Don't close the door on "collusion" yet...


Hall of Famer
Oct 23, 2009
Interesting analysis from ex-Fox reporter Carl Cameron yesterday.He used to head up Fox's news bureau,and starting in '96 has covered every Presidential election (including 2016) for Fox.He recently left the network and has a book just released entitled "How to go viral and reach Millions"...

Cameron recently gave a series of interviews to ThinkProgress,detailing how he believes the Trump Campaign (and Roger Stone in particular) actually coordinated a cyber attack campaign with Russian Intelligence to influence the election...

"In his interviews with ThinkProgress, Cameron, who covered the Trump campaign for Fox News, connected the dots between the campaign, Russian intelligence, and the various Russian trolls around the world who were creating and viralizing memes and fake news on social media to help elect Trump".According to Cameron...

"Trump confidant Roger Stone’s success was having the connections and creating the opportunities for [Russian intelligence officer] Guccifer2.0 and other Russian groups to really start taking advantage of social media and pounding these negative memes that Hillary’s a crook, et cetera,”

Remember the early claims were that Guccifer2.0 was some anonymous lone wolf hacker.Stone even contributed to that charade,penning this "note" to Hillary in Breitbart on Aug 5,2016.

"In a piece headlined “Dear Hillary: DNC Hack Solved, So Now Stop Blaming Russia,” Stone asserted: “I think I’ve got the real culprit. It doesn’t seem to be the Russians that hacked the DNC, but instead a hacker who goes by the name of Guccifer2.0.”

However,the FBI later determined that Guccifer was in fact a Russian Intelligence Officer,and it is Cameron's contention that Stone knew exactly who Guccifer was when he penned his fake response to HRC.Cameron points to Stone's communications with both Assange and Guccifer himself during July and Aug 2016...

"On August 10, Stone told a local Florida GOP group, “I’ve actually communicated with Julian Assange.” CNN points out that on August 12, Stone said he knew Assange had some of Clinton’s emails, “and I believe he will expose the American people to this information in the next 90 days.” On August 14, Stone exchanged direct messages with Guccifer2.0. And on August 21, Stone tweeted, “It will soon be Podesta’s time in the barrel,” implying Stone had early inside knowledge that Podesta’s emails had been stolen — which they had been, also by the GRU."

It's a fascinating read,esp considering it comes from someone associated with Fox,who likely had unfettered access to Team Trump.And this bit of often glanced over info,may hold a partial key to how Manafort and Gates relate to the issue of collusion on a broader scale.Perhaps a bit of a cautionary note to those who are quick to proclaim that none of this relates to Trump,and none of the indictments deal with events during the campaign.

From the same article...

On March 27, 2018, Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team filed court documents asserting that Trump campaign chair Paul Manafort and his deputy, Rick Gates, were communicating with someone (“Person A”) who the FBI said “has ties to a Russian intelligence service and had such ties in 2016.” The filing indicates one of Gates’ associates stated “that Gates told him Person A was a former Russian intelligence officer with the GRU.”
Close the door? Nobody in their right mind has done that. Proof is only a few days and steps away. Any time now. Stay strong man!
We already know there was collusion. We don’t yet know the extent of it, and we don’t know if laws were broken, but there plainly was collusion.
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The only people that closed the door on it are people not paying attention or with their head buried under the sand.
The only people that closed the door on it are people not paying attention or with their head buried under the sand.
The door isn’t completely shut but it’s damn near there. Only the crazy liberal/democrats/anti-Trump people believe there was actual collusion. You’d be better suited to hope for an obstruction of justice case.
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The door isn’t completely shut but it’s damn near there. Only the crazy liberal/democrats/anti-Trump people believe there was actual collusion. You’d be better suited to hope for an obstruction of justice case.
Obstruction of the investigation into "collusion"? Sure, I'll take it. Nixon wasn't one of the burglars, either.
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