9/11 planner gets a plea deal?

I say release them...

Put them on the oldest C-130 in the inventory (last serviced by the same guys who worked on the plane whose nose fell off over Alabama), give them just enough fuel to make it half way across the Atlantic, replace the pilot with drone remote fly by wire equipment and wish them a pleasant flight...
I say release them...

Put them on the oldest C-130 in the inventory (last serviced by the same guys who worked on the plane whose nose fell off over Alabama), give them just enough fuel to make it half way across the Atlantic, replace the pilot with drone remote fly by wire equipment and wish them a pleasant flight...
Not a terrible idea, but for the fact we know the Saudi's, Iranians and terrorist agency X all monitor the Water Cooler
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Biggest waste of money on taxpayer history. Torture them for a few days and let them perish.

I've got it...

First make them listen to this clowns endless excuses and let him drone on about losing sleep and how badly he feels... Then let them know that he is now solely responsible for their personal security...

Let them sweat that reality a few weeks then
bring this guy in as their new cell mate...

Problem solved...
I say release them...

Put them on the oldest C-130 in the inventory (last serviced by the same guys who worked on the plane whose nose fell off over Alabama), give them just enough fuel to make it half way across the Atlantic, replace the pilot with drone remote fly by wire equipment and wish them a pleasant flight...
That’s very specific.
Strange thing for Mike Johnson to assert.

Captured in 2003, rendered to CIA prison sites in Afghanistan and Poland and admittedly tortured . Went to Guantanamo and tortured again and thereafter admitted to 9/11 attached, Shoe Bombings, Indonesian bombings, WTC Bombing, Daniel Pearl killing, the lindebergh baby kidnapping. Everything.

Charged with war crimes, there were a number of US military personnel and prosecutors had serious concerns about his confessions being obtained while under torture. Boumediene v. Bush came out which called into question the legality of some of the "enhanced interrogation" methods.

I have no idea what the delay was other than a real concern about torture, but his trial wasn't even scheduled for the first time until January 2021, and then kept getting pushed back. Everything I have read was that the prosecutors were extraordinarily concerned about the perceived torture and false confessions. A plea deal for life in prison is the perfect solution--death would have only given him what he wanted-- a release and martyrdom

Jane Mayer's book explores this issue and the full scale conflict between the intelligence services as to these issues.
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Strange thing for Mike Johnson to assert.

Captured in 2003, rendered to CIA prison sites in Afghanistan and Poland and admittedly tortured . Went to Guantanamo and tortured again and thereafter admitted to 9/11 attached, Shoe Bombings, Indonesian bombings, WTC Bombing, Daniel Pearl killing, the lindebergh baby kidnapping. Everything.

Charged with war crimes, there were a number of US military personnel and prosecutors had serious concerns about his confessions being obtained while under torture. Boumediene v. Bush came out which called into question the legality of some of the "enhanced interrogation" methods.

I have no idea what the delay was other than a real concern about torture, but his trial wasn't even scheduled for the first time until January 2021, and then kept getting pushed back. Everything I have read was that the prosecutors were extraordinarily concerned about the perceived torture and false confessions. A plea deal for life in prison is the perfect solution--death would have only given him what he wanted-- a release and martyrdom

Jane Mayer's book explores this issue and the full scale conflict between the intelligence services as to these issues.
The view from 40,000 feet looks like you can be a citizen of a country where death is the punishment for many things, but commit an act of mass murder on the US (one of the reasons for doing so being how many liberties those people have) and get the protection of their laws and Western notions of rights and fairness.

Not sure that’s Bidens fault.

Re Johnson (and Trump), I’d do everything I could to hang it on Biden and Harris if my only concern is winning.
The view from 40,000 feet looks like you can be a citizen of a country where death is the punishment for many things, but commit an act of mass murder on the US (one of the reasons for doing so being how many liberties those people have) and get the protection of their laws and Western notions of rights and fairness.

Not sure that’s Bidens fault.

Re Johnson (and Trump), I’d do everything I could to hang it on Biden and Harris if my only concern is winning.
I don't think anybody has fault in terms of post Bush presidents. A life in a prison for an Islamic whack job preaching martyrdom, virgins and the blessing of Allah for engaging terror against infidels, seems like a pretty miserable deal for the jihadist.

My brother, a West Point grad and former blackhawk pilot until he moved away from military service raised an interesting point about torture (apart from the reliability of confessions, etc), which was "if we do engage in activities such as waterboarding (See Christopher Hitchens description of his being waterboarded once and the impact it had on him () , then American service men as a whole we receive back that treatment a thousandfold".
I don't think anybody has fault in terms of post Bush presidents. A life in a prison for an Islamic whack job preaching martyrdom, virgins and the blessing of Allah for engaging terror against infidels, seems like a pretty miserable deal for the jihadist.

My brother, a West Point grad and former blackhawk pilot until he moved away from military service raised an interesting point about torture (apart from the reliability of confessions, etc), which was "if we do engage in activities such as waterboarding (See Christopher Hitchens description of his being waterboarded once and the impact it had on him ( ) , then American service men as a whole we receive back that treatment a thousandfold".
Yeah I’m with you on the efficacy of torture.

Re a life in prison, it depends on how they treat him and what rights they provide him, I guess.

For me, I don’t care about what would or would not cause him the most distress—I care about the psychological effects on US citizens, primarily the families of the dead, and the deterrence effect on future would-be terrorists.
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I say release them...

