A Blueprint for Other Down & Out Programs?

Don't just look for the best coach, but also one that can bring 13 good players with him

At first, I didn’t think it was a great idea having 13 JMU players, since they weren’t P5 level kids, but these guys are winners and they can play with anyone. Coach Cig brought a whole new culture with him, which will eventually give IU football a new identity.
At first, I didn’t think it was a great idea having 13 JMU players, since they weren’t P5 level kids, but these guys are winners and they can play with anyone. Coach Cig brought a whole new culture with him, which will eventually give IU football a new identity.
I was thinking about the culture last night with post game comments and write ups. LEO vs NASTY. I can appreciate both approaches, but in football, maybe we want NASTY.
At first, I didn’t think it was a great idea having 13 JMU players, since they weren’t P5 level kids, but these guys are winners and they can play with anyone. Coach Cig brought a whole new culture with him, which will eventually give IU football a new identity.
A new identity starts in the mind of its beholder as electro-circuitry waves of probability in 3 lbs of cosmic dust jelly at the quantum level. Hoosier Nation, it’s time to believe this believing makes it be. Coach Cignetti has our backs. Let’s turn about-face in offering our full support. “Come on, Hoosiers, let’s go make some noise!” Assist in our paradigm shift, now more than ever.

One final thought, I like the “Marlboro” Cignetti logo and think we should make a major marketing run with it. Through social media, it can gain quickly in reputation. We’re positioned to make it known on the national level…our branding (well, okay Cig’s). Do it before other fan bases follow suit. My only concern would be copyright infringement but even if it ultimately proved true, it will put Cig’s IU football team on the nation’s map, cool logo or not.
No way they run with a cigarette logo theme. By that of course, I mean officially.
I'll buy a bootleg shirt.
Once it goes viral, does what the school think even matter? Things have changed and there’s no coming back to the reality once worshipped. Those quick to realize this to their advantage gain the greatest. Get on it, people of Hoosier Nation!
A new identity starts in the mind of its beholder as electro-circuitry waves of probability in 3 lbs of cosmic dust jelly at the quantum level. Hoosier Nation, it’s time to believe this believing makes it be. Coach Cignetti has our backs. Let’s turn about-face in offering our full support. “Come on, Hoosiers, let’s go make some noise!” Assist in our paradigm shift, now more than ever.

One final thought, I like the “Marlboro” Cignetti logo and think we should make a major marketing run with it. Through social media, it can gain quickly in reputation. We’re positioned to make it known on the national level…our branding (well, okay Cig’s). Do it before other fan bases follow suit. My only concern would be copyright infringement but even if it ultimately proved true, it will put Cig’s IU football team on the nation’s map, cool logo or not.
gillian anderson cigarette GIF
I've posted this before. Reminds me of Jerry Kill at Minny. He got sick but he brought the staff and they we coherent from day one. What's impressive to me is that Cigs coaches are loyal. That speaks volumes to me. In addition, I really like the smiles I see from the players. They seem to be enjoying the experience. Thats awesome! Go Hoosiers! I'm drinking the cool aid. Mobile.
Don't just look for the best coach, but also one that can bring 13 good players with him
The entire environment of college football has changed. If a school is to survive at a P4, you have to “play the game” which means that every year, you are going to be playing the game of “rent-a-team.” One big game of free agency and allows teams to get immediately better. However, the straw that stirs the whole drink is still the head coach.
You can bring in talent, veteran talent, but it’s the head coach that that has to gel them. Coaching is always the key.
It’s the exact same debate that goes on with the basketball program. The talent is in place. Is the coaching in place to get it to an expected level?
Cig is a CEO and program builder, as much as he is a HC. He has hired good coaches and they run his system. He keeps everyone accountable and on task. Staff continuity is paramount in program building and he brought a stellar staff with him to Bloomington. His transfer portal strategy is very impressive as well in that he brings in players that have produced at the D1 level, not just players that transfer from big name schools.
I've been an IU football fan for 60 years. I've seen enough from this coaching staff to date to say that it looks to be the best coaching staff in that time. The OC & DC coordinators are first rate. The OL coach is a beast.
Deboer and Wommack were 2 of the absolute best at their positions in the entire nation when they were the OC/DC combo at IU. If these guys are better than that, hold on to your hat. They key is continuity and being able to replace guys as they move on to better opportunities and not regress. Allen failed miserably replacing both of those guys, and it led to his downfall.
I think it's the model for both NIL sports now. You wouldn't see a rebuild like with Tom Crean again - you'd hire someone who can bring 5 or 6 guys with him on day 1.

Setting aside performance the past few year - I doubt we'll see the Woodson approach. With the 1 year at a time contractor model a big program can't take someone who can't have a good chunk of his team together on day 1.
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