"Friends until I find out you voted for Trump"!


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Gold Member
Sep 11, 2001
My wife has been friends with a lady she works with for well over a year, close enough that they speak daily and we have been to her house and she ours multiple times. Friday night they were talking on the phone and she found out who my wife voted for and didn't take it well. The next morning my wife wakes up to a text saying they can no longer be friends, based solely on who she voted for. My wife's response was "well I guess that is how it has to be".

The friend happens to be a lesbian and swears that Trump is going to take away all her rights? She is also the same lady who the last time we were at her house complained that she was going to have to sell due to the rising prices and not being able to afford what she was used to being able to buy.

Not really sure where I'm going with this other than, do many see this type of thinking in their daily lives? I mean my wife knew a long time ago how the friend was going to vote(the friend is very vocal about it) and never batted an eye, she just respected her choice.
My wife has been friends with a lady she works with for well over a year, close enough that they speak daily and we have been to her house and she ours multiple times. Friday night they were talking on the phone and she found out who my wife voted for and didn't take it well. The next morning my wife wakes up to a text saying they can no longer be friends, based solely on who she voted for. My wife's response was "well I guess that is how it has to be".

The friend happens to be a lesbian and swears that Trump is going to take away all her rights? She is also the same lady who the last time we were at her house complained that she was going to have to sell due to the rising prices and not being able to afford what she was used to being able to buy.

Not really sure where I'm going with this other than, do many see this type of thinking in their daily lives? I mean my wife knew a long time ago how the friend was going to vote(the friend is very vocal about it) and never batted an eye, she just respected her choice.
sounds like she's in the cult. your wife is better off if that friend is unable to compartmentalize. cannot imagine losing a friend over politics. hell @zeke4ahs and @UncleMark are batshit crazy politically and i look forward to having chair plaques at irish lion for them
My wife has been friends with a lady she works with for well over a year, close enough that they speak daily and we have been to her house and she ours multiple times. Friday night they were talking on the phone and she found out who my wife voted for and didn't take it well. The next morning my wife wakes up to a text saying they can no longer be friends, based solely on who she voted for. My wife's response was "well I guess that is how it has to be".

The friend happens to be a lesbian and swears that Trump is going to take away all her rights? She is also the same lady who the last time we were at her house complained that she was going to have to sell due to the rising prices and not being able to afford what she was used to being able to buy.

Not really sure where I'm going with this other than, do many see this type of thinking in their daily lives? I mean my wife knew a long time ago how the friend was going to vote(the friend is very vocal about it) and never batted an eye, she just respected her choice.
Sad way to lose a friend. I hate Trump with all my being, but have several good friends who support him. At one time we talked politics, but now we just stay away from it altogether.
I've not ended any friendships, but I have reconsidered some people's character.
I agree my wife said she knew this friend was a bit off kilter by the way she spoke politically but never held it against her or tried pointed it out to her.
sounds like she's in the cult. your wife is better off if that friend is unable to compartmentalize. cannot imagine losing a friend over politics. hell @zeke4ahs and @UncleMark are batshit crazy politically and i look forward to having chair plaques at irish lion for them
lol, she later came back saying she wasn’t going to hold it against her she just can’t believe I’m allowed to influence her like I do? So funny I haven’t told my wife what to do since we married!
lol, she later came back saying she wasn’t going to hold it against her she just can’t believe I’m allowed to influence her like I do? So funny I haven’t told my wife what to do since we married!
It is interesting. My friend groups are pretty evenly divided so there’s very little talk of politics. My old college teammates chat is by far my most active group. Lots of foreigners from Argentina to England to Serbia. I’d say lefties outnumber us by 22-3.
lol, she later came back saying she wasn’t going to hold it against her she just can’t believe I’m allowed to influence her like I do? So funny I haven’t told my wife what to do since we married!
Our one buddy is an old Clearwater charger. That’s old school fla royalty. He’s MAGA through and through. Storm the Capitol type 🤣🤣. He makes cray seem soft. Once in a while he’ll get fired up and get some good fights cookin and teammates will get pissed (euros etc) and leave the group. But they come back.
Our one buddy is an old Clearwater charger. That’s old school fla royalty. He’s MAGA through and through. Storm the Capitol type 🤣🤣. He makes cray seem soft. Once in a while he’ll get fired up and get some good fights cookin and teammates will get pissed (euros etc) and leave the group. But they come back.
It is always nice to stir up a hornet's nest, especially when you are doing it to get things started and not really to change anyone's view or perspective. At work the ladies and gentleman who hate Trump are so very vocal, those of us who don't support Biden just sit back and take it all in. For the record I work in an office with 6 women and 1 man, the funny thing is I believe we out number the Biden folks 5 to 3 but the 5 never say a word.
This kind of “unfriending” typically only moves in one direction politically.
That's hilariously goes both ways, obviously. I actually see quite a lot more the other way, where I live, than what was laid out in the original post. Probably because the overwhelming majority of people are GOP, and mostly Trump supporters as well.

Its one of the main reasons we're in such a crappy situation right now as a country, and with our political system.

