Once a grifter...


Hall of Famer
Oct 23, 2009
What is it with coffee and all these knockoff brands?

I'm not a coffee drinker (cocoa/hot chocolate) but used to order it occasionally in a restaurant in winter to warm up. But it's kind of embarrassing to keep asking the waitress for more sugar, and have a pile of emptied sugar packets in front of you. I don't like the taste of coffee flavored anything. So I'm not a very good barometer of whether one coffee is better than another one...

But this newest entry has got to be scraping the bottom of the cup, and this ad is pretty cringeworthy. It's basically an SNL skit that writes itself.

I have no idea why anyone would (willingly) put anything associated with Rudy G in their mouth? I do think it's wonderfully ironic that all of the desperate MAGA types that will give Rudy their patronage, will actually be contributing to the coffers of Shaye Moss and Ruby Freeman and providing some of the $148 Million Rudy owes for defaming them...

Maybe they could sell this stuff at Trump rallies? Talk about "delicious" irony...

What is it with coffee and all these knockoff brands?

I'm not a coffee drinker (cocoa/hot chocolate) but used to order it occasionally in a restaurant in winter to warm up. But it's kind of embarrassing to keep asking the waitress for more sugar, and have a pile of emptied sugar packets in front of you. I don't like the taste of coffee flavored anything. So I'm not a very good barometer of whether one coffee is better than another one...

But this newest entry has got to be scraping the bottom of the cup, and this ad is pretty cringeworthy. It's basically an SNL skit that writes itself.

I have no idea why anyone would (willingly) put anything associated with Rudy G in their mouth? I do think it's wonderfully ironic that all of the desperate MAGA types that will give Rudy their patronage, will actually be contributing to the coffers of Shaye Moss and Ruby Freeman and providing some of the $148 Million Rudy owes for defaming them...

Maybe they could sell this stuff at Trump rallies? Talk about "delicious" irony...

You’ve got it bad
What is it with coffee and all these knockoff brands?

Clay & Buck have their own brand they're shilling. Kind of surprised they and Rudy chose to compete.

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Clay & Buck have their own brand they're shilling. Kind of surprised they and Rudy chose to compete.

You know there are only like three coffee packing plants in America, and every brand is just one of those three in its own package.
You know there are only like three coffee packing plants in America, and every brand is just one of those three in its own package.
Slightly different #'s, but cars are the same way now. Very few totally self controlled parts. CM'rs build all of it, add a different label.
Slightly different #'s, but cars are the same way now. Very few totally self controlled parts. CM'rs build all of it, add a different label.
There really are no industries that have a lot of different, independent producers. Most industries just have a few big producers who each produce dozens of different brands. Then, on the outside edges of the industry, there are some very small independent producers, but their eventual fate (and goal, usually) is to be purchased by one of the small handful of large producers.
There really are no industries that have a lot of different, independent producers. Most industries just have a few big producers who each produce dozens of different brands. Then, on the outside edges of the industry, there are some very small independent producers, but their eventual fate (and goal, usually) is to be purchased by one of the small handful of large producers.
I've been thinking of putting up a clean room, start some elementary level med device concept's, then CASH in to one of the OEM's. It's all the rage in Med device.
I actually do have an advanced design for a process and equipment to perform it, that all of the industry needs, but there is ZERO off the shelf equipment available, in the world. I get 4 calls a month and have to turn them down.

My first business failure hurt so bad, I just can't seem to act on a sure thing now. I suck. It's embarrassing.
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I've been thinking of putting up a clean room, start some elementary level med device concept's, then CASH in to one of the OEM's. It's all the rage in Med device.
I actually do have an advanced design for a process and equipment to perform it, that all of the industry needs, but there is ZERO off the shelf equipment available, in the world. I get 4 calls a month and have to turn them down.

My first business failure hurt so bad, I just can't seem to act on a sure thing now. I suck. It's embarrassing.
Just do it. I’ve sued a bunch of em. Stryker. Zimmer. Etc. Lots in Indiana
There really are no industries that have a lot of different, independent producers. Most industries just have a few big producers who each produce dozens of different brands. Then, on the outside edges of the industry, there are some very small independent producers, but their eventual fate (and goal, usually) is to be purchased by one of the small handful of large producers.
The things you can learn from watching Shark Tank.
You’d be shocked at how many brands and companies operate out of one factory. Lulu right next to Reebok etc
In food and beverage, they are even going so far as to rub it in consumers' faces. Like, not only does the same factory produce the same coffee pod for every single coffee brand on the shelf, but instead of coming up with different names, they just call it "Donut Shop Blend" for everyone. Like they are daring you to say something about it.
In food and beverage, they are even going so far as to rub it in consumers' faces. Like, not only does the same factory produce the same coffee pod for every single coffee brand on the shelf, but instead of coming up with different names, they just call it "Donut Shop Blend" for everyone. Like they are daring you to say something about it.
That is madness!!! It really is absolutely fascinating to follow production all over the world. I talked a very well regarded factory in Mexico into manufacturing one of our products. We were all set to go and I got a call bc there was a miscommunication as to minimums. What we produce in a year they thought were just our samples. In the industries my friends and I fumble around there’s a pecking order of countries. We are at the bottom still. Truly bizarre.
In food and beverage, they are even going so far as to rub it in consumers' faces. Like, not only does the same factory produce the same coffee pod for every single coffee brand on the shelf, but instead of coming up with different names, they just call it "Donut Shop Blend" for everyone. Like they are daring you to say something about it.
Should we sue them for not actually being coffee from a "donut shop?"
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What is it with coffee and all these knockoff brands?

