Those voting fraud allegations... What you got??


Hall of Famer
Oct 23, 2009
OK I've seen polling that says 70% of Trump voters feel that there was fraud involved in his loss. We're not really talking about that close of an election here, considering that the EC is basically going to be a reversal of 2016 with the added factor of what is likely going to be a 5 Million vote loss in the popular vote.

Trump didn't capture a single state he won in 2016, and will likely end up losing 5 or so he won in 2016. I hear a lot about the "over 70,000,000 who voted for Trump", while seemingly the over 76,000,000 (and growing) of us that voted for Biden/against Trump are somehow nothing more than chopped liver...

So among other questions, I'm curious about- how come all these "millions of folks" who apparently committed fraud only did so in the POTUS race and allowed the GOP to win a number of highly contested Senate races? Are all of these "cheaters" also split-ticket voters?

And how come the Election Observers from the OAS who were INVITED BY TRUMP to observe the elections just issued a report denying the existence of widespread voter fraud?. Strange how these folks who were embedded in various election centers didn't see all the corruption that Trump and his supporters supposedly witnessed.

"International election experts invited by the Trump administration to observe the U.S. election last week issued a preliminary report that found no evidence of the widespread fraud alleged by President Trump.

The State Department invited a 28-member delegation from the Organization of American States, which has reported on elections around the world, to observe the voting in the U.S. on Nov. 3.

Members of the OAS team were sent to battleground states such as Michigan and Georgia, where the Trump campaign has filed lawsuits alleging voter fraud, and noted in the report that it had “not directly observed any serious irregularities that call into question the results so far.”

“On Election Day, the members of the Mission were present at polling places in Georgia, Iowa, Maryland, Michigan and the District of Columbia, and observed the process from the opening of the polling centers through to the close of polls and the deposit of voting materials with the appropriate local authorities,” the report states. “Members of the Mission also visited tabulations centers to observe the tallying of results. In the jurisdictions that it observed, the Mission found that the day progressed in a peaceful manner.”

The report did find “clear examples of intimidation of electoral officials” — by Trump supporters in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Arizona who unsuccessfully sought to halt the counting of votes.

The report also took aim at Trump himself for statements questioning the legitimacy of the vote, claiming that Democrats were trying to “steal” the election.

“In his statement the Republican candidate cast further aspersions on the US electoral process, stating that ‘This is a case where they’re trying to steal an election. They’re trying to rig an election and we can’t let that happen.’ The OAS observers deployed in the battleground states of Michigan and Georgia did not witness any of the aforementioned irregularities,” the report states.

While the report notes that it supported the right for Trump to “seek redress” in the courts for questionable election practices, it warns against promoting “unsubstantiated or harmful speculation.”

“While the OAS Mission has not directly observed any serious irregularities that call into question the results so far, it supports the right of all contesting parties in an election, to seek redress before the competent legal authorities when they believe they have been wronged,” the report states. “It is critical, however, that candidates act responsibly by presenting and arguing legitimate claims before the courts, not unsubstantiated or harmful speculation in the public media.”

Would be interested in what evidence anyone on the board who believes that Trump is the victim of voter fraud would care to present. But please, save yourself some major embarrassment, and do some fact-checking before you blindly give credence to ridiculous claims emanating from team Trump. For example, don't use 2018 voter registration totals to repeat the nonsense that more people voted than were registered in states like MI and PA. That one is ridiculously common on Facebook...
OK I've seen polling that says 70% of Trump voters feel that there was fraud involved in his loss. We're not really talking about that close of an election here, considering that the EC is basically going to be a reversal of 2016 with the added factor of what is likely going to be a 5 Million vote loss in the popular vote.

Trump didn't capture a single state he won in 2016, and will likely end up losing 5 or so he won in 2016. I hear a lot about the "over 70,000,000 who voted for Trump", while seemingly the over 76,000,000 (and growing) of us that voted for Biden/against Trump are somehow nothing more than chopped liver...

So among other questions, I'm curious about- how come all these "millions of folks" who apparently committed fraud only did so in the POTUS race and allowed the GOP to win a number of highly contested Senate races? Are all of these "cheaters" also split-ticket voters?

And how come the Election Observers from the OAS who were INVITED BY TRUMP to observe the elections just issued a report denying the existence of widespread voter fraud?. Strange how these folks who were embedded in various election centers didn't see all the corruption that Trump and his supporters supposedly witnessed.

"International election experts invited by the Trump administration to observe the U.S. election last week issued a preliminary report that found no evidence of the widespread fraud alleged by President Trump.

The State Department invited a 28-member delegation from the Organization of American States, which has reported on elections around the world, to observe the voting in the U.S. on Nov. 3.

