The Cult

The cult and its "reign of terror" brought terrible policies from local policing to inflation to cancel culture to the border. I think more and more people realize they are not what's good for the country. Biden recently promised to get progressives on teh S. Ct. I will be interested to hear his debate answers and plans going forward or whether we're going to relive the disaster of 2020 if he has congress. Pretty interesting take below in the MSN Newsweek link with the French. With respect to trump’s tainted blood offensive border rhetoric I think this author better captures what trump was inarticulate about

California 2023 Job Gains Weren't Really There

"With the fourth quarter revision, calendar year 2023 saw essentially no net job growth (+9,000 jobs overall)"

There were previous instances of California crowing about all the jobs they were adding each month. It turns out they were all adjusted down and away when the real numbers came in. Monthly numbers are reported via survey.

California would be a top 5 economy in the world if it was a sovereign country and they only added 9k jobs in all of 2023. Yet we're expected to believe that the US economy is robust and the envy of the world right now while the largest subnational component of the US economy isn't growing.

Is banning birth control "small government"?

Can one of you MAGA freedom experts explain to me how this isn't becoming a situation where the government owns a woman's uterus?

Here's a big newsflash for the MAGA crew: people like to ****. They've been doing it for 200,000 years. You know what else they've been doing? Abortions, that entire time.

So, what, God decided to show up, what, 188,000 years into man's existence with the sole purpose of reversing all He had caused/created the preceding 188,000 years?

This hocus pocus mumbo jumbo should be nowhere near policy, governance, etc. We are inching closer to cousins of the Taliban, and that's no joke. Women wearing Burkas is hardly removed all that far from this nonsense regarding birth control.

NCAA asking Feds how to split $22M in direct compensation between Mens & Women's programs

Smart to ask for help before getting sued. I suspect they will still get sued, but at least they won't have the U.S. government trying to take them down.

NCAA president seeks federal help for 'national standard' on Title IX as questions mount with House settlement

Charlie Baker is looking to the government for "guidance" over Title IX concerns

ATLANTA – NCAA president Charlie Baker is looking to the federal government for help in solving one of the most pressing questions surrounding the landmark $2.8 billion House antitrust settlement.

How Title IX fits into the House settlement, which will pave the way for a new collegiate revenue-share model if approved, has loomed over college athletics since agreed to in May. Title IX requires universities to provide equal opportunities for male and female athletes, which has typically been reflected in the number of scholarships offered to each.

With schools opting into a revenue-share model expected to cost approximately $22 million annually, how that number will be split up amongst the athletes has prompted great debate. In speaking to college athletes at the NIL Summit at the College Football Hall of Fame, Baker preferred a federal solution – likely from the Department of Education – rather than the NCAA telling its member institutions what to do.

"This is a really hard question for schools to answer on their own for a whole bunch of reasons. The biggest one most schools have said to us is ... the rules around equity when it comes to Title IX and around men's and women's sports ought to be relatively consistent from school to school and conference to conference," Baker said. "That's going to require a national standard. If we create a national standard at the NCAA, the problem with that would be if anybody doesn't like it one way or the other ... it would be challengeable in court.

"What we really need on this one, in particular," Baker continued, "is the feds to give us guidance that says this is what a national standard with respect to Title IX and rev share should look like."

To this point, the Department of Education has yet to weigh in on the Title IX implications of the deal. Without federal guidance, it could mirror how schools approached name, image and likeness, ultimately coming down to risk tolerance on what is permissible -- or, at least, legally defensible. In the early stages of figuring out what that'll look like (should it go into effect for the 2025-26 season), schools are already taking different paths.

"Some schools have already said they're going to assume the Title IX mandates they give are 50 (percent) to female, 50 (percent) to male based on their student body makeup," said Mit Winter, an NIL expert and sports lawyer at Kennyhertz Perry. "Other schools are not going to make that assumption and will probably decide football is generating most of this broadcast revenue, and they have a higher NIL value based on that, so we are going to give more to football players and basketball players and some other amount to men's sports and women's sports. It's really going to be up to each school based on legal advice from their general counsel and outside counsel on how they are going to approach Title IX."

A big issue, as Baker alluded to, is either path could come with legal challenges. If, for instance, a school splits the $22 million evenly amongst men and women athletes, it could prompt football players to sue if they aren't receiving enough compensation relative to the revenue they generate for the schools. Expect a conference-level push for uniformity among members if there isn't a federal answer. It's not difficult to envision the potential issues if one Big Ten school is spending 80% of that $22 million on football while another is only doing 50%.

