It’s not looking good


Remember when the warning went out that 2 million Americans would die from the virus?

No, but do recall when blithering idiots couldn't publicly exalt stupidity and promote it as gospel simply by logging on to the internet.

Pathologists you are not, but "mask nazis" takes ignorance to a new low. Only comfort in reading such drivel is knowing that Darwinism is still operating with full force and effect. GLWT.
Nobody is wearing a crocheted mask. Quit shitposting. Alyssa Milano wore one that had a filter inside of it and the people that tried to make fun of her for it looked like idiots.
The point flew right over your head.

I'm not advocating wearing a crocheted mask. I'm pointing out that there are no standards for masks.

And the Bowlmania said it was better than no mask, so you might want to direct your post to him. "A crocheted mask isn't as good as a medical-grade mask, for example, but it's better than nothing because it provides a barrier." What a laugh.

Speaking of shitposting, how is that shoulder Penix injured. LMAO! That one never gets old.
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Nobody is wearing a crocheted mask. Quit shitposting. Alyssa Milano wore one that had a filter inside of it and the people that tried to make fun of her for it looked like idiots.

"Shitposting". Well alright - so perfect have to wonder why it's the first time I've seen it. Begs use as an acronym, perhaps ASP to designate 'asinine' and differentiate from the common troll(s).
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Well, fellas, Friday brought news of a solid vaccine test.
Today brings news of another.

So despite all the gloom and doom of the world since December, the overall numbers still protect all you pricks who are younger and healthier than me (HOW DARE YOU!), and it looks like I'll be getting a vaccine for Christmas ... and then I'll be coming looking for you! So you can stop worrying about the Covid, and start worrying about getting your ass kicked by an old peace-freak with Rheumatoid arthritis, and saggy-ass skin where a bunch of fat used to be.

Based on the numbers at 2:50 today - as reported on the interweb site of Real Clear Politics - which aggregates stats from multiple reporting sources:

There are an estimated 330,000,000 people in the US
48,610,000 of us have been tested
3,927,000 confirmed cases have been reported/documented
(That's about 8% testing positive. But some folks have been tested multiple times, so I look at that as a max rather than a certain. Also, geography differs. But we're spitballing here.)

The estimated 8% of the estimated 330,000,000 of us would be an estimated extrapolation of 26,660,000-ish positive tests (if we all got 1).

143,526 deaths have been reported among the positive case confirmations
If you passed Finite Math you can confirm that 3.65% of confirmed cases have resulted in death

That 3.65% applied to our estimated 26,666,000-ish guesstimate of positive tests (if we all got one) would be 973,065 deaths (which - as we can see and hope - is probably too high - since we have - depending on which reporting source you use - about 144,000 deaths to date. But let's use it anyway.

If 973,065 of us die from Covid, it will be .0029 - which (I think, I could not pass Finite Math) = point 29%, and 99.71% of us are not going to die, but point 2-9% of us will die, and some as-yet-unknown-unreported-barely-discussed-percent of us will have other as-yet-unknown-unreported-barely-discussed-complications which include but are not limited to unidentified brain complications, lung complications and I'm sure others. (To be honest, I'm waiting to compare those conditions/numbers to stuff like MERSA and other superbugs, one of which killed my across the street neighbor, and so I have a bit of interest about.)

Of course, I could be wrong.

And of course you dreadful young and healthy people can pucker upon my hind parts ... for now ... because your risks are not as high as mine, and you should thus be ashamed.

Sweet dreams.

It takes effort, and we're all under stress, but be kind.


When taken as a whole, this seems like an accurate description of the situation.

To catch it, you need face-to-face contact within 6 feet that is sustained for at least a few minutes. There is minimal risk of catching 19 from a passing interaction in a public space.

The powers-to-be screwed the pooch by first lying about the face masks ('not helpful, and may be harmful', at a time when a billion Chinese were wearing them) and following that up with more lies and half-truths that result in rules & regulations for people that require people to wear masks when walking a dog or riding in a boat with family members.

So last night I'm at the baseball game at victory field, and the ignorant mask requirement is in place, to guard against "passing interactions in a public space' when the crowd was limited to 1000. This results in contempt for the authorities.

