Could MAGA lose an unexpected seat in Utah?


Hall of Famer
Oct 23, 2009
So Utah is getting interesting...Conservative, former 2016 GOP Presidential candidate Evan McMullin is running as an Independent and has the backing of Utah Dems. There is no actual Dem running as they decided at their state Convention to endorse McMullin.

The Incumbent Mike Lee is a converted full blown MAGA who actually voted for McMullin in 2016 and wanted nothing to do with Trump. Of course that changed when he got elected in 2016, and realized trump was the key to remaining in power. And despite portraying himself as moderate and initially condemning Jan 6, later documents have revealed that he actually played a role in the Stop the Steal movement. But neither Trump or Lee are particularly popular in Utah ,and recent polls show him only leading EM by 4 points...

So last night, Lee went on Tucker and literally whined about Romney not (as of yet) endorsing him. He basically begged Romney to endorse him, and even Tucker seemed to be in shock. The look (dumbfounded) on TC's face is priceless...

Now as cringeworthy as that was, Trump getting involved and showing no shame is even more hilarious. Think of all the times Trump has attacked Romney, and all the other "RINO"s he hates. Then check out this statement he released today that if nothing else demonstrates that the word "irony" has not yet made it on to the list of vocabulary words that Trump understands. This is truly rich...

"Former President Trump slammed Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) on Wednesday, accusing him of “abusing” his Utah colleague Sen. Mike Lee (R) following news that Romney has refrained from issuing an endorsement in Lee’s reelection campaign.
“Mike Lee is an outstanding Senator who has been abused, in an unprecedented way, by a fellow Republican Senator from his own State, something which rarely has happened in political History,” Trump said in a statement issued through his Save America PAC.
“Such an event would only be understandable if Mike did not perform his duties as a United States Senator, but he has, and he has performed them well,” the former president continued."

Hey Donald, more than a few folks would like a word with you regarding "abusing fellow Republicans".. And both Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger are at the front of the line, while Lisa Murkowski stepped out for a beer... ;)

So Utah is getting interesting...Conservative, former 2016 GOP Presidential candidate Evan McMullin is running as an Independent and has the backing of Utah Dems. There is no actual Dem running as they decided at their state Convention to endorse McMullin.

The Incumbent Mike Lee is a converted full blown MAGA who actually voted for McMullin in 2016 and wanted nothing to do with Trump. Of course that changed when he got elected in 2016, and realized trump was the key to remaining in power. And despite portraying himself as moderate and initially condemning Jan 6, later documents have revealed that he actually played a role in the Stop the Steal movement. But neither Trump or Lee are particularly popular in Utah ,and recent polls show him only leading EM by 4 points...

So last night, Lee went on Tucker and literally whined about Romney not (as of yet) endorsing him. He basically begged Romney to endorse him, and even Tucker seemed to be in shock. The look (dumbfounded) on TC's face is priceless...

Now as cringeworthy as that was, Trump getting involved and showing no shame is even more hilarious. Think of all the times Trump has attacked Romney, and all the other "RINO"s he hates. Then check out this statement he released today that if nothing else demonstrates that the word "irony" has not yet made it on to the list of vocabulary words that Trump understands. This is truly rich...

"Former President Trump slammed Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) on Wednesday, accusing him of “abusing” his Utah colleague Sen. Mike Lee (R) following news that Romney has refrained from issuing an endorsement in Lee’s reelection campaign.
“Mike Lee is an outstanding Senator who has been abused, in an unprecedented way, by a fellow Republican Senator from his own State, something which rarely has happened in political History,” Trump said in a statement issued through his Save America PAC.
“Such an event would only be understandable if Mike did not perform his duties as a United States Senator, but he has, and he has performed them well,” the former president continued."

Hey Donald, more than a few folks would like a word with you regarding "abusing fellow Republicans".. And both Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger are at the front of the line, while Lisa Murkowski stepped out for a beer... ;)

You think Lee is losing. You think Rubio is losing. You think Crist is going to win.
I think you’re delusional.
Mike Lee is now MAGA too huh?

Which people who are not MAGA does Trump endorse and defend? Lee was involved in the Stop the Steal movement. Exactly which non-MAGA folks have been involved in that particular conspiracy theory? I'm not aware of a single one...

If people in Utah didn't consider Lee a Trump syncophant, he'd have a bigger lead. Politico in Feb 2022, noting why Lee would have trouble in the midterms...

