peegs fees is irrevelant.

I know that Im not suppose to have opinions or ask questions but I do have a suggest. Shouldnt the OTF rule book have a preamble. If so I have a perfect one.

"In Aruss and Etec We Trust"
Dude...just leave.

Call me Kookie Monster or whatever you want, but POLITICAL DISCUSSION IS NOT FOR HERE!

And you say it's "not heated in any way"...well, I think it was heated because upon my reading of it (I'm a big Bush supporter and resident "Right-wing" guy) it pissed me off. I didn't find him Unpresidential. I could have responded, but I didn't, because I know that charged political discussion belongs on the WC. And my response to you would have been charged, and I'm quite sure I would have buried you in fact after pointed fact that you would have responded to in turn. In other words, it would have been the WC.

Your attitude sucks. Change it or leave. Aruss and etec RARELY if ever pull a post, so feel free to continue to make yourself look like an ass by calling them on it. You're currently in a League of Your Own.
I have no desire to make a political post

And I would have no desire to debate politics with your like. And I never called Aruss out for pulling a post.
To quote a great American

IUCramer of course, *Sod off*.

For the record, you aren't going to win this argument here, so you might as well put on the happy face and live with the fact that someone else is in charge of this board, dollars be damned. Once you figure it out, you'll find that it's a pretty comfortable place for most folks to be, so long as you have a solid Jerry Seinfeld streak of caring deeply about nothing important, and don't take yourself too, too seriously.

If you don't fit into the latter category then the WC is clearly the place for you.

BTW, you aren't Judge Joe Roberston of Brownstown are you? Just curious.
This post was edited on 4/14 11:44 AM
Not trying to win an arguement

Just was giving my version of what happened. Aruss was doing the exact same thing at the exact same time.
"With my like"?

Wow. I won't even go there.

But you have been successful in pissing me off, which is a really hard thing to do.
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Translation: Blah blah blah blah blah

blah blah blah i make love to chickens blah blah blah I paid for a gold pass blah blah blah blah blah aruss and etec are mean blah blah blah.

Then why not just STFU?

You were wrong.

They were right.

You did offend many people, myself included. I couldn't respond because to do so was against the rules. I end up upset because you didn't follow the rules. When this is pointed out to you, you shift into high dudgeon.

You're still wrong.

They're still right.

You're still irritating.
I've lurked here for a few weeks before posting

The Dallas Cowboys dont play the Avon Red Raider 3rd grade for a reason.
Then you might

think of this place as Animal Farm, where some are more equal than others. And you couldn't have run into 2 "more equal" types than Aruss and Etec are, not because they try to lord anything over on others but rather because they've earned their keep here by being good guys (ok, Aruss is, Etec is sometimes a little fuzzy on that part), and by serving the OTF and free board selflessly for years.

Kind of presumptuous for a newbie to come on the board and try to trump what these guys have done here.

So chill for a while, get the feel of the place first, then merge onto the OTF highway when you get up to speed. Driving the opposite direction on this highway will just cause crash after crash. But driving down the OTF freeway can be a lot of fun.
this is outside the topic but damn you and your last line for

making me think of that A League of Their Own movie. Now that awful Madonna song is rolling through my head. 'This used to be my playground...yada yada yada" mixed with that awful song all of the women sang on the bus. "We're the members of the All-American League...yada yada yada"

Damn you to hell.
Translation: I'm an arrogant penis.

Boy, as FDH can tell you, arrogance is probably the best way to make yourself unwelcome around here.

I love the "I've lurked her for some time, and you are not worthy of my discussion" attitude. Obviously the OTF has some appeal to you, or you wouldn't waste your time.


On second thought . . .

I just read your posts to Kookie and others and I've changed my mind.

Just go away. Now, for good.
Yeah I almost threw out a Rosie O'Fat blast

but that would be low for even me.

I was hoping you'd catch the reference. I can always count on you.

Now it's back to coaching my 3rd grade team.
That was so uncalled for

If you were me would you just lay back and take a bashing. Obviously your alls clique comes to each others aid.
Actually, I'd probably play along with the bashing.

I like to beat myself. The punishment sanctifies me.

Wow Sope.. Thanks *VBG*

I've never had anyone call me a great American before.. My Maw and Paw would be so proud *tear*
You take a bashing because you're an arrogant penis

not because of anything I do.

In fact, I don't know that I've ever bashed anyone on this board.

Just go away Dave Campo...
Sope you seem reasonable

My response to Kookie was in response to his condescending attitude towards me. How would you have reacted? Last night I ask a question I get berated. How would you have reacted?
Dave Campo?

Used to be the coach of the Cowboys.. didn't really do much though, was basically a mouthpiece for Jones.
He was the ridiculously horrible coach of the Dallas Cowboys

when they were the suckiest team in football. I believe HBO had a "Behind the Scenes" show with the Boys and his words of wisdom were just down right commical in their suckiness.

Just a response to his Dallas Cowboys vs. Avon Red Raiders 3rd grade team dart...and a darn good one I must say.
Miss Allie. Your the only person who has semi-defended me

Have you read all the post? And they call me an arrogant penis? I see now how you being a female can at times get sick of these people.
Around here . . .

I tuck my tail between my legs, slink off into the shadows and hope that somebody notices me in time to save me from committing suicide. :)>) Especially if IUAllie has joined the conversation, which she of course has at this point.

And if you think I'm reasonable, please meet me on the WC, where I show my true, Smeagalian extremes.

Seriously, I get paid good money for giving adivce about how to resolve conflict, and if I were in your shoes I'd say "OK, enough, I'm sorry and I won't do it again." You'd be amazed how acting like a hen-pecked husband will win you points on this board. Just ask Cramer . . . .
No, I don't know the game at all.

I'd be interested to know more. Please enlighten me.

Campo had a helluva record to go along with that least that's what my American Football for Dummies Book tells me.
Frankly, I'm tired of all of you beating on your chests.

Just shake hands and go out for a beer and let it go.

No one argues by himself/herself. Everyone who participates is to blame.
One more post like that and you're going to earn your

Arrogant Labia Merit Badge.
This post was edited on 4/14 12:07 PM
You can make Chicken Soup out of Chicken Shi@

But it will probably taste bad. Campo had nothing to work with.
Wow.. that's kind of funny.. how she can get sick of these people..

Especially when she's dating one of them. You are arrogant, you've been rude. Perhaps you didn't get the best welcome in the world, but that's because you didn't want to play by the rules, and instead of taking a simple answer to a simple question, you decided you needed to try and wake up the OTF to the joys of political discussion.

Every time you say you are done with it, you bring it up again. You are here to bait people and keep arguements going, and you're doing a great job of it. However, I would say that if you keep stepping on toes, you might wear out your welcome even faster than you are already.

You seem like a very intelligent person. Why not just enjoy this place for what it is, and not try to change it? Do you see anyone else in here clammoring for a change, or saying how bad Aruss and Etec are? No, and there's a reason for that.

Good Day Sir.
I think that, technically, the vagina is the female analogue of the

penis. That's what they use when they're doing a sex change, anyway.

Don't ask how I know that.

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