GOP fundraising for 2nd Q is proof the Trump mob runs the GOP and, with it, over half of the States.


Hall of Famer
Feb 2, 2004
DeSantis' huge cash cow will dry up now that corps and Wall St execs have reached their donation limits. He's already laying off staff. He's dead in the water for 2024. He may even turn out to be a Scott Walker type. Total turd.

The others didn't bring in enough to survive much longer, except maybe Scott and Haley. Scott could be a veep for Trump, but the GOP belongs to the Trump mob at this point, just based on the #s (Trump's small donations will continue rolling in). He doesn't need to debate any of them, and I don't blame him.

John Adams said "even when the mob is on your side, it's still the mob", or something like that. The mob will continue on long after Trump, as will division.

I can see a 2024 election where AZ, GA, WI don't go along w a Biden victory, saying nothing of the reddest of states. Purplish states (60/40) like Indiana will have to make difficult decisions, as will the people who reside in them. We could have a country where for many years there is not a recognized official leader over all 50 states. Sounds nutty, but the GOP, although many stood up to Trump in 2020, is nothing but feckless and will go w the mob over the rule of law (to the extent it can't change the rule of law to make it more difficult to vote, etc.). Put short, I don't trust the GOP.

The country will come apart at the seams, I'm afraid. Within 30 years.

I think of all my GOP friends and fam and their "I want to see it all burned to the ground" talk in 2015. The people who have it the best wanting to see it all burned to the ground?! My brain and heart hurts.

No, I think I'll stay on the side that doesn't want it all burned to the ground, and by "it" I mean America.
DeSantis' huge cash cow will dry up now that corps and Wall St execs have reached their donation limits. He's already laying off staff. He's dead in the water for 2024. He may even turn out to be a Scott Walker type. Total turd.

The others didn't bring in enough to survive much longer, except maybe Scott and Haley. Scott could be a veep for Trump, but the GOP belongs to the Trump mob at this point, just based on the #s (Trump's small donations will continue rolling in). He doesn't need to debate any of them, and I don't blame him.

John Adams said "even when the mob is on your side, it's still the mob", or something like that. The mob will continue on long after Trump, as will division.

I can see a 2024 election where AZ, GA, WI don't go along w a Biden victory, saying nothing of the reddest of states. Purplish states (60/40) like Indiana will have to make difficult decisions, as will the people who reside in them. We could have a country where for many years there is not a recognized official leader over all 50 states. Sounds nutty, but the GOP, although many stood up to Trump in 2020, is nothing but feckless and will go w the mob over the rule of law (to the extent it can't change the rule of law to make it more difficult to vote, etc.). Put short, I don't trust the GOP.

The country will come apart at the seams, I'm afraid. Within 30 years.

I think of all my GOP friends and fam and their "I want to see it all burned to the ground" talk in 2015. The people who have it the best wanting to see it all burned to the ground?! My brain and heart hurts.

No, I think I'll stay on the side that doesn't want it all burned to the ground, and by "it" I mean America.
From my POV a vote for Biden (again) is a vote for someone who is burning it all yeah.
DeSantis' huge cash cow will dry up now that corps and Wall St execs have reached their donation limits. He's already laying off staff. He's dead in the water for 2024. He may even turn out to be a Scott Walker type. Total turd.

The others didn't bring in enough to survive much longer, except maybe Scott and Haley. Scott could be a veep for Trump, but the GOP belongs to the Trump mob at this point, just based on the #s (Trump's small donations will continue rolling in). He doesn't need to debate any of them, and I don't blame him.

John Adams said "even when the mob is on your side, it's still the mob", or something like that. The mob will continue on long after Trump, as will division.

I can see a 2024 election where AZ, GA, WI don't go along w a Biden victory, saying nothing of the reddest of states. Purplish states (60/40) like Indiana will have to make difficult decisions, as will the people who reside in them. We could have a country where for many years there is not a recognized official leader over all 50 states. Sounds nutty, but the GOP, although many stood up to Trump in 2020, is nothing but feckless and will go w the mob over the rule of law (to the extent it can't change the rule of law to make it more difficult to vote, etc.). Put short, I don't trust the GOP.