Your wife's ex friend is way too sensitive, and part of the overall problem. But the vitriol that comes from Trump supporters against Biden voters, is equally as unhinged often times.
So I just posted the letter that Ashley Biden wrote to the judge about her diary and it was removed. The letter confirms that the diary is real and JOE IS GUILTY. Why was the post removed?
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That's hilariously goes both ways, obviously. I actually see quite a lot more the other way, where I live, than what was laid out in the original post. Probably because the overwhelming majority of people are GOP, and mostly Trump supporters as well.

Its one of the main reasons we're in such a crappy situation right now as a country, and with our political system.

Your wife's ex friend is way too sensitive, and part of the overall problem. But the vitriol that comes from Trump supporters against Biden voters, is equally as unhinged often times.
I do agree she is way to sensitive, but I disagree with the other part. I live in Indiana it doesn't get more Red than that and all those I know never speak out loud about it for fear of being labeled. I tell my kids and wife vote for who you want, but if it is for the right keep it to yourself. My wife just didn't listen so it should be apparent if I did tell her what to do it wouldn't stick. lol
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Sadly I've seen this the opposite way. My brother in law stopped talking to his best friend since grade school because his friend voted for Biden. He can't cancel us because we're family and my wife would literally kill him. But if he could he probably would.

Remember the times when it was rude to talk politics and ask "who are you voting for?"? We need to go back to those days.
That's hilariously goes both ways, obviously. I actually see quite a lot more the other way, where I live, than what was laid out in the original post. Probably because the overwhelming majority of people are GOP, and mostly Trump supporters as well.

Its one of the main reasons we're in such a crappy situation right now as a country, and with our political system.

Your wife's ex friend is way too sensitive, and part of the overall problem. But the vitriol that comes from Trump supporters against Biden voters, is equally as unhinged often times.
I have Data. You have shit. Don't come barking up my tree with your weak crap. Thanks.

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My wife has been friends with a lady she works with for well over a year, close enough that they speak daily and we have been to her house and she ours multiple times. Friday night they were talking on the phone and she found out who my wife voted for and didn't take it well. The next morning my wife wakes up to a text saying they can no longer be friends, based solely on who she voted for. My wife's response was "well I guess that is how it has to be".

The friend happens to be a lesbian and swears that Trump is going to take away all her rights? She is also the same lady who the last time we were at her house complained that she was going to have to sell due to the rising prices and not being able to afford what she was used to being able to buy.

Not really sure where I'm going with this other than, do many see this type of thinking in their daily lives? I mean my wife knew a long time ago how the friend was going to vote(the friend is very vocal about it) and never batted an eye, she just respected her choice.
It's sad.

In my little village, people who are outed as Trump supporters are pretty outwardly shunned by the "mean girls" group (it's always mostly women behind the charge, with a few men who chime in). The Facebook groups can get ugly. "Progressive Parents of [fill in your town or school district]." I know a few families who have had that happen to them, and a handful more who keep their mouths shut about politics among parents in fear they, too, will be outed on FB.

I have no idea if very conservative areas do the same to Biden supporters but it wouldn't surprise me.
My wife has been friends with a lady she works with for well over a year, close enough that they speak daily and we have been to her house and she ours multiple times. Friday night they were talking on the phone and she found out who my wife voted for and didn't take it well. The next morning my wife wakes up to a text saying they can no longer be friends, based solely on who she voted for. My wife's response was "well I guess that is how it has to be".

The friend happens to be a lesbian and swears that Trump is going to take away all her rights? She is also the same lady who the last time we were at her house complained that she was going to have to sell due to the rising prices and not being able to afford what she was used to being able to buy.

Not really sure where I'm going with this other than, do many see this type of thinking in their daily lives? I mean my wife knew a long time ago how the friend was going to vote(the friend is very vocal about it) and never batted an eye, she just respected her choice.
Soooo, are we talking short sleeve button up shirt with a pack of Mboro reds in the breast pocket, kinda lesbian. Or smoke show type lesbian who just does it as a perpetual band camp type adventure?
Soooo, are we talking short sleeve button up shirt with a pack of Mboro reds in the breast pocket, kinda lesbian. Or smoke show type lesbian who just does it as a perpetual band camp type adventure?
Closer to the first but not the entire package. Presents well but far from a smoke show. I would told my wife tell her you lied if that were the case.
I do agree she is way to sensitive, but I disagree with the other part. I live in Indiana it doesn't get more Red than that and all those I know never speak out loud about it for fear of being labeled. I tell my kids and wife vote for who you want, but if it is for the right keep it to yourself. My wife just didn't listen so it should be apparent if I did tell her what to do it wouldn't stick. lol
Trump is a polarizing figure, for sure. Everyone is entitled to support whoever they want...but Trump's personality, and his past words and actions, sure do trigger a lot of people. This is not a normal party line affiliation thing...he's said and done quite a lot of uniquely horrible things in his life and career. I think the reactions he generates do more to galvanize his followers beliefs than anything he's done himself...certainly more so than anything POSITIVE he's done himself.