Baker, who faced a series of questions from college athletes as part of a town hall format, said the House settlement "still has some steps," namely completing a longform agreement to be submitted to court, but it is expected to be approved "between now and the end of the year." The NCAA and the Power Five agreed to a settlement with the plaintiffs, but it will need to be approved by Judge Claudia Wilken before it goes into effect. Len Simon, who has worked on class-action suits since 1974, told CBS Sports' Dennis Dodd recently Wilken's approval "is not a foregone conclusion."

There has already been one legal challenge to the settlement from Houston Christian University, a FCS school, which filed a motion last week arguing its interests were not well represented in the House settlement. Last month, multiple Group of Five and FCS leaders voiced opposition to the settlement, believing they were saddled with an inequitable share of the settlement costs despite little input in the discussions.

RIVALS rebrands site and logos - Promotion too!

Yes there are changes to the Rivals site and Changes usually bring mixed reactions, but change in all things is inevitable, especially in an effort to make things better.

There are several exciting, new elements that come with the front page and content refresh, including a scrolling latest news ticker, an expanded content display and new homepage widgets. In the future those widgets will be customizable, but initially they will default to the Rivals250, 2024 Team Rankings, your team’s Top Targets and your team’s Commitment List.

There is currently a Promotion for FREE Premium content and Premium Boards access. The link * code: IUSUMMER.

There are many of you that enjoy the boards everyday, but are not subscribers. We provide a ton of content, as much as anyone. And we want to be able to do more. The only thing that is free for us in our coverage is admission. There is a cost to everything else for us. Travel, equipment, payroll, etc. The cost of a Rivals subscription is $99.95/year or .27 cents a day. For those of you that are on here frequently, daily, multiple times a day, etc, I would hope you are getting .27 cents worth of entertainment, conversation and more. And my hope is that you will please consider supporting what we are doing by becoming a subscriber to The Promo gives you multiple months for free.

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Rivals rebrands site and logos - Promotion too!

Yes there are changes to the Rivals site and Changes usually bring mixed reactions, but change in all things is inevitable, especially in an effort to make things better.

There are several exciting, new elements that come with the front page and content refresh, including a scrolling latest news ticker, an expanded content display and new homepage widgets. In the future those widgets will be customizable, but initially they will default to the Rivals250, 2024 Team Rankings, your team’s Top Targets and your team’s Commitment List.

There is currently a Promotion for FREE Premium content and Premium Boards access. The link * code: IUSUMMER.

There are many of you that enjoy the boards everyday, but are not subscribers. We provide a ton of content, as much as anyone. And we want to be able to do more. The only thing that is free for us in our coverage is admission. There is a cost to everything else for us. Travel, equipment, payroll, etc. The cost of a Rivals subscription is $99.95/year or .27 cents a day. For those of you that are on here frequently, daily, multiple times a day, etc, I would hope you are getting .27 cents worth of entertainment, conversation and more. And my hope is that you will please consider supporting what we are doing by becoming a subscriber to The Promo gives you multiple months for free.

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Rivals rebrands site and logos - Promotion too!

Yes there are changes to the Rivals site and Changes usually bring mixed reactions, but change in all things is inevitable, especially in an effort to make things better.

There are several exciting, new elements that come with the front page and content refresh, including a scrolling latest news ticker, an expanded content display and new homepage widgets. In the future those widgets will be customizable, but initially they will default to the Rivals250, 2024 Team Rankings, your team’s Top Targets and your team’s Commitment List.

There is currently a Promotion for FREE Premium content and Premium Boards access. The link * code: IUSUMMER.

There are many of you that enjoy the boards everyday, but are not subscribers. We provide a ton of content, as much as anyone. And we want to be able to do more. The only thing that is free for us in our coverage is admission. There is a cost to everything else for us. Travel, equipment, payroll, etc. The cost of a Rivals subscription is $99.95/year or .27 cents a day. For those of you that are on here frequently, daily, multiple times a day, etc, I would hope you are getting .27 cents worth of entertainment, conversation and more. And my hope is that you will please consider supporting what we are doing by becoming a subscriber to The Promo gives you multiple months for free.

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A look at BT FB recruiting to date

I took a look at the '25 BT recruiting classes as they appear to date, as rated by Rivals.

Then looked at recruits for each school that are ranked at 5.7 or over....the thought being that 5.6 is about the average rating for a recruit for the bottom 10 teams of the Big 18....