Members of the OAS team were sent to battleground states such as Michigan and Georgia, where the Trump campaign has filed lawsuits alleging voter fraud, and noted in the report that it had “not directly observed any serious irregularities that call into question the results so far.”

“On Election Day, the members of the Mission were present at polling places in Georgia, Iowa, Maryland, Michigan and the District of Columbia, and observed the process from the opening of the polling centers through to the close of polls and the deposit of voting materials with the appropriate local authorities,” the report states. “Members of the Mission also visited tabulations centers to observe the tallying of results. In the jurisdictions that it observed, the Mission found that the day progressed in a peaceful manner.”

The report did find “clear examples of intimidation of electoral officials” — by Trump supporters in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Arizona who unsuccessfully sought to halt the counting of votes.

The report also took aim at Trump himself for statements questioning the legitimacy of the vote, claiming that Democrats were trying to “steal” the election.

“In his statement the Republican candidate cast further aspersions on the US electoral process, stating that ‘This is a case where they’re trying to steal an election. They’re trying to rig an election and we can’t let that happen.’ The OAS observers deployed in the battleground states of Michigan and Georgia did not witness any of the aforementioned irregularities,” the report states.

While the report notes that it supported the right for Trump to “seek redress” in the courts for questionable election practices, it warns against promoting “unsubstantiated or harmful speculation.”

“While the OAS Mission has not directly observed any serious irregularities that call into question the results so far, it supports the right of all contesting parties in an election, to seek redress before the competent legal authorities when they believe they have been wronged,” the report states. “It is critical, however, that candidates act responsibly by presenting and arguing legitimate claims before the courts, not unsubstantiated or harmful speculation in the public media.”

Would be interested in what evidence anyone on the board who believes that Trump is the victim of voter fraud would care to present. But please, save yourself some major embarrassment, and do some fact-checking before you blindly give credence to ridiculous claims emanating from team Trump. For example, don't use 2018 voter registration totals to repeat the nonsense that more people voted than were registered in states like MI and PA. That one is ridiculously common on Facebook...
Wow, you really nailed ‘em with this post....🙄🙄🙄
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Wow, you really nailed ‘em with this post....🙄🙄🙄

As usual,I have no idea of whatever point you're trying to make. Here's an example of what I'm talking about- a FB group of 500,000 folks who call themselves "walk Away"...

So poster after poster claims that states like MI and PA cast more votes than the total of registered voters in the state...Here is a post that claims WI has 3,129,000 voters and has already (as of Nov 4) counted 3,170,206. It was likely shared thousands of times. And even more incredibly (imho) poster after poster claimed the facts revealed by fact checkers were biased, because they should be allowed to believe what they want to believe without being encumbered by facts (very Trumpian logic,imho)...

So even though WI has same day registration on election day and the WI Bureau of elections listed 3,600.000+ registered voters ON Nov 1, these folks are all basically claiming they should be able to go with the voting statistics of 2018 to prove their narrative...

"The statistics are wrong. Wisconsin had 3,684,726 active registered voters as of November 1, 2020, according to Wisconsin Elections Commission statistics.

According to keyword searches ran by AFP Fact Check, the false number seems to originate from a website specializing in population statistics called World Population Review. The layout and order of the table are identical to the one used in the social media post screenshots. Some posts even directly link to the page.

The title of the table misleadingly reads “Number Of Registered Voters by State 2020,” when in fact its sources tab provides a link to United States Census Bureau data related to 2018 voting registration. Data that can be downloaded from the World Population Review page additionally mention that they were collected in November 2018."

Same story in PA, and again the use of faulty World Population Review statistics loosely based on Census tabs from 2018. As a Field Supervisor with the recently concluded 2020 NRFU Census Operation,I can guarantee you that we did NOT ask any questions related to voter registration. If there was an operation addressing that issue in 2018, it was totally unrelated to the Constitutionally mandated 10 yr census count which was just concluded...

Yet poster after poster refers to the 2018 numbers for PA voter registration. But a simple google search reveals newspaper articles as far back as Oct 2020 where voter registration in PA had already surpassed 9 Million... Despite that reality, poster after poster kept referring to PA as having 6.4 million, and this table actually says it is from WPR.

Yet this newspaper story from two weeks prior to the election already says that 9Million people are registered in PA...

That's what I mean by not embarrassing yourself. Do a simple google search, before you pass on outdated, misleading or downright false info as fact and try to use it to support your case...
Not sure if it has been covered here yet but if you read the fine print of Trump's gofundeme for this fantasy fraud says half of the money raised will go to the campaign to pay off debts.

The grift is unbelievable with this guy and administration.

So please Trump fans, please donate everything you've got to his election fraud campaign.

