The new Taliban is the same as the old Taliban.

Off topic but the near infrared radiation one gets from sunlight is extremely healthy for all sorts of reasons and it goes through clothing. So get out in the sun every day of the year including winter.
See lurker, always finding a silver lining
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The only people on the planet surprised by that still work in Bidens State Department...
A quibble. They aren't surprised. Nobody is surprised. They totally bungled the withdrawal from Afghanistan, but I think it was time for the withdrawal and the way things went down helped to reinforce that for me.

We were in Afghanistan for 20 years. An entire generation came up and was able to see what life without the Taliban was like. The fact of the matter is that how we operate in the West and how they view the world in Afghanistan is just not compatible. It is a corrupt medieval leaning country. When given a choice, they freely went back to the lifestyle they were used to.

I sort of feel sorry for some of them and on the other hand I kind of don't. We trained them, we armed them, and we gave them a taste of life without all the restrictions and almost none of them did anything with that. They melted away. And frankly, many of the people that we had to work with weren't all that much better than the Taliban.

Afghanistan merely returned to the backwater, squabbling tribe filled, shithole it has always been. They got what they were willing to accept. Compare and contrast how the normal Afghan acted with the takeover by the Taliban to the Ukrainians now. A people who value freedom will die for it. That wasn't the majoroty of Afghans. Sucks to be those women but their brothers, sons, and fathers did not care enough about them to lift a finger and after 20 years, I am glad we stopped.
A quibble. They aren't surprised. Nobody is surprised. They totally bungled the withdrawal from Afghanistan, but I think it was time for the withdrawal and the way things went down helped to reinforce that for me.

We were in Afghanistan for 20 years. An entire generation came up and was able to see what life without the Taliban was like. The fact of the matter is that how we operate in the West and how they view the world in Afghanistan is just not compatible. It is a corrupt medieval leaning country. When given a choice, they freely went back to the lifestyle they were used to.

I sort of feel sorry for some of them and on the other hand I kind of don't. We trained them, we armed them, and we gave them a taste of life without all the restrictions and almost none of them did anything with that. They melted away. And frankly, many of the people that we had to work with weren't all that much better than the Taliban.

Afghanistan merely returned to the backwater, squabbling tribe filled, shithole it has always been. They got what they were willing to accept. Compare and contrast how the normal Afghan acted with the takeover by the Taliban to the Ukrainians now. A people who value freedom will die for it. That wasn't the majoroty of Afghans. Sucks to be those women but their brothers, sons, and fathers did not care enough about them to lift a finger and after 20 years, I am glad we stopped.

agree with a lot of this. Afghanistan was never meant to be a country. Nothing about its geography or tribal politics lends itself to being a unified country. The Brits were experts at creating and using shit like this to their advantage and the US picked up the slack when we decided to play Middle East cop post 9/11.

def don’t agree with the corrupt medieval bit. They are just different. We could prob make a list of pros and cons of tribal family-based societies vs western democracies and be amazed at what they are getting right.
agree with a lot of this. Afghanistan was never meant to be a country. Nothing about its geography or tribal politics lends itself to being a unified country. The Brits were experts at creating and using shit like this to their advantage and the US picked up the slack when we decided to play Middle East cop post 9/11.

def don’t agree with the corrupt medieval bit. They are just different. We could prob make a list of pros and cons of tribal family-based societies vs western democracies and be amazed at what they are getting right.
Corrupt as in we had to buy off everyone. The people we were dealing with that ran that country were the same as a bunch of other third world countries. Corruption is just built in at almost every level of government.

From my POV, their culture is not developed. There is quite a bit of 12th to 14th century about it.
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Corrupt as in we had to buy off everyone. The people we were dealing with that ran that country were the same as a bunch of other third world countries. Corruption is just built in at almost every level of government.

From my POV, their culture is not developed. There is quite a bit of 12th to 14th century about it.

I’d argue they aren’t lost in time but rather their culture reflects their land, but I catch your drift
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I’d argue they aren’t lost in time but rather their culture reflects their land, but I catch your drift
The rule of law is the exception, and we're not as pure about it as we like everyone to believe.
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Corrupt as in we had to buy off everyone. The people we were dealing with that ran that country were the same as a bunch of other third world countries. Corruption is just built in at almost every level of government.

From my POV, their culture is not developed. There is quite a bit of 12th to 14th century about it.

semi-semi-semi- related: read an interesting story about a US business man in China several years ago. He kept getting frustrated because his Chinese partners kept hiring incompetent relatives for important jobs. He kept fighting this and finally confronted them. He couldn’t get why they didn’t want the best people for the job so they could maximize profits. Quit being so damn greedy, they told him. You should help your family whenever you can, they said.

it does make you think
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