Maybe your wife had already had these convos with this ex friend of hers...but I wonder if they were genuinely friends, why either of them would let a fat ass, ego maniac, dumb, dick head like Trump get in the way of their friendship? Its very strange to me...and to take if further...why anyone would let an old, senile, dementia laden, career politician, dick head like Biden get in the way of their friendship...also strange to me.
I've not ended any friendships, but I have reconsidered some people's character.

That's absolutely not true. It happens both ways.

I'm my experience it's rare on both sides, although I wouldn't be surprised to find it's becoming more common.
I've been pleasantly surprised by people I had assumed would be Trump supporters expressing their disdain for him. I need to be better about making assumptions.

Of course, I've been unpleasantly surprised as well.
I've not ended any friendships, but I have reconsidered some people's character.
I am very fortunate in that I have several friends who are conservative, but no one I see on a regular basis is a Trump supporter. And yes, it absolutely does make me question their character and their value system. It’s more than politics with Trump.
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I am very for tu ate. I have several friends who are conservative, but no one I see on a regular basis, and yes, it absolutely does make me question their character and their value system. It’s more than politics with Trump.
Character and moral are two words that shouldn't be used in a discussion regarding either of these candidates. I feel I don't have to live with Trumps moral compass as my anchor, however I'm more in favor of his fiscal policies than the other side so the choice is easy for me.

Probably have to go back to Bush Sr. to find a candidate with any type of moral compass worth a shit.
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That's absolutely not true. It happens both ways.

I'm my experience it's rare on both sides, although I wouldn't be surprised to find it's becoming more common.
I sense (though I could never prove it) that's it's far more common among younger people, 20's and below. And in that demographic I'd suspect that it does tend towards one direction more than the other. I'd guess that this type of thing is far less common among people over the age of 40.
My wife has been friends with a lady she works with for well over a year, close enough that they speak daily and we have been to her house and she ours multiple times. Friday night they were talking on the phone and she found out who my wife voted for and didn't take it well. The next morning my wife wakes up to a text saying they can no longer be friends, based solely on who she voted for. My wife's response was "well I guess that is how it has to be".

The friend happens to be a lesbian and swears that Trump is going to take away all her rights? She is also the same lady who the last time we were at her house complained that she was going to have to sell due to the rising prices and not being able to afford what she was used to being able to buy.

Not really sure where I'm going with this other than, do many see this type of thinking in their daily lives? I mean my wife knew a long time ago how the friend was going to vote(the friend is very vocal about it) and never batted an eye, she just respected her choice.
There has been no President in my lifetime more polarizing than Trump.
sounds like she's in the cult. your wife is better off if that friend is unable to compartmentalize. cannot imagine losing a friend over politics. hell @zeke4ahs and @UncleMark are batshit crazy politically and i look forward to having chair plaques at irish lion for them
Yes but they think you are morally suspect because you support Trump.

Worse for you, it looks like a large % of liberal women in their twenties will not date you because of your political leanings.
I have not lost any friends. Some are / will be Trump voters, but more of just because they don't like Biden and are holding their noses. I only know one guy who was a true hardcore Trumper, but he retired a year ago, so I don't interact with him much at all anymore. Even then, I can talk with him, but I'll change the subject if / when he starts going down the "the election was stolen" conversation.

About the worst I've seen is that my father had to "unfriend" someone on Facebook. Not necessarily because they are not friends anymore, but more because the other guy was posting the extreme non-informed right wing conspiracy theories three to four times a day (we're talking the lizard people / child smuggling ring in the pizza shop level stuff). They still get along, it's just my dad doesn't want to see idiotic crap like that all day.
I am very fortunate in that I have several friends who are conservative, but no one I see on a regular basis is a Trump supporter. And yes, it absolutely does make me question their character and their value system. It’s more than politics with Trump.
You said one friend . . .
Character and moral are two words that shouldn't be used in a discussion regarding either of these candidates. I feel I don't have to live with Trumps moral compass as my anchor, however I'm more in favor of his fiscal policies than the other side so the choice is easy for me.

Probably have to go back to Bush Sr. to find a candidate with any type of moral compass worth a shit.
Well I disagree. I would never vote for a man with no morals or values. Remember when Republicans were all about family values and the moral majority? That went right out the window with Trump.
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Well I disagree. I would never vote for a man with no morals or values. Remember when Republicans were all about family values and the moral majority? That went right out the window with Trump.
Biden lies nonstop. He lies about things that impact all of us. This values thing is illusory with both candidates. In impt ways Biden’s lying is far worse. It has a greater impact. Biden has no morals
Biden lies nonstop. He lies about things that impact all of us. This values thing is illusory with both candidates.
If only the lying was the only problem with Trump. And he doesn’t lie nonstop, Trump’s lies got people killed, got them to try to overthrow the government. I’d say that impacted quite a few people.
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If only the lying was the only problem with Trump. And he doesn’t lie nonstop,
Saying inflation was 9 percent is a very serious lie. That’s only one example. He is our representative and he is lying to us about things material to our lives. Our businesses. Decisions we make. Biden is not fit to be president. He is a lifelong politician. Truth? Values? Please …. Getting re-elected is his end and nothing more