The country will come apart at the seams, I'm afraid. Within 30 years.

I think of all my GOP friends and fam and their "I want to see it all burned to the ground" talk in 2015. The people who have it the best wanting to see it all burned to the ground?! My brain and heart hurts.

No, I think I'll stay on the side that doesn't want it all burned to the ground, and by "it" I mean America.
From my POV a vote for Biden (again) is a vote for someone who is burning it all yeah.
Crazy that it’s shaping up to be trump Biden again. What a disaster
DeSantis' huge cash cow will dry up now that corps and Wall St execs have reached their donation limits. He's already laying off staff. He's dead in the water for 2024. He may even turn out to be a Scott Walker type. Total turd.

The others didn't bring in enough to survive much longer, except maybe Scott and Haley. Scott could be a veep for Trump, but the GOP belongs to the Trump mob at this point, just based on the #s (Trump's small donations will continue rolling in). He doesn't need to debate any of them, and I don't blame him.

John Adams said "even when the mob is on your side, it's still the mob", or something like that. The mob will continue on long after Trump, as will division.

I can see a 2024 election where AZ, GA, WI don't go along w a Biden victory, saying nothing of the reddest of states. Purplish states (60/40) like Indiana will have to make difficult decisions, as will the people who reside in them. We could have a country where for many years there is not a recognized official leader over all 50 states. Sounds nutty, but the GOP, although many stood up to Trump in 2020, is nothing but feckless and will go w the mob over the rule of law (to the extent it can't change the rule of law to make it more difficult to vote, etc.). Put short, I don't trust the GOP.

The country will come apart at the seams, I'm afraid. Within 30 years.

I think of all my GOP friends and fam and their "I want to see it all burned to the ground" talk in 2015. The people who have it the best wanting to see it all burned to the ground?! My brain and heart hurts.

No, I think I'll stay on the side that doesn't want it all burned to the ground, and by "it" I mean America.
Back when I was liberal and voted for Obama liberals weren’t whiny little wimps like yourself. Let your balls drop and stop being a p#%%y. Sorry, for the harsh words, but you needed some tough love this morning. Love you. Enjoy your week.
From my POV a vote for Biden (again) is a vote for someone who is burning it all yeah.
BS. Biden is part of the establishment whether you like him or not.

The difference between Trumpers and the rest of us is they only want Trump. As an independent, I would literally take anyone over Trump as the Republican candidate.

I would vote for any of the following over Biden in preferred order: Doug Burgum (really intrigued), Scott, Haley, or Christie.
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DeSantis' huge cash cow will dry up now that corps and Wall St execs have reached their donation limits. He's already laying off staff. He's dead in the water for 2024. He may even turn out to be a Scott Walker type. Total turd.

The others didn't bring in enough to survive much longer, except maybe Scott and Haley. Scott could be a veep for Trump, but the GOP belongs to the Trump mob at this point, just based on the #s (Trump's small donations will continue rolling in). He doesn't need to debate any of them, and I don't blame him.

John Adams said "even when the mob is on your side, it's still the mob", or something like that. The mob will continue on long after Trump, as will division.

I can see a 2024 election where AZ, GA, WI don't go along w a Biden victory, saying nothing of the reddest of states. Purplish states (60/40) like Indiana will have to make difficult decisions, as will the people who reside in them. We could have a country where for many years there is not a recognized official leader over all 50 states. Sounds nutty, but the GOP, although many stood up to Trump in 2020, is nothing but feckless and will go w the mob over the rule of law (to the extent it can't change the rule of law to make it more difficult to vote, etc.). Put short, I don't trust the GOP.

The country will come apart at the seams, I'm afraid. Within 30 years.