"Like many GOP primaries this year, the challenge to Sen. Mike Lee in Utah turns on the question of fealty to Donald Trump. Unlike in most of those primaries, however, the issue isn’t whether he’s loyal enough. It’s whether he’s gone too far.

In most red states, that wouldn’t be a problem. But in Utah, where many Republicans continue to harbor reservations about Trump’s character, the appearance that Lee has bent over backwards to curry favor with the former president is complicating his bid for a third term."

He's a 2 term incumbent in a deep Red state with only a 4 point lead in the polls, begging for help from a man trump has repeatedly vilified. I'd say that's the epitome of a struggling candidate...
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Which people who are not MAGA does Trump endorse and defend? Lee was involved in the Stop the Steal movement. Exactly which non-MAGA folks have been involved in that particular conspiracy theory? I'm not aware of a single one...

If people in Utah didn't consider Lee a Trump syncophant, he'd have a bigger lead. Politico in Feb 2022, noting why Lee would have trouble in the midterms...

"Like many GOP primaries this year, the challenge to Sen. Mike Lee in Utah turns on the question of fealty to Donald Trump. Unlike in most of those primaries, however, the issue isn’t whether he’s loyal enough. It’s whether he’s gone too far.

In most red states, that wouldn’t be a problem. But in Utah, where many Republicans continue to harbor reservations about Trump’s character, the appearance that Lee has bent over backwards to curry favor with the former president is complicating his bid for a third term."

He's a 2 term incumbent in a deep Red state with only a 4 point lead in the polls, begging for help from a man trump has repeatedly vilified. I'd say that's the epitome of a struggling candidate...
A 4 point lead over a (checks notes) conservative, former Republican who may be an Independent but is likely to caucus with and vote like a Republican. So even if Lee does lose this is like having the conservative version of Bernie Sanders in the seat.

I think McMullin is just an opportunist and not really a fan but this is a nothingburger.
A 4 point lead over a (checks notes) conservative, former Republican who may be an Independent but is likely to caucus with and vote like a Republican. So even if Lee does lose this is like having the conservative version of Bernie Sanders in the seat.

I think McMullin is just an opportunist and not really a fan but this is a nothingburger.
To some extent. But there are examples of legislation where he would vote with Dems, such as voting rights and possibly an end to the filibuster. He is also pro-choice and pro-LGBTQ rights, and is not a fan or supporter of the Jan 6 rioters...

So Utah is getting interesting...Conservative, former 2016 GOP Presidential candidate Evan McMullin is running as an Independent and has the backing of Utah Dems. There is no actual Dem running as they decided at their state Convention to endorse McMullin.

The Incumbent Mike Lee is a converted full blown MAGA who actually voted for McMullin in 2016 and wanted nothing to do with Trump. Of course that changed when he got elected in 2016, and realized trump was the key to remaining in power. And despite portraying himself as moderate and initially condemning Jan 6, later documents have revealed that he actually played a role in the Stop the Steal movement. But neither Trump or Lee are particularly popular in Utah ,and recent polls show him only leading EM by 4 points...

So last night, Lee went on Tucker and literally whined about Romney not (as of yet) endorsing him. He basically begged Romney to endorse him, and even Tucker seemed to be in shock. The look (dumbfounded) on TC's face is priceless...

Now as cringeworthy as that was, Trump getting involved and showing no shame is even more hilarious. Think of all the times Trump has attacked Romney, and all the other "RINO"s he hates. Then check out this statement he released today that if nothing else demonstrates that the word "irony" has not yet made it on to the list of vocabulary words that Trump understands. This is truly rich...

"Former President Trump slammed Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) on Wednesday, accusing him of “abusing” his Utah colleague Sen. Mike Lee (R) following news that Romney has refrained from issuing an endorsement in Lee’s reelection campaign.
“Mike Lee is an outstanding Senator who has been abused, in an unprecedented way, by a fellow Republican Senator from his own State, something which rarely has happened in political History,” Trump said in a statement issued through his Save America PAC.
“Such an event would only be understandable if Mike did not perform his duties as a United States Senator, but he has, and he has performed them well,” the former president continued."