Giving 5 pts for a 5.7 recruit, 7 pts for 5.8 etc up to 13 pts for a 6.1 recruit....these are the results:

--OSU---18/19 recruits are rated 5.7 or above....1 5.7; 6 5.8; 5 5.9; 2 6.0; 4 6.1......163 points

--PSU---13/17 are 5.7 or above.....4 5.7; 6 5.8; 3 5.9....89 points
--USC---10/11....2 5.7; 5 5.8; 1 5.9; 1 6.0; 1 6.1....78 points
--WIS---13/21....8 5.7; 4 5.8; 1 5.9....77 points
--RUT---14/28...11 5.7; 3 5.8...76 points
--MICH--10/10...1 5.7; 7 5.8; 1 5.9; 1 6.0....74 points
--ORE....9/9....2 5.7; 2 5.8; 4 5.9; 1 6.0....71 points

--UCLA...7/11....3 5.7; 2 5.8; 2 5.9....47 points
--NEB---6/11...3 5.7; 3 5.8....36 points
--WASH--6/11...5 5.7; 1 5.8....32 points

--IND....4/14....3 5.7; 1 5.8...22 points
--ILL.....4/10....3 5.7; 1 5.8...22 points
--MN....3/22...1 5.7; 2 5.8...19 points
--IOWA..2/10...1 5.7; 1 5.8...12 points
--MD....2/11....1 5/7; 1 5.8...12 points
--MSU,,,2/10...2 5.7....10 points

--PUR....1/8...1 5.7...5 points
--.NW....1/17...1 5.7...5 points

Some comments---

--Rutgers with 28 commits will fall some but maybe only down to #7
--Smith at MSU has been less than impressive so far in the recruiting wars.
--USC, Michigan, PSU & Oregon look like they'll be 2-5, in whatever order.
--UCLA's class so far is fairly impressive
--Looks like Wisconsin recruiting has stepped up a notch under LF...but will the team have the same mojo?
--MD's class mediocre to date, as is Purdue's. Bad hire for Purdue?
--KF at Iowa running out the clock?

WTF is going on with this web site?!?!?...

Whew,... this took forever for me to get logged in..

For the last two days it's been having problems on my laptop just loading the site, logging in, loading pages, not being able to redirct pages... you name it. It doesn't matter which browser I try either,
Firefox, Chrome, Edge..... and I've changed nothing in my settings and my laptop is only about a year old and always updated... also, all sites I use are not being blocked in any way...

Been getting a lot of "OPPS, sorry we're having...." BS

Other than being a little slower I'm not having a problem when using my phone.

Anyone else having problems?

In the past year or so I've noticed a lot more problems with the site doing any of the above... problem is it's the only site I ever have tech problems with... I don't think it's on my end.

Big Monday in the sports world

It's not too often 2 championships are decided on the same day, but the College World Series (Tenn-TexAM) and Stanley Cup (FLA-EDM) both have decisive games tonight. If you don't follow hockey, there are a couple interesting story lines in this series: Edmonton was down 0-3 in the series, but has pulled it even with 3 straight victories. Also, a Canadian team has not won the Stanley Cup since 1993-hard to believe. Enjoy the evening.
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People can be shaped by history

Two unexpected accounts of real life intersecting with history that I saw this week which really moved me. First off Mr October who always seemed to come thru in the clutch,often while I was rooting for the other team. Who could imagine that the king of the post season who seemed invincible was actually being victimized by bigots and haters on a nearly daily basis? The final part of this interview is extremely powerful...

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A different story but equally compelling is Robert Reich relating an incident that shaped his own life. Many of us have seen the movie Mississippi Burning without having much insight as to who the people in the film story were. Again a powerful example of how someone can be inspired by what to many of us is simply history...

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Before Lauren and Abby and Libby...

There were the Burger Chef murders in Speedway. The first unsolved disappearance/murder involving kids that I can remember in Indiana.The crime scene was in an area that I frequented when I was growing up and in high school. I didn't live in Speedway, but at most the two high schools (Ben Davis and Speedway) were 5-10 miles apart from each other. The (500) track was within walking distance of my house, and thruout May you could be in my backyard and hear the roar of the engines and Tom Carnegie on the PA...

The Burger Chef was on Crawfordsville Road, nearly adjacent to the Speedway Shopping Center. I was at IU in 1978 and didn't know any of the victims, but the crime sent a shock wave thru the entire West side of Indy. It has never been solved and due to the Speedway cops botching the investigation it might not ever be. Lots of twists and turns and promising leads, but for one reason or another they never panned out. The main problem appears to be that local LEOs initially assumed the kids working ran off after robbing that night's till, so they did a half assed job of investigating and preserving the "crime scene". They even allowed the BC to open and run as usual the next day, so a lot of possible evidence was lost forever...

Anyway, this docu-drama which just premiered looks pretty informative

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