The rules & regulations should have been carefully constructed to require social distancing and masks in situations like churches, barbershops, offices. The whole "Do not go outside except to..../wear a mask at all times" approach has backfired. Americans are not (yet) lemmings.
20' apart
I don't think the medical experts lied about masks. Yes they initially focused on touch but as the information evolved so did the advice...e.g. asymptomatic spread.

If I were at the Vic last night i would want masks to be on not so much for sitting in the stands 20' apart but on the concourse, restrooms etc.

There simply is no logical debate anymore about the need for masks in the places you list but also retail stores and other pubic spaces where people even pass by you.
20' apart
I don't think the medical experts lied about masks. Yes they initially focused on touch but as the information evolved so did the advice...e.g. asymptomatic spread.

If I were at the Vic last night i would want masks to be on not so much for sitting in the stands 20' apart but on the concourse, restrooms etc.

There simply is no logical debate anymore about the need for masks in the places you list but also retail stores and other pubic spaces where people even pass by you.

I recommend you wear glasses too.
Covid in the eye juice is just as bad as Covid in the nose goo or mouth spit.

(I'm being graphic to try and save lives.)
I think you failed to understand the point of the mask. It's so you don't sneeze/cough covid onto another person.

A mask is to help protect other people from you just as much as it is to protect you from other people. So unless you are coughing through your eyes, glasses aren't nearly as helpful.

People need to wear masks to slow down the spread. The fact that so many people are not is why the US is doing so much "winning" with the number of covid cases.
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I recommend you wear glasses too.
Covid in the eye juice is just as bad as Covid in the nose goo or mouth spit.

(I'm being graphic to try and save lives.)

I actually read an article from a Doc that tested positive. He believed he got it in his eyes on a plane. Can;t recall the source but it was a reasonable source.

Edit Ok, it was NBC which obviously isn't a great source but here it is
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I think you failed to understand the point of the mask. It's so you don't sneeze/cough covid onto another person.

A mask is to help protect other people from you just as much as it is to protect you from other people.

I highly doubt you cough through your eyes.

People need to wear masks to slow down the spread. People wear masks when they actually care to not get other people infected.

I'm just trusting the science dudes.

Fauci and the lab guys say a mask lessens, but does not completely ameliorate, the fog of droplets from a sneeze or cough. Some goes through, some goes around, the mask.

That fog of droplets that is left after the masks reduce it still goes out 6 feet ish (or farther now that we've learned this stuff floats on air)

And part of the reason you don't "touch your face" includes your ability to infect yourself from touching your eyes and gettig covid through your eye liquids.

So yeah - coughing through your eyes is silly, but someone else's cough getting into your eyes is a thing. SOoo - masks AND glasses dude. Or death. Yourchoice if you are part of the unlucky point 29 percent.
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This virus is a killer of the old. Not much of a risk at all for younger people, as defined as below 65.

Risk of Death from Coronavirus: COVID-19 Infection Fatality Rate (IFR)

None of the above data answers the question, "What is my risk of dying from coronavirus if I get infected?" For that, we need to look at the infection fatality rate (IFR), which is the percentage of people who die given that they are infected. (This includes people with asymptomatic infections or those who are infected but never get tested.) One group believes the range is 0.1% to 0.41% (with a point estimate of 0.28%). Another group, which examined deaths in Geneva, Switzerland, concluded that the overall IFR is 0.38% to 0.98% (with a point estimate of 0.64%.)

Of course, IFR varies depending on age. Young people are far less likely to die than older people. The Swiss study estimated IFR's by age group:


While coronavirus is obviously concerning and a very real threat to some people (namely, the elderly and immunocompromised), these data also show that the risk for the rest of the population is quite low.

CDC Data Sources (Accessed on 23-June-2020)

you're bringing up a valid point, but making the same mistake as you accuse others of, just less so.

regardless, your overall point is needed, but just needs far more refined.

that chart is really bad and absolutely shouldn't be used.