I think of all my GOP friends and fam and their "I want to see it all burned to the ground" talk in 2015. The people who have it the best wanting to see it all burned to the ground?! My brain and heart hurts.

No, I think I'll stay on the side that doesn't want it all burned to the ground, and by "it" I mean America.

It is definitely looking like the country is at its boiling point politically.

Politicians have found the best/easiest path to success isn't to win people over based on their own platform but to convince people of the pure evilness of the other person's platform. It's playing with fire because all they are creating is a crap ton of animosity and we have seen how dangerous that can be when people act on it.

On a separate note, 2 things that need to happen that neither side is likely to support are age limits for everyone and term limits for congress and supreme court. There is no reason for anyone in their 80s to be running for president. There is also no reason for supreme court justices to serve on the court all the way until they kick the bucket. And if justices got rotated more, paying them off with gifts and vacations wouldn't be nearly as effective.
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Dan thinks your post is funny. Enough said junior.
@UTFO likes to sling sh#t and troll. I just finished my coffee and decided to provide a community service for the board. Dopamine shots all around for everyone. Tips are welcome. Enjoy your week.

Also, I like Dan, my post was funny, and you liked a shit post by a troll. Leave the dream team alone.
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  • Haha
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BS. Biden is part of the establishment whether you like him or not.

The difference between Trumpers and the rest of us is you guys only want Trump. As an independent, I would literally take anyone over Trump as the Republican candidate.

I would vote for any of the following over Biden in preferred order: Doug Burgum (really intrigued), Scott, Haley, or Christie.
Manchin should enter the race
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BS. Biden is part of the establishment whether you like him or not.

The difference between Trumpers and the rest of us is you guys only want Trump. As an independent, I would literally take anyone over Trump as the Republican candidate.

I would vote for any of the following over Biden in preferred order: Doug Burgum (really intrigued), Scott, Haley, or Christie.
They are all of “elite status”….including Trump. It fascinates me when they say “this guy or that guy is not part of the swamp”. They all are…
DeSantis' huge cash cow will dry up now that corps and Wall St execs have reached their donation limits. He's already laying off staff. He's dead in the water for 2024. He may even turn out to be a Scott Walker type. Total turd.

The others didn't bring in enough to survive much longer, except maybe Scott and Haley. Scott could be a veep for Trump, but the GOP belongs to the Trump mob at this point, just based on the #s (Trump's small donations will continue rolling in). He doesn't need to debate any of them, and I don't blame him.

John Adams said "even when the mob is on your side, it's still the mob", or something like that. The mob will continue on long after Trump, as will division.

I can see a 2024 election where AZ, GA, WI don't go along w a Biden victory, saying nothing of the reddest of states. Purplish states (60/40) like Indiana will have to make difficult decisions, as will the people who reside in them. We could have a country where for many years there is not a recognized official leader over all 50 states. Sounds nutty, but the GOP, although many stood up to Trump in 2020, is nothing but feckless and will go w the mob over the rule of law (to the extent it can't change the rule of law to make it more difficult to vote, etc.). Put short, I don't trust the GOP.

The country will come apart at the seams, I'm afraid. Within 30 years.

I think of all my GOP friends and fam and their "I want to see it all burned to the ground" talk in 2015. The people who have it the best wanting to see it all burned to the ground?! My brain and heart hurts.

No, I think I'll stay on the side that doesn't want it all burned to the ground, and by "it" I mean America.
Yeah, DeSantis' fall has been dramatic and stunning. Speaks to the continuing power and influence of the guy he leveraged in order to be elected FL governor.
convince people of the pure evilness of the other person's platform.
This board is a microcosm of that. We see it here all the time, mostly from the far-right. According to those guys, if you have an opposing view, you're not merely wrong. You're crooked. Evil. Condemned to hell. One guy in particular, sometimes not so subtly, suggests execution for those on the other side.

