Forget Rolex, Hublot and Piguet. The Victory Tourbillon is here and extremely rare...

Hot off the Presses of Truth Social. Donald Trump announces his new line of LUXURY watches. And he assures us they're "going like hotcakes"...

And you have options depending on how dedicated you are to contributing to helping a poor destitute "Billionaire" out during these "inflationary times"... A true Man of the people

If you're not satisfied paying $499 or $799 for the Fighter watch, you can step up and snag you one of those 147 remaining Victory Tourbillon for only $100.000...

Of course the "Fighter" is actually worth about $50, and the Victory is worth about $12,500. The Red Fighter looks like it's designed to match the bright Red tie. So I guess it is a necssary accessory to complete the ensemble for the discerning Trump wannabe or look alike...

These Bulwark guys are hilarious. Who knew traditional Republicans could have such a robust sense of humour?

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Sounds like Maryland is taking us seriously

It's clear Locksley has done his film study on us... Sounds like they'll be ready coming in...

So when you heard Kevin Roberts forecast a bloodless coup "as long as the Left cooperates"

Did you imagine he was a dog murderer who made Kristi Noem pale by comparison? At least Kristi shot her own dog, not beat the neighbor's pet to death with a shovel...

Question for Kevin's buddy JD Vance...Are you going to condemn Kev and attack him publicly on the basis of multiple witnesses accusing him of pet homicide. You know the same way you tweeted a false narrative relentlessly, baselessly accusing Hatians of eating Miss Sassy?

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Get to know your next POTUS, and debunk a few lies in the process...

OK admittedly I'm trolling a bit. But Trump telling gullible people that somehow Harris is not intelligent, soft on crime, only recently Black and any of the other areas he claims she's lacking in when actually compared to him the opposite is true, I just get fed up with stupid people repeating the same ridiculous lies as if they're true...Not necessarily referring to people on this board, just general misinformation/disinformation spread by trolls that really stupid people believe...

I know Trump's latest rant is that because she didn't put it on a job resume, his claim is she is somehow lying about working at McDonalds at some point in a college summer. First off I can't believe that even Trump, who has never compiled a resume, actually believes someone with a law degree seeking to be hired in a Prosecutor's office would see any value in informing her prospective employer that she worked in a McDonalds for a few weeks/months prior to getting her degree. Either Trump's a moron or he believes his base is, because wth would even care, and why is it something she would lie about? Like most Trump rants it makes no sense...

I'll have to do some further searching to find the video circa 2010-14 or so where she's addressing some business convention in (IIRC) Chicago, or somewhere else back East and she briefly references her "McDonalds career". It was either during her years as SF DA or CA AG, but she's a guest speaker and sort of commiserates with her audience over how we've all had less than optimum jobs. I saw it before this stupid talking point even came up, but I just don't remember exactly which of the videos that preceded her election to the Senate is the one I saw previously...

But this video when she was just the DA for SF, and spoke at a Women's leadership Conference at Cal's Business school debunks several of Trump's other ridiculous lies. Keep in mind this appearance was in 2010, so roughly the same time Trump was courting the racist element by claiming BO's birth certificate was fake. What I like is the video is captioned so whaenever Harris or someone else says something that debunks Trump's nonsense it exposes how ridiculous his claims are...

Right at the outset the woman introducing Harris (who I think is receiving an award) provides a very detailed listing of her accomplishments and why they are honoring her. She gives a little background on her parents and characterizes Harris as both the first Indian American and Black woman to ever be elected SF DA. In fact I think she was the first woman ever, so if you swallowed Trump's nonsense about Harris only recently "turning Black" then you gave credibility to a man who not only lies, but also apparently never hearrd of google. Congrats...

If crime is your issue, than there is no way you can listen to the detailing of how under Harris the SF DA's office went from one of the worst in terms of morale and performance to # 1 in the state and can seriously believe Trump is better on crime than Harris. If you watch the first 25 mins or so of this and don't come away understanding that Harris is smarter and more capable than Trump, I don't know what to tell you. No way Trump is capable of reading, much less writing this level of address and when she was SF DA in 2010 and gave a speech she,not some speechwriter was the author of that spech. For Trump to say she's "not very smart" is just an indicator of how stupid Trump actually is...

Her 2004 race where she went from 6% in intial polling to beating the incumbent (her former boss), in a run off is the first step of her unbeaten political career stetching from 2004 till her current role as the Dem nominee for POTUS. The point is that she has both the legislative/administrative as well as electoral experience to be the most qualified candidate in this race. And how anyone could feel Trump is more intelligent is beyond me. intelligent. Policy is an issue people can disagree on, buth there's a reason she's the first Presidential candidate in at least 15 yrs to have a higher favorability rating than unfavorable...

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Recruiting, online business model.

Do you think peegs business model changes away from recruiting? I have to think the interest is gonna start nose diving. I never really cared about recruiting, was a wait till they commit then try to find some video on them. But today? Who cares. This kid might change his mind 3 times before the spring.

Think how much time and effort people put into Liam. Stupid. Why should IU fans care in the portal era with woody at the helm. Seems like a waste of time and life to me. Fatjohns should shift to more current team stuff.