20-49 group is very deceiving, because the risk is many times more for someone 49 than 20. (though still relatively low compared to those older).

averaging in stats for those in their 20s with those in their late 40s, totally perverts the actual risk rate those in their late 40s.

same with other groupings of 50 and over.. the age grouping are way way too spread out.

the CDC had been breaking things down by 10 yr age gaps, but that's poor info as well since per single age yr numbers are readily available to them, and should be disseminated.

not 10 yr averages.

the media has done an absolutely horrible job of informing the public, as has the govt. (to the point of consistently deliberately hiding much needed info imo).

garbage in, garbage out.

we need a complete per age yr breakdown, (at least for age 40 and over, and 5 yr grouping breakdowns from 30-40), every night, of tested positives, hospital admissions, non symptomatic hospital admissions, icu admissions, and deaths.

it's the biggest story since WWII, and we get total crap for info, in an age where all info should be at our fingertips.

to be discussing strategy and plans absent all relevant info is malfeasance by both the media and govt, as age by yr attached to all said statistics is totally relevant, and needs to be attached to all discussions as to how we deal with this.
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The other thing is these numbers...Did anyone see the physician of 40 years and State Senator in Minnesota video? He got investigated for the first time in his life over what to put on death certificates and the fact that he said this is very similar to the flu. This guy was the physician of the year in Minnesota 5 years ago and has served on several boards. I appreciate him coming out and telling his story. He wasn't going too and his family asked him too. It should make all of you mad because the numbers are greatly fudged. Heres the video its definitely worth the watch...

self serving, and not a good video at all imo.

no one dies of covid.

they all die of ramifications of, so his point is disingenuous imo.

i agree that a death shouldn't be reported as covid, if clearly it was from non covid reasons and covid clearly wasn't a contributing factor, even if tested positive.

but as i took it, that's not what he's arguing here.
Remember when the warning went out that 2 million Americans would die from the virus?

no i don't, please link those stories so we can see what they really said.

that said, with our current death total and estimated percent of the population who's currently been infected, then projecting out those numbers to say 80+ % exposure, the numbers are really bad.

and worse if there isn't some degree of immunity and dodging the bullet once isn't enough.
Hell, the experts are still arguing how it's spread. Just last week they decided now it may travel through the air. Really? No kidding. Yet, that was front page news. Remember when we were told you could get it by touching infected surface area?

I don't believe you are correct here. The experts have always said that it was air born. At first they said that the drops were of sufficient size that they would drop out of the air within four feet or so, thus the recommendation of six foot social distancing. Last week over 200 doctors and researchers sent a letter to WHO urging more research into the transmission. In the letter they make the case that the virus can be aerosolized, which means that the drops are MUCH smaller which enables them to stay suspended much longer therefore traveling farther.

Surfaces are still a risk but the latest information has deemed surfaces to be a minimal risk. Even then, you can only become infected if once the virus is on your hand you touch your eyes, nose, mouth or have a break in the skin. The virus needs access to live cells. Your skin is coated with a layer of dead cells and the virus can not infect those dead cells. The body has protection from infection.
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I don't believe you are correct here. The experts have always said that it was air born. At first they said that the drops were of sufficient size that they would drop out of the air within four feet or so, thus the recommendation of six foot social distancing. Last week over 200 doctors and researchers sent a letter to WHO urging more research into the transmission. In the letter they make the case that the virus can be aerosolized, which means that the drops are MUCH smaller which enables them to stay suspended much longer therefore traveling farther.

Surfaces are still a risk but the latest information has deemed surfaces to be a minimal risk. Even then, you can only become infected if once the virus is on your hand you touch your eyes, nose, mouth or have a break in the skin. The virus needs access to live cells. Your skin is coated with a layer of dead cells and the virus can not infect those dead cells. The body has protection from infection.
Maybe it was, but, if so, why was it made out to be such a big deal a couple weeks ago?
Maybe it was, but, if so, why was it made out to be such a big deal a couple weeks ago?

Because many in the medical community are saying that the virus is aerosolized. Like the mist coming out of a spray can, aerosolized particles stay suspended in the air longer and can travel farther. If it is true, then the 6 ft social distancing that was based on the sputum particles being larger and falling out of the air quickly becomes much less effective.
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Because many in the medical community are saying that the virus is aerosolized. Like the mist coming out of a spray can, aerosolized particles stay suspended in the air longer and can travel farther. If it is true, then the 6 ft social distancing that was based on the sputum particles being larger and falling out of the air quickly becomes much less effective.
Hmmm..... I would think it would also be spread easier where there is a shared air duct system? Like in apartments? Nursing homes?