Here’s the link. I'm sure he'll accept wheat pennies.
TL;DR, but why are you wasting your time trying to convince some dumb people that something that doesn’t exist doesn’t exist? Shouldn’t you be spanking to a Brucie video?
Why are we acting like the POTUS failing to concede and begin the peaceful transition to the new administration is normal? This is batshit crazy.
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Why are we acting like the POTUS failing to concede and begin the peaceful transition to the new administration is normal? This is batshit crazy.

No the question you need to ask is “is it legal?”. Or maybe “is Trump within his rights to do this?”. Then republicans will understand what you’re talking about. It has to be in “LAW & ORDER!” terms for the hypocrites.
In court, the Trump lawyers have to tell the truth. That's why they are 0-12, so far.

Part of the court transcript from one of the Pennsylvania lawsuits:

When this is all said and done, it won’t even be close. Biden could win the popular vote by about 7M after California and NY counts are done. Considering how well GOP Senate and House candidates fared, that seems like a pretty big repudiation on Trump.

No the question you need to ask is “is it legal?”. Or maybe “is Trump within his rights to do this?”. Then republicans will understand what you’re talking about. It has to be in “LAW & ORDER!” terms for the hypocrites.
You're crazy.

If Trump, in any particular state, could point to (1) any actual voter fraud to begin with, and (2) enough such votes to make a difference, I'd say go for it.

But he can't.

As an example, the Trumpees are claiming that Pennsylvania's mail in votes were required to be received by 8 pm on election day, but they claim the courts improperly extended the deadline by 2-3 days. But I saw the Pa. lieut. gov. say in an interview a couple days ago that only 2, 000-3,000 mailed votes were received after 8 pm on election day.

Biden is now leading Trump jn Pennsylvania by about 50,000 votes. So, there is no way this Trumpee argument can accomplish anything except delay the inevitable and generate free publicity for Trump's debt-reduction fundraising efforts and ego stroking candidacy in 2024 (at our expense, of course).
In court, the Trump lawyers have to tell the truth. That's why they are 0-12, so far.

Part of the court transcript from one of the Pennsylvania lawsuits:


The Trump lawyers know the rubes won’t bother reading stuff like this. The lawyers know the rubes will know Trump went to court to try to stop democrats from stealing the election and that the judges wouldn’t do anything to stop it. The rubes aren’t interested in details and they certainly aren’t going to read court transcripts. The format alone would short circuit their pea size brains.
As an example, the Trumpees are claiming that Pennsylvania's mail in votes were required to be received by 8 pm on election day, but they claim the courts improperly extended the deadline by 2-3 days. But I saw the Pa. lieut. gov. say in an interview a couple days ago that only 2, 000-3,000 mailed votes were received after 8 pm on election day.

Biden is now leading Trump jn Pennsylvania by about 50,000 votes. So, there is no way this Trumpee argument can accomplish anything except delay the inevitable and generate free publicity for Trump's debt-reduction fundraising efforts and ego stroking candidacy in 2024 (at our expense, of course).

I believe they haven't even added those mail votes that were postmarked by Election Day but didn't arrive until afterwards to the count yet. So Biden's lead would grow even more if those are counted.
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More retribution house cleaning. This makes the US less safe. We should all speak out against these actions.

More retribution house cleaning. This makes the US less safe. We should all speak out against these actions.

Stop looking over here!! There are bigger issues like the tweets and threats of a 31 year old, female representative from NY!

Why won't you fall for our subversion and take your eye off the ball.

AOC is the real danger, not the president defeat.
OK I've seen polling that says 70% of Trump voters feel that there was fraud involved in his loss. We're not really talking about that close of an election here, considering that the EC is basically going to be a reversal of 2016 with the added factor of what is likely going to be a 5 Million vote loss in the popular vote.

Trump didn't capture a single state he won in 2016, and will likely end up losing 5 or so he won in 2016. I hear a lot about the "over 70,000,000 who voted for Trump", while seemingly the over 76,000,000 (and growing) of us that voted for Biden/against Trump are somehow nothing more than chopped liver...

So among other questions, I'm curious about- how come all these "millions of folks" who apparently committed fraud only did so in the POTUS race and allowed the GOP to win a number of highly contested Senate races? Are all of these "cheaters" also split-ticket voters?

And how come the Election Observers from the OAS who were INVITED BY TRUMP to observe the elections just issued a report denying the existence of widespread voter fraud?. Strange how these folks who were embedded in various election centers didn't see all the corruption that Trump and his supporters supposedly witnessed.

"International election experts invited by the Trump administration to observe the U.S. election last week issued a preliminary report that found no evidence of the widespread fraud alleged by President Trump.

The State Department invited a 28-member delegation from the Organization of American States, which has reported on elections around the world, to observe the voting in the U.S. on Nov. 3.