Hey Donald, more than a few folks would like a word with you regarding "abusing fellow Republicans".. And both Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger are at the front of the line, while Lisa Murkowski stepped out for a beer... ;)


The day that pigs fly is the day that Evan "egg mcmuffin" the Bill Krystol lap dog wins a race in Utah. If the egg mcmuffin gets any closer than 15 points it would be a stunner. Just because you wish it to be true does not mean a thing. I hope this thread is still around after the election so we can post about the egg mcmuffin getting destroyed. The egg mcmuffin is noting but a world class grifter who has taken every single position one could have from being against abortion to for abortion. He was a conservative now he is basically a liberal. That is the definition of a world class grift. The dude is a joke.
A 4 point lead over a (checks notes) conservative, former Republican who may be an Independent but is likely to caucus with and vote like a Republican. So even if Lee does lose this is like having the conservative version of Bernie Sanders in the seat.

I think McMullin is just an opportunist and not really a fan but this is a nothingburger.
You summed up the egg mcmuffin in a nutshell. The poll he cited is a joke never heard of them this race is not close and will not be close. He will easily win by double digits.

Washington, D.C. – The NRSC released internal polling showing Senate Mike Lee holding a double-digit lead over his opponent Evan McMullin. Lee has been a great Senator and voice for the people of Utah, and it comes to no surprise that he is leading and will have a big win this November. Fake Independent McMullin would only be another rubber stamp for Washington Democrats’ reckless spending agenda that is bankrupting the country.

“Mike Lee holds a commanding lead over Evan McMullin. Fifty-one percent of likely voters chose Senator Lee compared to only 34% who chose the Independent challenger. The bottom-line is simple – barring some unforeseen dramatic event, the current dynamic of the race will continue and Senator Lee will be re-elected this November,” the obtained NRSC polling memo states.” – Daily Caller
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So Utah is getting interesting...Conservative, former 2016 GOP Presidential candidate Evan McMullin is running as an Independent and has the backing of Utah Dems. There is no actual Dem running as they decided at their state Convention to endorse McMullin.

The Incumbent Mike Lee is a converted full blown MAGA who actually voted for McMullin in 2016 and wanted nothing to do with Trump. Of course that changed when he got elected in 2016, and realized trump was the key to remaining in power. And despite portraying himself as moderate and initially condemning Jan 6, later documents have revealed that he actually played a role in the Stop the Steal movement. But neither Trump or Lee are particularly popular in Utah ,and recent polls show him only leading EM by 4 points...

So last night, Lee went on Tucker and literally whined about Romney not (as of yet) endorsing him. He basically begged Romney to endorse him, and even Tucker seemed to be in shock. The look (dumbfounded) on TC's face is priceless...

Now as cringeworthy as that was, Trump getting involved and showing no shame is even more hilarious. Think of all the times Trump has attacked Romney, and all the other "RINO"s he hates. Then check out this statement he released today that if nothing else demonstrates that the word "irony" has not yet made it on to the list of vocabulary words that Trump understands. This is truly rich...

"Former President Trump slammed Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) on Wednesday, accusing him of “abusing” his Utah colleague Sen. Mike Lee (R) following news that Romney has refrained from issuing an endorsement in Lee’s reelection campaign.
“Mike Lee is an outstanding Senator who has been abused, in an unprecedented way, by a fellow Republican Senator from his own State, something which rarely has happened in political History,” Trump said in a statement issued through his Save America PAC.
“Such an event would only be understandable if Mike did not perform his duties as a United States Senator, but he has, and he has performed them well,” the former president continued."

Hey Donald, more than a few folks would like a word with you regarding "abusing fellow Republicans".. And both Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger are at the front of the line, while Lisa Murkowski stepped out for a beer... ;)

Could far left hero like Whitmer who was the lockdown queen lose and unexpected seat in Michigan?? Lets see how this works from a differernt perspective!!!

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The day that pigs fly is the day that Evan "egg mcmuffin" the Bill Krystol lap dog wins a race in Utah. If the egg mcmuffin gets any closer than 15 points it would be a stunner. Just because you wish it to be true does not mean a thing. I hope this thread is still around after the election so we can post about the egg mcmuffin getting destroyed. The egg mcmuffin is noting but a world class grifter who has taken every single position one could have from being against abortion to for abortion. He was a conservative now he is basically a liberal. That is the definition of a world class grift. The dude is a joke.
Did you come up with that clever nickname yourself?
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You summed up the egg mcmuffin in a nutshell. The poll he cited is a joke never heard of them this race is not close and will not be close. He will easily win by double digits.

Washington, D.C. – The NRSC released internal polling showing Senate Mike Lee holding a double-digit lead over his opponent Evan McMullin. Lee has been a great Senator and voice for the people of Utah, and it comes to no surprise that he is leading and will have a big win this November. Fake Independent McMullin would only be another rubber stamp for Washington Democrats’ reckless spending agenda that is bankrupting the country.

