Heard last night at the local pub


Sep 18, 2001
that Obama did not sign any Executive Orders on Immigration as advertised. He issued a memo only to Department Heads to implement. A search shows such a story on WND but know nothing about the source or their accuracy. Does anyone have any insight.
Sorry to see Rock's post deleted but it got me thinking. I just did a Federal Register search and can find nothing recorded. If I remember correctly after signing an Executive Order the President is required to forward to the Office of the Federal Register for recording. He made his announcement of November 20th and nothing filed. I am almost certain he claimed to have issued an Executive Order and signed it on the plane which at the time I found sort of interesting by itself since he thrives on publicity.
I'm glad Doug moderates the board

But I don't know why it's a deletable offense to observe that you routinely bring the fever swamp to this board. Perhaps it just goes without saying.
He issued two memos

instructing cabinet appointees to issue these "orders", whatever they may actually be, by February. Its to fire up the base without really doing anything. He could have enacted whatever the heck he wants while he had overwhelming Congressional majorities and did exactly? Nothing.
This isn't real, its political posturing to bring back his missing base.

His policies have been roundly repudiated - all of them - and now he has to get the low information voter back n the reservation.
Re: I'm glad Doug moderates the board

Did you not hear Obama saying he was issuing an Executive Order why is it fever to question where that Executive Order is that he and his Press Secretary Claimed to all America that he signed on the plane. What bothers me is whether or not he used a school to promote another lie.
Good grief

You guys need to decide which wrong and stupid story you're going with. Is Obama shredding the Constitution (wrong), or doing nothing at all (wrong)?
Re: Good grief

That is exactly the question maybe you could help answer. Legally not sure all the AGs have a cause of action again the Prez if no Executive Order.
Yes or No?

Did he sign executive order granting amnesty to 5 million illegal immigrants or did he not?

The federal register has two memos on Nov 26 and the director there says nothing else was signed or filed.

So are you going to continue to defend Obama's lies or are you going top stop defending Obama's lies?

Oh and apologize for your nastiness to Dave.
I don't answer stupid questions

Instead I mock them -- until Doug deletes the mockery, but not the stupidity. So the stupid prevails. That's why you're still here.
No substance as usual

just personal attack

Here - for your continuing edification - which you desperately need - are the Federal Registry entries from November 26. Note these are memoranda and NOT Executive Orders - just as Dave said. You should have put your brain in gear before personally attacking people. But, alas, that isn't your style. Now Dave's right and you, as usual, are wrong. Yes or No?

Immigration and Naturalization:

Immigrant and Refugee Integration; Creating Welcoming Communities (Memorandum of November 21, 2014)

PDF Pages 70765 - 70767 (3 pages) [FR DOC #: 2014-28191]

Immigrant Visa System, U.S.; Modernization and Streamlining Efforts for the 21st Century (Memorandum of November 21, 2014)

PDF Pages 70769 - 70770 (2 pages) [FR DOC #: 2014-28195]

EDIT - to correct typo in the date.
This post was edited on 12/6 6:38 AM by Ladoga

As usual, davegolf is wrong, and you are an idiot.


Thanks, Sope.
This post was edited on 12/5 4:10 PM by IUJIM
Yea probably, but

the last 2 days, virtually every one of his posts should have been deleted. Some have. I mostly just lurk here, and seldom post, but he has been way out of line.
Well . . .

I can appreciate your frustration, but then I can also appreciate Rock's. The general level of discourse on the board has become, um, more incompetent over time even with Doug's fine moderation, and some on the conservative side protect the misinformation and malintent by some of the posters by going waaaay beyond anything that Rock does. For example, it's disgusting to see someone like Iron tell a guy who's working hard at making substantive points - perhaps off base - to "shut up" and "know his betters" as if Iron would know what a better is. Remember, Iron is the one guy - the only guy - on the board who would stoop to using a personal health issue to make a personal attack on this board . . . how he remains allowed to post here is completely, thoroughly and totally irrational . . . .

Anyway, I don't like the crap either . . . hard-hitting advocacy is one thing, pounding the other guy while making the substantive points, I'm generally OK with, but many of the guys on the conservative side go way beyond that even with widely accepted - but all too often disregarded and disrespected - moderation. Sure, so do many liberal/progressive guys, but if you're going to pick on one side, you're going to have to pick on the other too.

So, under these circumstances, what would you have Rock do? He's not going to roll over and ask that his belly be rubbed . . . IMO if we're going to make room for the stuff others do here, then there's going to have to be plenty of room for Rock too.

This post was edited on 12/5 4:33 PM by Sope Creek
The board is a better place because Doug moderates it

In my opinion it would be a better place if he moderated more aggressively, but he has plausibly explained that Peegs wants lightly moderated boards. This leaves plenty of room for dumbasses and assholes, as the basketball boards make abundantly clear. No one could ignore that sponsors care about how many clicks there are, even in an inconsequential place like this.