Of course, this shit didn't start with Trump but he's provided a powerful accelerant.
BS. Biden is part of the establishment whether you like him or not.

The difference between Trumpers and the rest of us is you guys only want Trump. As an independent, I would literally take anyone over Trump as the Republican candidate.

I would vote for any of the following over Biden in preferred order: Doug Burgum (really intrigued), Scott, Haley, or Christie.
I'm not a Trumper, so....
Congrats for the most hyperbolic statement of the week (so far, it's very early)
As opposed to the OP?

I am ready for Trump to move on so you guys can find something else to bitch about. He sucks. Biden sucks. This idea floating out there that someone is morally superior because they voted for an establishment backed asshole grifter potato over an outsider asshole grifter used car salesman is what gets old.

"OMG, I can't trust the GOP anymore because Trump...where is my couch to faint on?" It is beyond dumb. So when you have a dumb OP, you get a shitty response. Having a turnip representing us on the world stage is bad. Biden has had all the authoritarian proclivities of Trump...from lining his family's pockets down to forcing stuff through because it is what he wants to do. Our precious institutions? Faith in those is wrecked. Asshole? Screaming Joe just had article about what an absolute dickhead he is behind closed doors. Something that has spilled out more now that he doesn't have the cognitive ability to keep it under control as well anymore.

Donald isn't my pick. He would be towards the bottom of the available GOP candidates, but it isn't like Biden is any better.
As opposed to the OP?

I am ready for Trump to move on so you guys can find something else to bitch about. He sucks. Biden sucks. This idea floating out there that someone is morally superior because they voted for an establishment backed asshole grifter potato over an outsider asshole grifter used car salesman is what gets old.

"OMG, I can't trust the GOP anymore because Trump...where is my couch to faint on?" It is beyond dumb. So when you have a dumb OP, you get a shitty response. Having a turnip representing us on the world stage is bad. Biden has had all the authoritarian proclivities of Trump...from lining his family's pockets down to forcing stuff through because it is what he wants to do. Our precious institutions? Faith in those is wrecked. Asshole? Screaming Joe just had article about what an absolute dickhead he is behind closed doors. Something that has spilled out more now that he doesn't have the cognitive ability to keep it under control as well anymore.

Donald isn't my pick. He would be towards the bottom of the available GOP candidates, but it isn't like Biden is any better.
Lol…those aren’t the rules crazy. You have to ignore the fact the original post was a hyperbolic pile of dog shit. Posted by someone known for slinging shit. He said something negative about Trump and the other half of the country, so it’s ok 👍

Seriously, these type of threads should be filled with fun and f#cking around. Give the trolls what they want!
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DeSantis' huge cash cow will dry up now that corps and Wall St execs have reached their donation limits. He's already laying off staff. He's dead in the water for 2024. He may even turn out to be a Scott Walker type. Total turd.

The others didn't bring in enough to survive much longer, except maybe Scott and Haley. Scott could be a veep for Trump, but the GOP belongs to the Trump mob at this point, just based on the #s (Trump's small donations will continue rolling in). He doesn't need to debate any of them, and I don't blame him.

John Adams said "even when the mob is on your side, it's still the mob", or something like that. The mob will continue on long after Trump, as will division.

I can see a 2024 election where AZ, GA, WI don't go along w a Biden victory, saying nothing of the reddest of states. Purplish states (60/40) like Indiana will have to make difficult decisions, as will the people who reside in them. We could have a country where for many years there is not a recognized official leader over all 50 states. Sounds nutty, but the GOP, although many stood up to Trump in 2020, is nothing but feckless and will go w the mob over the rule of law (to the extent it can't change the rule of law to make it more difficult to vote, etc.). Put short, I don't trust the GOP.

The country will come apart at the seams, I'm afraid. Within 30 years.

I think of all my GOP friends and fam and their "I want to see it all burned to the ground" talk in 2015. The people who have it the best wanting to see it all burned to the ground?! My brain and heart hurts.

