Remember: the Culture War is not like other wars

In regular wars, if something is helping you win, you can do that thing even more, and win better, faster. But in the culture war, if you hit the gas too hard, you risk making yourself look worse than the enemy.

"Joe McCarthy was right!" - ex Trump official

Ex-Trump Official Praises McCarthyism At Faith & Freedom Coalition Conference

McCarthy, you know, was according to her taken down by the "deep state" that eventually also took down Nixon and is now targeting Cheeseus.


I would hope that even dbm would think she's dumb as possible. Former Fox News personality.

Trump is speaking tomorrow.

The table is set with respect to mega-lies, rapid fire even.

Remote work

Dell told workers to classify themselves as hybrid workers or remote. If hybrid, they have to work out of an office 40 days per quarter. If remote, they forfeit promotions and getting hired into other Dell jobs.

1/2 chose remote.

It was believed Dell did this to trim their workforce without paying any severance. Dell really only has one set of offices, in Austin. Others are too small or don't exist. I know people that moved back to Austin because it really was the only choice.

Half forgoing promotion is a lot. I suspect many will go elsewhere over time. Apple is having similar issues with workers. It appears workers are still demanding more flexibility.

Davis Fogler

The less expensive four year alternative to Jaylen Haralson. This recruitment is legit. He's going to be playing his last season with AZ Prep. I'm not sure if that's significantly more organized than AAU ball but it's a top 5 basketball factory. He's fits well with the Mullins Sisley time-line. I know Sisley left Heat to play with Elite because he likes winning and Haralson was a part of that.

Can government policy end, or significantly decrease, childhood trauma?

I agree with a lot of this article. I think significantly reducing childhood trauma would lead to a host of better societal outcomes. I just don't know how, or if, it can be done, or if it could be, whether enough people would buy in.

From the article:

**the CDC study concluded that childhood violence is the most costly public health issue in the US, calculating that the overall costs exceeded those of cancer or heart disease. It estimated that eradicating childhood violence in the US would reduce the overall rate of depression by more than half, alcoholism by two-thirds, and suicide, serious drug abuse, and domestic violence by three-quarters. Moreover, preventing exposure to violence and abuse would significantly affect job performance, and vastly decrease the need for incarceration. In fact, about 95 percent of violent inmates suffer from childhood experiences with violence and abuse. That, of course, is not limited to the US, but is relevant to children around the world.

**Compared with girls of the same age, race and social conditions, sexually abused girls suffer from a range of profoundly negative effects: difficulties learning, depression, troubled sexual development, high rates of obesity and self-mutilation. They dropped out of school at much higher rates and had more serious medical illnesses. This study, and numerous others like it, underscore the reality that supporting high-quality early caregiving is critically important in preventing physical, social and mental health problems, regardless of traumas that occur outside the family.

**John Heckman, winner of the 2000 Nobel Prize in Economics, has shown that quality early childhood programmes that involve parents and promote basic skills in disadvantaged children more than pay for themselves in improved outcomes. Economists have calculated that every dollar invested in high-quality home visiting, daycare, and preschool programmes results in $7 in savings on welfare payments, healthcare costs, substance abuse treatment, and incarceration, plus higher tax revenues due to better-paying jobs.

Keishaun Calhoun commits to Indiana

Hoosier fans, let's discuss the latest verbal!


I was blessed to get an in-person look at the Groveport Madison defensive lineman during his college day. He is a good prospect and good person!

IU's 2024 Future Total - +5.5 Wins

I know that IU is a big unknown this year, but Vegas seems to think that we can win 3 games outside the non-conference.

While Lindy's & Alton's have us at the bottom - 4-5 win level.

What are the top 3 candidates for a win in conference?

Maryland could take a step backwards losing their QB. Plus, we owe them.

Is Washington going to be vulnerable after losing players & coaches

Purdue is at home, so there is always chance

Nebraska is probably the best of the 4 & would be a tough home win.

@ Michigan State

when was Benjamin Netanyahu ever on a U.S. ballot

Biden all to tell him to kiss his ass and if the pubes had any backbone, they would support Biden instead of bringing the clown over here. for years Israel thumbs their nose at us, settlement building etc. and were supposed to just have an open checkbook and get bitched at if we don't give them what they want. like a spoiled child I don't get it


we are going to do the annual in auburn, but depending on elections we will probably be moving most of our operations in 2025 to missouri. in addition to valentina gomez running for sect of state (pic below burning lgbqt books),


we're running lincoln hough for lt governor. in addition to having a great name, lincoln hough, his bio says that he has run a cattle ranch since middle school LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. i don't see how we don't set up operations in missouri going forward with this DREAM TEAM of politicians

