Dumbest way to deploy a bioweapon would be to do it in their own country. There are estimates that somewhere between 1 and 2 million Chinese died from COVID. I guess if they wanted to kill their own people they could deploy it there . . .
Hate to go down this rabbit hole again but feel I must...
The way I view it is like this (based on everything I've read on the topic over the past 5 years)...:
The lab COVID19 originated in what was known (to our CIA) as a dual use facility; as in one side was pure medical research and the other side was Chinese Military bioweapon research... Through our naivety we were actually funding a large part of it...
Some poor joker lab underlying made a protocol error in the lab, caught it himself and managed to spread it to the market area... Once it moved to other nearby cities the Chinese government moved to keep a lid on knowledge of it (to the extent of tossing one of their young doctors out a window of a several story building to keep him quiet...)... They then allowed their populace to mingle during seasonal festivities and Then allowed many of them (which the CCP knew to be infected) to move around the entire globe on aircraft...
Italy was the first hardest hit and it spread out from there across Europe and then to here...
Now the CCP certainly didn't intentionally release it but once it was in their general populace they did some Really odd things in regard to containing it and/or reporting it early on... Their Willful Negligence seems Obvious.
They (the Chinese Government) clearly made a cold blooded calculation as to a cost/benefit analysis and evidently figured they'd let the thing run its course and hope they'd come out on top...
Seems pretty obvious to me..., but just based on what I've seen on this board I know that's not the case for everyone else...
By the way, I don't think the world saw the Bioweapon version (fortunately). What got loose was the Research version, lucky for us...