No, I think I'll stay on the side that doesn't want it all burned to the ground, and by "it" I mean America.
Biden has already burned the country to the ground. Inflation, outrageous gas prices, huge utility bill increases, acceptance of domestic terrorism in our cities, religious intolerance, lying, cheating, corruption, and on and on...... If you want to vote for this hot mess, go ahead, then we'll come pick you up and take you to the nearest mental facility.
DeSantis and Trump are going after each other. May they each be destroyed. It like if there was a brawl between Oath Keepers and Proud Boys, nobody to root for. Or Purdue playing Kentucky...
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You old shrivs need to chill out, get off the internet and go spend some time with people under the age of 45.
That’s an oxymoron. Anyone under the age of 45 is on the internet. I’d try a nursing home, coffee shop, or the local horticulture club.
DeSantis' huge cash cow will dry up now that corps and Wall St execs have reached their donation limits. He's already laying off staff. He's dead in the water for 2024. He may even turn out to be a Scott Walker type. Total turd.

The others didn't bring in enough to survive much longer, except maybe Scott and Haley. Scott could be a veep for Trump, but the GOP belongs to the Trump mob at this point, just based on the #s (Trump's small donations will continue rolling in). He doesn't need to debate any of them, and I don't blame him.

John Adams said "even when the mob is on your side, it's still the mob", or something like that. The mob will continue on long after Trump, as will division.

I can see a 2024 election where AZ, GA, WI don't go along w a Biden victory, saying nothing of the reddest of states. Purplish states (60/40) like Indiana will have to make difficult decisions, as will the people who reside in them. We could have a country where for many years there is not a recognized official leader over all 50 states. Sounds nutty, but the GOP, although many stood up to Trump in 2020, is nothing but feckless and will go w the mob over the rule of law (to the extent it can't change the rule of law to make it more difficult to vote, etc.). Put short, I don't trust the GOP.

The country will come apart at the seams, I'm afraid. Within 30 years.

I think of all my GOP friends and fam and their "I want to see it all burned to the ground" talk in 2015. The people who have it the best wanting to see it all burned to the ground?! My brain and heart hurts.

No, I think I'll stay on the side that doesn't want it all burned to the ground, and by "it" I mean America.
Our country has come apart because of Trump. He is the mod. Only cares about one thing (HIMSELF). Not sure Biden is the right person. I don't see anyone on either side that I think will do a good job. That's really SAD
  • Haha
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Crazy that it’s shaping up to be trump Biden again. What a disaster
No one likes that matchup, though I always thought Trump would be the Republican.

I can't understand how Desantis went down so fast. His JAG experience with the Navy and 6 years in the US House should have taught him how the system works. Maybe it's just a lack of people skills needed to establish new political relationships/alliances outside of Florida,
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That’s an oxymoron. Anyone under the age of 45 is on the internet. I’d try a nursing home, coffee shop, or the local horticulture club.
We are more internet savy and know how to use it in more ways and thus online more. True. I meant talk to some younger people face to face. It's not all doom and gloom in the real world.

And if you check the stats Gen Z and Millennials both are way more active when it comes to outdoor activities then both boomers and Gen x.
We are more internet savy and know how to use it in more ways and thus online more. True. I meant talk to some younger people face to face. It's not all doom and gloom in the real world.

And if you check the stats Gen Z and Millennials both are way more active when it comes to outdoor activities then both boomers and Gen x.
I was joking around. I’m a millennial and under the age of 45. I hope we are more active than 60-70 year olds. We’d be a pathetic bunch if we weren’t.
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Could he win as third party candidate?

The problem with third party candidates is that too many people would be scared to vote for him because they don't think enough people would do it and fear their 2nd choice would lose out because of split votes.

The only way to give a third party candidate a chance is to have ranked voting where you get to roll back your vote to your 2nd choice if 1st choice ends up in last place.

Not a fan of manchin anyway. Bought and paid for by big oil.
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