Put them on the oldest C-130 in the inventory (last serviced by the same guys who worked on the plane whose nose fell off over Alabama), give them just enough fuel to make it half way across the Atlantic, replace the pilot with drone remote fly by wire equipment and wish them a pleasant flight...
Genius plan, Dime Store Tom Clancy.
Clancy couldn’t serve in the military bc he had bad eyes. So he went into the insurance biz. Little random trivia

Don't DOX me man...! 😉🤣

You can always tell who the ultra leftists are...: They're easily triggered and have absolutely no sense of humor...

Now..., DM me and we'll talk more about that Whole Life Policy... Just let find my glasses, they're around here somewhere...
Strange thing for Mike Johnson to assert.

Captured in 2003, rendered to CIA prison sites in Afghanistan and Poland and admittedly tortured . Went to Guantanamo and tortured again and thereafter admitted to 9/11 attached, Shoe Bombings, Indonesian bombings, WTC Bombing, Daniel Pearl killing, the lindebergh baby kidnapping. Everything.

Charged with war crimes, there were a number of US military personnel and prosecutors had serious concerns about his confessions being obtained while under torture. Boumediene v. Bush came out which called into question the legality of some of the "enhanced interrogation" methods.

I have no idea what the delay was other than a real concern about torture, but his trial wasn't even scheduled for the first time until January 2021, and then kept getting pushed back. Everything I have read was that the prosecutors were extraordinarily concerned about the perceived torture and false confessions. A plea deal for life in prison is the perfect solution--death would have only given him what he wanted-- a release and martyrdom

Jane Mayer's book explores this issue and the full scale conflict between the intelligence services as to these issues.

Administration backtracks on the plea deal...

Nope . Deal nixed by Secretary of Defense.
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I hope he knows what he's doing. I feel like a guilty verdict is going to be tough in this one if they don't allow any of the questionable evidence. But what do I know.
The more worrisome thing might be that they can get the charges thrown out if the prosecution is affected by politics.
The more worrisome thing might be that they can get the charges thrown out if the prosecution is affected by politics.
I hate to be all conspiratorial, but there's no way we ever let them go, right? If they actually find a way to win in court, we do something else. A plane crashes in the ocean or something.
Yep. Polls showed not a good look for Harris. She needs to look tough on crime.

Most likely they were losing Big Time on this in Single Issue polls in the battleground states... (which probably could be expanded to nearly everywhere in the country outside of California and Massachusetts).

Great to see them standing on principle... 🤣

The best part of this joke is: they actually did something right and the 911 masterminds and facilitators got the rug pulled out from under them... Gotta Love It...

Good for Austin, he finally did something right. Won't wash away the Afghanistan Debacle but at least it's one less stain on his record... Now he can get back to focusing on DEI recruitment and promotion and focus on combating micro-aggressions in the ranks...
The more worrisome thing might be that they can get the charges thrown out if the prosecution is affected by politics.
Or torture....

My guess is that these three jihadists will sit where they are until they are accidentally on purpose put in with perhaps some of our more violent criminals and they will meet their end.

I mean, there is a reason that no administration has tried these three. And isn't like the case is complicated when you have an actual confession. Unless, the confession was the result of some sort of improper act. Captured in 2005 and still awaiting trial? Something isn't right.
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Most likely they were losing Big Time on this in Single Issue polls in the battleground states... (which probably could be expanded to nearly everywhere in the country outside of California and Massachusetts).

Great to see them standing on principle... 🤣

The best part of this joke is: they actually did something right and the 911 masterminds and facilitators got the rug pulled out from under them... Gotta Love It...

Good for Austin, he finally did something right. Won't wash away the Afghanistan Debacle but at least it's one less stain on his record... Now he can get back to focusing on DEI recruitment and promotion and focus on combating micro-aggressions in the ranks...
Just can’t help yourself can you. As always your posts demonstrate your lack of any brain matter. But no worries. You’re in good company with the other Orange Jesus cultists on this forum.
Btw the Bush administration was in charge when they were captured and it was decided that they would be held and tried at Gitmo because they tortured him over 150 times to get a confession that they were afraid wouldn’t hold up in federal court. And how about that Iraq stain on his administration. You know the one that lied and fabricated WMD intelligence so they could nation build and bring democracy to a country that didn’t ask for it. And I voted for those guys. A vote I regret.
Just can’t help yourself can you. As always your posts demonstrate your lack of any brain matter. But no worries. You’re in good company with the other Orange Jesus cultists on this forum.
Btw the Bush administration was in charge when they were captured and it was decided that they would be held and tried at Gitmo because they tortured him over 150 times to get a confession that they were afraid wouldn’t hold up in federal court. And how about that Iraq stain on his administration. You know the one that lied and fabricated WMD intelligence so they could nation build and bring democracy to a country that didn’t ask for it. And I voted for those guys. A vote I regret.
Absolutely no need for this personal attack.
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Interesting that the outrage for Jihadist prisoners has more weight than outrage over open borders.
Fentanyl and Illegal alien criminals kill multitudes more than the 9/11 crew did, once.

I’d say Austin made a political decision … and fired the General to make it look real.

Maybe I’m too cynical
I hope he knows what he's doing. I feel like a guilty verdict is going to be tough in this one if they don't allow any of the questionable evidence. But what do I know.
Yeah I have no idea how a military trial works. I mean I guess the 6th and that shit doesn’t apply? It’s been 20 plus years