Members of the OAS team were sent to battleground states such as Michigan and Georgia, where the Trump campaign has filed lawsuits alleging voter fraud, and noted in the report that it had “not directly observed any serious irregularities that call into question the results so far.”

“On Election Day, the members of the Mission were present at polling places in Georgia, Iowa, Maryland, Michigan and the District of Columbia, and observed the process from the opening of the polling centers through to the close of polls and the deposit of voting materials with the appropriate local authorities,” the report states. “Members of the Mission also visited tabulations centers to observe the tallying of results. In the jurisdictions that it observed, the Mission found that the day progressed in a peaceful manner.”

The report did find “clear examples of intimidation of electoral officials” — by Trump supporters in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Arizona who unsuccessfully sought to halt the counting of votes.

The report also took aim at Trump himself for statements questioning the legitimacy of the vote, claiming that Democrats were trying to “steal” the election.

“In his statement the Republican candidate cast further aspersions on the US electoral process, stating that ‘This is a case where they’re trying to steal an election. They’re trying to rig an election and we can’t let that happen.’ The OAS observers deployed in the battleground states of Michigan and Georgia did not witness any of the aforementioned irregularities,” the report states.

While the report notes that it supported the right for Trump to “seek redress” in the courts for questionable election practices, it warns against promoting “unsubstantiated or harmful speculation.”

“While the OAS Mission has not directly observed any serious irregularities that call into question the results so far, it supports the right of all contesting parties in an election, to seek redress before the competent legal authorities when they believe they have been wronged,” the report states. “It is critical, however, that candidates act responsibly by presenting and arguing legitimate claims before the courts, not unsubstantiated or harmful speculation in the public media.”

Would be interested in what evidence anyone on the board who believes that Trump is the victim of voter fraud would care to present. But please, save yourself some major embarrassment, and do some fact-checking before you blindly give credence to ridiculous claims emanating from team Trump. For example, don't use 2018 voter registration totals to repeat the nonsense that more people voted than were registered in states like MI and PA. That one is ridiculously common on Facebook...

Found one!
Another 36k-37k, maybe we can overturn Nevada!
Stop looking over here!! There are bigger issues like the tweets and threats of a 31 year old, female representative from NY!

Why won't you fall for our subversion and take your eye off the ball.

AOC is the real danger, not the president defeat.
President-elost Trump?
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Stop looking over here!! There are bigger issues like the tweets and threats of a 31 year old, female representative from NY!

Why won't you fall for our subversion and take your eye off the ball.

AOC is the real danger, not the president defeat.

I think you mean the President-Neglect...or is it the President-Defect? 😂
The problem that Trump is running into is that lawyers can't go into court without proof of fraud.

If lawyers are caught lying, they could loose their licence and disbarred. You're seeing that going on right now in Pennsylvania when a judge flat out asked one of the lawyers for Trump if he had evidence of fraud and the answer was.... no. Just like when they tried to say they didn't have people in the room to watch vote counting and a judge called them on it (another one of Trump's lies that he spouted off) that his lawyers had to say was wrong.

Unless actual proof comes along, this won't end well.
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The problem that Trump is running into is that lawyers can't go into court without proof of fraud.

If lawyers are caught lying, they could loose their licence and disbarred. You're seeing that going on right now in Pennsylvania when a judge flat out asked one of the lawyers for Trump if he had evidence of fraud and the answer was.... no. Just like when they tried to say they didn't have people in the room to watch vote counting and a judge called them on it (another one of Trump's lies that he spouted off) that his lawyers had to say was wrong.

Unless actual proof comes along, this won't end well.
It was one exchange and you mischaracterized it.
Alan Feuer (@alanfeuer) Tweeted:
Kory Langhofer, a lawyer for the Trump campaign, just said: "This is not a fraud case. We are not alleging fraud. We are not saying anyone is trying to steal the election."
Rather, he's saying there were "good faith errors" in the count.

The lawyers and Trump are saying two very different things. I wonder why?
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Alan Feuer (@alanfeuer) Tweeted:
Kory Langhofer, a lawyer for the Trump campaign, just said: "This is not a fraud case. We are not alleging fraud. We are not saying anyone is trying to steal the election."
Rather, he's saying there were "good faith errors" in the count.

The lawyers and Trump are saying two very different things. I wonder why?
I thought you were referring to a different quote by a different atty. My mistake.
Marc Elias is 12-0. This is all a joke, except it undermines our democracy which isnt so funny. Why aren’t they also contesting down ballot results? Let’s be honest here.
I'm interested in the truth. I'd like to see an audit in MI, WI and PA. I'd like voter ID laws enacted and an end to unsolicited mail ballots in federal elections. If enough issues can be found, maybe Congress will be motivated to act.

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