In a lot of ways, the Chinese are the root of all evil around the world..


Hall of Famer
Oct 23, 2003
All over Africa, the Chinese are exploiting natural resources and destroying habitat and wildlife in their mindless pursuit of wealth and power. Chinese buyers in all of the major cities in Africa pay cash for ivory, hides, claws, teeth, gall bladders, etc. to impovrished people. When Chinese road crews working on contract pass through an area, the wildlife and even the dogs disappear....most of the elephants poached in Africa are killed for tusks, which are sawed off and peddled for a few dollars to the willing Chinese buyers for export...

They are immoral bastards...
Glad to have you on board!

Now, we need your support with all those evil bastards in Norway, Japan, Brazil, et al.

What the Chinese are doing in Africa (and they are just the last in a long line of people raping Africa) is astonishingly reprehensible, but it is only the tip of the iceberg.
Maybe they read a history book somewhere

and they are doing what the Europeans did in the past? At lease they are paying cash; Europeans just took them with machine guns pointed at them.

As a disclaimer, no, I am not condoning what Chinese are doing.
Paying cash to who?

The corrupt heads of countries or regions. Yea, that is much better.