I guess I assumed it was aerosoized anywhere, so it's not big news to me. What are 'they' saying is the effective distanding?
Hmmm..... I would think it would also be spread easier where there is a shared air duct system? Like in apartments? Nursing homes?

I guess I assumed it was aerosoized anywhere, so it's not big news to me. What are 'they' saying is the effective distanding?

If the 200+ are right and it is aerosolized then a "safe" distance becomes problematic. I have not seen any studies done on that specific question but if I was guessing, more like 16-20 feet.

And yes, I would think that an aerosolized virus would be bad news for any buildings that have a shared air handling system without an air purifier. If I was guessing, a lot of building managers are scrambling to get air purifiers installed.
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I think you failed to understand the point of the mask. It's so you don't sneeze/cough covid onto another person.

A mask is to help protect other people from you just as much as it is to protect you from other people. So unless you are coughing through your eyes, glasses aren't nearly as helpful.

People need to wear masks to slow down the spread. The fact that so many people are not is why the US is doing so much "winning" with the number of covid cases.
It's three months late, but I think we're going to see more mask-wearing now that a certain guy who never wears one and used to criticize and mock people for wearing one now says it's "patriotic" to wear one. God bless America.
Because many in the medical community are saying that the virus is aerosolized. Like the mist coming out of a spray can, aerosolized particles stay suspended in the air longer and can travel farther. If it is true, then the 6 ft social distancing that was based on the sputum particles being larger and falling out of the air quickly becomes much less effective.
And makes mask wearing all the more critical.
Yep, Fauci lied in February in an effort to ensure that front line health care workers had enough PPE so they wouldn't die. But my post wasn't about Fauci or February. It was about April, when the CDC (which reports to a member of Trump's cabinet) recommended that every American wear masks in public when social distancing isn't possible. It took three full months for Trump to stop ridiculing mask-wearers and to actually concur, kind of, with the CDC. Amazing.
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Yep, Fauci lied in February in an effort to ensure that front line health care workers had enough PPE so they wouldn't die. But my post wasn't about Fauci or February. It was about April, when the CDC (which reports to a member of Trump's cabinet) recommended that every American wear masks in public when social distancing isn't possible. It took three full months for Trump to stop ridiculing mask-wearers and to actually concur, kind of, with the CDC. Amazing.
So Fauci was lying then, but he's not lying now. Is that what you're saying?

Evidently you didn't read the article. Fauci and others mocked people who wore masks. And then he suddenly has a conversion. I thought 'science' didn't change?

When he and the US Surgeon General said a mask was useless then, what changed between now and then? And don't try to say there was some big scientific breakthrough - anyone with half a brain knew it was being spread in the air.

You are the one saying Trump didn't listen to his advisors. Well, he did listen - probably too well. So now you want to blame him for it all. Your partisan politics drives your every post, so your opinion means nothing.
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Yep, Fauci lied in February in an effort to ensure that front line health care workers had enough PPE so they wouldn't die. But my post wasn't about Fauci or February. It was about April, when the CDC (which reports to a member of Trump's cabinet) recommended that every American wear masks in public when social distancing isn't possible. It took three full months for Trump to stop ridiculing mask-wearers and to actually concur, kind of, with the CDC. Amazing.
At the April 3 task force meeting Trump told the public that the CDC recommended wearing masks and he thought that if you want to wear them you should. Also suggested cloth masks and save the N95 for healthcare professionals. Also recommended social distancing. It wasn't until around June 17th that Pelosi required masks be worn in the House. Do I think he personally should have worn them in public sooner? Yes I do.
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Yet in July there are still a large portion of conservatives that believe covid is a left-wing hoax and that this is just going to go away after the election.
What I take away from the same article is that if the Big 10 plays football the first games probably aren't going to be played until the end of September.
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What I take away from the same article is that if the Big 10 plays football the first games probably aren't going to be played until the end of September.
That would make sense, I guess. Hopefully the hysteria will be down by then, but I doubt it.

