Likely Conclusion to Allen Era

I always go back to Northwestern and even Wisconsin. Those were LOUSY programs for many, many decades. They eventually hired their way to success!! Iowa was pathetic for a very long period of time. Hayden Frye changed the course of that program.

Indiana has access to more money than ever before, they must hire their way out of this mess.
Your post demonstrates you don’t have any earthly idea what it takes to build a successful program. Thanks for confirming this.
I'm a football fan, I don't need to know what it takes to build a program because I'm not qualified to do so. Thank you for confirming you cannot explain the things that you post, because you don't have any idea what you're trying to say like the rest of us that read your posts.
Your post demonstrates you don’t have any earthly idea what it takes to build a successful program. Thanks for confirming this.

Quit dodging the question and just answer it. I know he is not the only one wondering what you mean by your constant saying "We have the program we demand and deserve.".
I'm a football fan, I don't need to know what it takes to build a program because I'm not qualified to do so. Thank you for confirming you cannot explain the things that you post, because you don't have any idea what you're trying to say like the rest of us that read your posts.
Not nearly enough fans care enough about the state of the program to demand that it be improved. I understand why someone like you doesn’t understand this but those who have followed the program for years and who understand the sport aren’t as confused as you are,
Quit dodging the question and just answer it. I know he is not the only one wondering what you mean by your constant saying "We have the program we demand and deserve.".
Easy . . . We’ve had AD after AD survive and flourish as the leader of the Department in spite of the horrible performance of the football program. If we demanded a sustainably winning program, that scenario would never be permitted to exist by alums and boosters. The AD’s job would literally be tied to his or her ability to create a winning program. We’ve never made that a condition of keeping the job, let alone getting the job. Not surprised this is difficult for most of our fans to comprehend. Many are more focused on pass outs at halftime.
You either have to hire an amazing coach or an unconventional coach. Rutgers had a winning season this year. If Rutgers can find a winning coach so can Indiana.

You must not be aware of Rutgers football history. Their current success is no surprise.
Terrible take.
You must not follow the team.

Worse than this year? We have 3 wins. 3.
It’s rock bottom right now. We should have lost to Akron. We beat an FCS team. That’s 2 of the 3 wins.

People that act like firing Tom Allen is some big setback don’t see the big picture.

Here’s a thought: IU should have kept Archie Miller because firing him was going to make things worse. But, in fact, it didn’t. When you know the guy is not the guy….why delay it? You’re only delaying the inevitable.
I'm not so sure Woodson is the guy either..
His momentum looks stymied this yr..
Easy . . . We’ve had AD after AD survive and flourish as the leader of the Department in spite of the horrible performance of the football program. If we demanded a sustainably winning program, that scenario would never be permitted to exist by alums and boosters. The AD’s job would literally be tied to his or her ability to create a winning program. We’ve never made that a condition of keeping the job, let alone getting the job. Not surprised this is difficult for most of our fans to comprehend. Many are more focused on pass outs at halftime.
we run our athletic dept. like an exclusive country club, not the big business that it really is.
we run our athletic dept. like an exclusive country club, not the big business that it really is.
I don’t think it’s run like a country club as much as it’s been a repository for patronage jobs and Peter principle promotions (at least in more recent years). I’m fine with the dignified exit we allowed Glass to take, but we followed it up with yet another parochial hire, and then wonder why we continue to flounder in sports like football. We need to break the cycle of poor leadership if we ever want success.
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The only thing a new football coach at Indiana does is offer new hope for a couple of seasons before the reality of our losing tradition. The state of Indiana is of the basketball mindset, not easily changed.

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