That's fine. If I found the commercial reality unbearable, I'd leave. But that doesn't mean that there aren't dumbasses and assholes. Obviously there are. You say IUJIM could do better than his drive by bullshit, but I see no evidence of this. At the risk of tooting my own horn, I've made a pretty substantial effort to elevate the discourse here, posting a veritable library of substance over many years. He hasn't done shit, but he occasionally trolls by to twist my tail. F#ck him and f#ck everyone else who contributes nothing but noise.

This is admittedly a small pond, but what sort of numbnuts aspires to be a small fish in a small pond?

I'm in a bad mood.
Re: The board is a better place because Doug moderates it

Noise and total denial lately apparently has become the mantra. The simple question is did the Prez execute an Executive Order or not? I have not seen your answer to that question. If he did fine but if he did not then why did he state he did.
Have you had your Snickers bar yet?

Hopefully your mood has lightened a bit with some sleep.

Sooooo, in Rock's world is IU's AD beginning to scout a new HC for the mens' bball program? Or is he doubling down on a coach that has no idea how to recruit/use a 6' 10" post player who can play with his back to the basket?

This post was edited on 12/6 9:25 AM by Sope Creek
Re: The board is a better place because Doug moderates it

i think we all agree that more censorship of political debate is just what the world needs.

Naw . . . quality control would be a much better description. It's not the political position that's the problem, it's the lack of quality in gathering facts and assessing the implications of those facts that's the problem on this board.
I have. Thanks.

I've mostly been a supporter of Tom Crean, but I doubt he can (or should) pull out of this. That Syracuse game may turn out to be the beginning of the end.

I've also been a fan of Fred Glass, but he has nothing but trouble on his plate. His signature hires are failing. If that doesn't get fixed, he will be looking for another job himself. Without any animosity, that's why he makes the big boy money. Scoreboard.
I think we can all agree

That badly written posts are a waste of space.

Again, this board is a better place because Doug moderates it. It would be an even better place if he moderated it more aggressively. Not coincidentally, that would leave few of your posts up, and even though it would also leave fewer of mine, that would be fine with me. Perhaps if a higher standard was demanded, more of us would find a way to produce better posts.
Originally posted by davegolf:

that Obama did not sign any Executive Orders on Immigration as advertised. He issued a memo only to Department Heads to implement. A search shows such a story on WND but know nothing about the source or their accuracy. Does anyone have any insight.

i think that was basically the topic of discussion at most bars, was it not.

i know Norm and the guys were fully engrossed in the topic down at Cheers, and the girls at Coyote Ugly couldn't stop talking about it, when they weren't dancing on the bar..

and who doesn't check the federal register when back from a night on the town, to see what's been added as a memo vs an executive order?

duh, no one that i know, that's who.

on a side note, all of you are so totally and completely brain dead on why the borders are a sieve, it's beyond belief.

does Citi Group, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, BNP, Walmart, Comcast, Verizon, AT&T, Anthem, Pfizer, Eli Lilly, Merck, Shell, Boeing, Northrop Grumman, Koch, GE, News Corp, Apple, Yum Brands, the NRA, McDonald's, Microsoft, Google, GM, Honda, Ford, Toyota, the entire real estate industry, the entire construction industry, the entire retail industry, the Chamber Of Commerce,want the border sealed?

a big NO across the board.

is there so much as one fortune 500 Corp who does?

the day they do, it will be locked down tighter than a drum the next day.

don't hold your breath.

despite all the rhetoric and bravado, neither party is going to do a thing to shut down the border, because they both get their marching orders from the same entities, and those entities do not want is closed.
Also . . .

Snickers is far and away the best candy bar ever. Reasonable people can disagree about most things, but not this. Anyone who doubts that Snickers is the best candy bar ever is un-American. Frankly, I'm surprised it's legal to sell any other candy bar. (Except maybe Payday, which washes down surprisingly well with, of all things, beer.) I think we can all agree that candy bars are the measure of all things.
Playing with your back to the basket

has gone the way of the 100 watt incandescent light bulb. Get with the times sope.
Also, too . . .

A childhood friend who knew my contempt for racism corrected me. "You should call them 'Snegroes'," he said. I was hit amidships. That same guy who could find racial humor in a candy bar, after drunkenly falling off a Ft. Wayne statue and breaking his nose, said "I've got to cut out this physical comedy." That's a keeper.
This post was edited on 12/6 11:10 AM by Rockfish1
Re: Yours is a very small world . . .

Funny you would say that as the election proved beyond any doubt I am in the majority.
Alas, I agree with you on nearly everything except for this most important

Debate. And I can say you are unequivocally wrong here. Reese's Cups all the way, with Snickers a distant second.
We've had this discussion before

And no it didn't. But if that makes you feel good for two years go ahead. Then you'll see in the next presidential election, when people actually vote, that you are back in the minority.
Re: We've had this discussion before

Every poll taken in our history shows Liberals in the minority. Ratio has always been around 3 to 1. It always amazes me why they seem empowered to control the agenda.

Liberals at 23%
He's probably not including the barely functional college Democrats . . .

that didn't know there was an election or weren't motivated or intelligent enough to figure out how to vote. ;)

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