I'm not a coffee drinker (cocoa/hot chocolate) but used to order it occasionally in a restaurant in winter to warm up. But it's kind of embarrassing to keep asking the waitress for more sugar, and have a pile of emptied sugar packets in front of you. I don't like the taste of coffee flavored anything. So I'm not a very good barometer of whether one coffee is better than another one...

But this newest entry has got to be scraping the bottom of the cup, and this ad is pretty cringeworthy. It's basically an SNL skit that writes itself.

I have no idea why anyone would (willingly) put anything associated with Rudy G in their mouth? I do think it's wonderfully ironic that all of the desperate MAGA types that will give Rudy their patronage, will actually be contributing to the coffers of Shaye Moss and Ruby Freeman and providing some of the $148 Million Rudy owes for defaming them...

Maybe they could sell this stuff at Trump rallies? Talk about "delicious" irony...

I drink coffee a few times a week because I have high blood pressure and extra caffeine is a no no or I would drink it everyday. I drink mine black, but don't get any of the fancy blends. My wife will buy name brands like Folgers etc if they are on sale. If they are not then she gets the Walmart generic bland.
I drink coffee a few times a week because I have high blood pressure and extra caffeine is a no no or I would drink it everyday. I drink mine black, but don't get any of the fancy blends. My wife will buy name brands like Folgers etc if they are on sale. If they are not then she gets the Walmart generic bland.
Especially if you're only drinking a cup a few times a week, treat yourself with some good beans, a grinder, and an Aeropress or pour over. It really does taste better.
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I drink coffee a few times a week because I have high blood pressure and extra caffeine is a no no or I would drink it everyday. I drink mine black, but don't get any of the fancy blends. My wife will buy name brands like Folgers etc if they are on sale. If they are not then she gets the Walmart generic bland.
You and @mcmurtry66 should meet up and sip Kopi Luwak, like gentlemen.
Especially if you're only drinking a cup a few times a week, treat yourself with some good beans, a grinder, and an Aeropress or pour over. It really does taste better.
Cold brew, reheat it in the microwave. Excellent smooth taste, plus higher caffeine content.

I have a pitcher just for making cold brew only cost like $25 at Meijer.
Cold brew, reheat it in the microwave. Excellent smooth taste, plus higher caffeine content.

I have a pitcher just for making cold brew only cost like $25 at Meijer.
Reheated cold brew in the microwave? Never tried that. Does it taste burnt? I do that with a regular cup of coffee and its undrinkable.
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Reheated cold brew in the microwave? Never tried that. Does it taste burnt? I do that with a regular cup of coffee and its undrinkable.
You're nuking it too long, then. Microwave is best way to reheat coffee. It's sitting in the pot on the burner that gives it that off taste, not the microwave.

I rarely heat mine, though. I've gotten used to just drinking it cold.
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You're nuking it too long, then. Microwave is best way to reheat coffee. It's sitting in the pot on the burner that gives it that off taste, not the microwave.

I rarely heat mine, though. I've gotten used to just drinking it cold.
Nah, I reheat my cup sometimes. It doesn't sit on the burner. I've never had it taste right. The only thing I've found that really works is one of those expensive cups that keeps it heated or a really good insulated bottle/cup.
I've been thinking of putting up a clean room, start some elementary level med device concept's, then CASH in to one of the OEM's. It's all the rage in Med device.
I actually do have an advanced design for a process and equipment to perform it, that all of the industry needs, but there is ZERO off the shelf equipment available, in the world. I get 4 calls a month and have to turn them down.

Good lord Joe, you have no idea what you are doing. Medtech start-ups aren't making anything. They are designing and developing devices and then having the devices contract manufactured.

You'd be better off just being a CM, but the sales cycle is long af.
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That is madness!!! It really is absolutely fascinating to follow production all over the world. I talked a very well regarded factory in Mexico into manufacturing one of our products. We were all set to go and I got a call bc there was a miscommunication as to minimums. What we produce in a year they thought were just our samples. In the industries my friends and I fumble around there’s a pecking order of countries. We are at the bottom still. Truly bizarre.

What do you mean we are at the bottom? Based on?
bunch of coffee addicts :)

I say coffee sucks...probably could put all the coffee I've ever sipped into a single cup lol
Nah, I reheat my cup sometimes. It doesn't sit on the burner. I've never had it taste right. The only thing I've found that really works is one of those expensive cups that keeps it heated or a really good insulated bottle/cup.
Honestly? I don't even own a microwave at the moment. I was just sharing some tips that I picked up over the years. My preference right now is to use a nice vacuum-insulated metal tumbler style coffee mug. I easily empty it long before it gets cold.

But like I said, I've mostly switched to cold coffee. I keep the cold brew pitcher in the fridge and just pour it over ice with a splash of creamer. Very, very different from how I used to drink coffee (read: only hot and black).
Good lord Joe, you have no idea what you are doing. Medtech start-ups aren't making anything. They are designing and developing devices and then having the devices contract manufactured.

You'd be better off just being a CM, but the sales cycle is long af.
WRONG !!! I know exactly what I am doing, I've done it several times. I have a great idea, I dump a bunch of time and $ into and then I eff it up in the final execution. I know exactly how to do this.
Every catheter manufacturer in the world calls my current company when spec'ing a new catheter. I work with the east half of the US. I know all of their IP...... and what they can't source equipment/ processes for.
I don't wanna make 1 million parts a year (that's a FREAKIN JOB!!!) , I want to make 30 parts and then sell the rights.
The clean room is just a sales tool, kind of a threat so to speak, that OEM's know that I MAY be a treat.... which only increases the sale value optimization. It's only gotta succeed once... then I'm lighting cigars with flaming crab legs.
I'll never do it, but I do get to dream.
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