Robert Kennedy Jr.

How in the world is this supposed to help Trump, aside from the fact that it's a figment of some right wing wet dream?

If you buy the 20% of uneducated Dem primary voters (I don't ) who back RFKJ, why in the world do you envision they'd vote for Trump? The whole reason they suport RFK in the first place is to give them a "Dem" alternative to Biden. If they preferred Trump over Biden, they'd just stop pretending to be Dems and vote for Trump in the GOP primaries vs the GOP field...
Using Tik Tok as a source now, Comic?

Bwahahaha. The TikTok video (and the hashtags) were referenced in the article I cited. It's more than a paragraph, though, so I didn't expect you to read it.

Many Trump devotees believe in JFK, Jr's continuing earthly existence. They also believe the earth is flat, that lizard people rule the world, that dinosaurs and humans coexisted 4,000 years ago, and that Trump was indicted as a sacrifice for you and me.

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I will agree with Kennedy on one thing. He was doing an interview and refused to insult Trump saying there is too much negativity in politics. He then said that he doesn't dislike Biden, he just has policy disagreements. On this specific issue, he is very correct. I wish more would be that way.
I will agree with Kennedy on one thing. He was doing an interview and refused to insult Trump saying there is too much negativity in politics. He then said that he doesn't dislike Biden, he just has policy disagreements. On this specific issue, he is very correct. I wish more would be that way.
Good for him. We need more of that. Even on this board. Personally I’ve done my best to limit and avoid pissing matches
Good for him. We need more of that. Even on this board. Personally I’ve done my best to limit and avoid pissing matches
Good for him. We need more of that. Even on this board. Personally I’ve done my best to limit and avoid pissing matches
RFK Jr. not making negative remarks about Trump is an example of avoiding only part of the negativity surrounding our political discourse.

Negative political attack advertising with much of it coming from organizations which don't disclose their contributors sets the stage for all the partisan personal attacks which take place.

Furthermore, the attacks don't end with candidates and can be seen as citizens attack each other. A representative democracy such as ours cannot survive when the body politic becomes too divided.

Around election time, few people will see an honest debate between politicians. In contrast it is virtually impossible for anyone with a TV set to not see negative political advertising. Ads which often attack the personal character of candidates.

Personal attacks whether aimed at candidates, or each other, have become as common as mud after a rain storm.
RFK Jr. not making negative remarks about Trump is an example of avoiding only part of the negativity surrounding our political discourse.

Negative political attack advertising with much of it coming from organizations which don't disclose their contributors sets the stage for all the partisan personal attacks which take place.

Furthermore, the attacks don't end with candidates and can be seen as citizens attack each other. A representative democracy such as ours cannot survive when the body politic becomes too divided.

Around election time, few people will see an honest debate between politicians. In contrast it is virtually impossible for anyone with a TV set to not see negative political advertising. Ads which often attack the personal character of candidates.

Personal attacks whether aimed at candidates, or each other, have become as common as mud after a rain storm.

Dark money is a problem, but in today's climate, it isn't something we can do anything about.
I will agree with Kennedy on one thing. He was doing an interview and refused to insult Trump saying there is too much negativity in politics. He then said that he doesn't dislike Biden, he just has policy disagreements. On this specific issue, he is very correct. I wish more would be that way.
Not sure I believe Kennedy re this, but it's an unassailable sentiment.
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Trumpsters and believing in conspiracy theories is absolutely a thing. I really miss the days when it was more of a moonbat thing.
Mittens would keep all this secret, away from the body electorate, just like a good cabal member would expect! God I miss when the government could classify its actions against its own people. Times were so much easier then.
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He would probably win but the “Democrats” will rig the primary for their dementia patient.
Joe says he’s going to get a disease. Not sure what he means by that but he probably doesn’t either so take it for what it’s worth
RFK is a Bannon operative to try to troll Biden.

All Dems who are paying attention know this.

Interesting that the ones who seem fooled are right wingers (or they are doing their part in trying to fake prop him up).

You see it on this board.

It's one reason why Bannon and his ilk lost their shit when it was announced there would be no debates since it's an incumbent president.

Bannon is trying to put out a sneakier Kanye or Tulsi from 2020....hoping that they can chip away at the Dem base because of his name (well Tulsi was just a troll and as expected she showed her true self afterwards).

Maybe the Dems can get Ron Reagan Jr to run as a Republican even though he's an atheist.
Wow, really reaching here aren’t ya?

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