I could see the Big Tean having one or two games a week in September to see how it goes. That would mean we'd still play Wisconsin the first game - maybe.
At the April 3 task force meeting Trump told the public that the CDC recommended wearing masks and he thought that if you want to wear them you should. Also suggested cloth masks and save the N95 for healthcare professionals. Also recommended social distancing. It wasn't until around June 17th that Pelosi required masks be worn in the House. Do I think he personally should have worn them in public sooner? Yes I do.

Stop with the facts. You will upset them. And they cry when they're upset.
The fact that he said it would be gone in a couple weeks, the fact that he downplayed masks for months, the fact that he said hydroxychloroquine would work or the fact that he suggested injecting yourself with disinfectant?
The fact that he said it would be gone in a couple weeks, the fact that he downplayed masks for months, the fact that he said hydroxychloroquine would work or the fact that he suggested injecting yourself with disinfectant?
He downplayed/mocked mask-wearing long after Fauci, Birx, the head of the CDC (Redfield), the Surgeon General (Adams) and virtually every other high-level epidemiologist and infectious disease doc in the country began pleading with people to wear them.
He downplayed/mocked mask-wearing long after Fauci, Birx, the head of the CDC (Redfield), the Surgeon General (Adams) and virtually every other high-level epidemiologist and infectious disease doc in the country began pleading with people to wear them.
Please post a link to where the 'downplayed/mocked mask-wearing'.
You print propaganda from a left wing rag like the LA Times and that's supposed to be proof? You can't even muster a quote from Trump?

Where was the mocking of wearing a mask? Where did he downplay it? Nowhere in that article.

You're not very good at this. You are supposed to refute my argument. Instead, you prove my point.
Danc, virtually everybody on this forum can recall the exact press conference where the reporter asked Trump a question while wearing a mask and Trump responds by saying that he's wearing the mask just so he can be politically correct.
Rather than digging through YouTube videos to find it I would submit why is it that you're the only one who doesn't get this.?
It's like somebody saying that the sun is going to come up tomorrow and you say really prove it!
Danc, virtually everybody on this forum can recall the exact press conference where the reporter asked Trump a question while wearing a mask and Trump responds by saying that he's wearing the mask just so he can be politically correct.
Rather than digging through YouTube videos to find it I would submit why is it that you're the only one who doesn't get this.?
It's like somebody saying that the sun is going to come up tomorrow and you say really prove it!
I just want an example. Bowlmania always makes statements that he can't back up. He loves to deal in hyperbole. Like when you say I'm the only one who doesn't 'get' it. I get it fine. I get it that the Trump haters will make any outlandish statement to score political points. And then you get upset when you can't provide an example.

If you can provide a link where he's mocking or downplaying wearing a mask, link it here.

He's never been against anyone wearing a mask. I don't know that he thought it should be mandatory, based on original statements by Fauci and the US Surgeon General about how useless masks are, but he's not against wearing a mask. He did so, as he said, when 'social distancing' wasn't possible.

And, of course, now that he's encouraging people to wear one, he's criticized for that. Doesn't matter what he does - it will still be used for political points on a football forum.
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Just Google it. Date is May 26th. I'm doing everything on my phone and I don't have the ability to do a cut and paste or I'd send the link
Just Google it. Date is May 26th. I'm doing everything on my phone and I don't have the ability to do a cut and paste or I'd send the link
You can post it later.

But so what if he said it? If he didn't personally believe masks work because of what Fauci and the US Surgeon General said, so what if he says his motivation is to be politically correct?

How is that knocking anyone who wants to wear a mask?

Bowlmaniac made a claim, let him back it up. So far, crickets.
Danc, virtually everybody on this forum can recall the exact press conference where the reporter asked Trump a question while wearing a mask and Trump responds by saying that he's wearing the mask just so he can be politically correct.
Rather than digging through YouTube videos to find it I would submit why is it that you're the only one who doesn't get this.?
It's like somebody saying that the sun is going to come up tomorrow and you say really prove it!
I'm very happy that he is the only one that doesn't get it. I'm actually feeling a little bit positive knowing the stupidity of his kind -- while we see it all over the country -- I believe it is still a pretty small minority. Seeing all of these polls being released backs that up, too. Perhaps we will be out of this nightmare soon. And I blocked the guy awhile ago. I would suggest everyone do the same. Don't give him a forum for his nonsense.

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