“Mike Lee holds a commanding lead over Evan McMullin. Fifty-one percent of likely voters chose Senator Lee compared to only 34% who chose the Independent challenger. The bottom-line is simple – barring some unforeseen dramatic event, the current dynamic of the race will continue and Senator Lee will be re-elected this November,” the obtained NRSC polling memo states.” – Daily Caller
If Lee thought he actually had a double-digit lead there'd be know reason for him to go on Tuck Tuck's show and whine like a little baby. That NRSC blurb is intended as a morale booster, but people don't whine when they're up double digits. Why would anyone intentionally make themselves a laughing stock if they had no need to?
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If Lee thought he actually had a double-digit lead there'd be know reason for him to go on Tuck Tuck's show and whine like a little baby. That NRSC blurb is intended as a morale booster, but people don't whine when they're up double digits. Why would anyone intentionally make themselves a laughing stock if they had no need to?
Dude it is going to be a bloodbath even liberal Harvard/Harris has to use LV polls now and well you see the results. Pollers cannot hide behind RV and all adult polls any longer three weeks out.


𝗡𝗘𝗪 𝗣𝗢𝗟𝗟: Republicans hold 𝟲 𝗣𝗢𝗜𝗡𝗧 lead over Democrats on 2022 Congressional Generic Ballot among Likely Voters (with leaners) Republicans 53% (+6) Democrats 47% Harvard/Harris October 12-13
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Could far left hero like Whitmer who was the lockdown queen lose and unexpected seat in Michigan?? Lets see how this works from a differernt perspective!!!

With abortion on the ballot, 150,000 early vote absentee ballots already cast, and the number of absentee ballots a month out requested at 1.6 million (compared with 1.16 million in 2018) and expected to get close to 2 Million, I'm gonna say that's a no. Unless of course you believe that these record number of absentee requests are (all of a sudden) coming from Trumpists?

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With numbers like these there will be no four point race in Utah. Utah is more conservative than all of these states and they are not election abortion on demand egg mcmuffin.

2022 Generic Congressional Ballot in Battleground States by Rasmussen (LV)
GEORGIA GOP — 50% (+11) Dem — 39%
PENNSYLVANIA GOP — 48% (+5) Dem — 43%
WISCONSIN GOP — 46% (+4) Dem — 42%
MICHIGAN GOP — 48% (+4) Dem — 44%
ARIZONA GOP — 47% (+3) Dem — 44%
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So Utah is getting interesting...Conservative, former 2016 GOP Presidential candidate Evan McMullin is running as an Independent and has the backing of Utah Dems. There is no actual Dem running as they decided at their state Convention to endorse McMullin.

The Incumbent Mike Lee is a converted full blown MAGA who actually voted for McMullin in 2016 and wanted nothing to do with Trump. Of course that changed when he got elected in 2016, and realized trump was the key to remaining in power. And despite portraying himself as moderate and initially condemning Jan 6, later documents have revealed that he actually played a role in the Stop the Steal movement. But neither Trump or Lee are particularly popular in Utah ,and recent polls show him only leading EM by 4 points...

So last night, Lee went on Tucker and literally whined about Romney not (as of yet) endorsing him. He basically begged Romney to endorse him, and even Tucker seemed to be in shock. The look (dumbfounded) on TC's face is priceless...

Now as cringeworthy as that was, Trump getting involved and showing no shame is even more hilarious. Think of all the times Trump has attacked Romney, and all the other "RINO"s he hates. Then check out this statement he released today that if nothing else demonstrates that the word "irony" has not yet made it on to the list of vocabulary words that Trump understands. This is truly rich...

"Former President Trump slammed Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) on Wednesday, accusing him of “abusing” his Utah colleague Sen. Mike Lee (R) following news that Romney has refrained from issuing an endorsement in Lee’s reelection campaign.
“Mike Lee is an outstanding Senator who has been abused, in an unprecedented way, by a fellow Republican Senator from his own State, something which rarely has happened in political History,” Trump said in a statement issued through his Save America PAC.
“Such an event would only be understandable if Mike did not perform his duties as a United States Senator, but he has, and he has performed them well,” the former president continued."

Hey Donald, more than a few folks would like a word with you regarding "abusing fellow Republicans".. And both Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger are at the front of the line, while Lisa Murkowski stepped out for a beer... ;)

It would appear Utah is not getting interesting and never was. As I said Egg McMuffin will lose by 15 plus.

Quantus Polls and News

To quote the great and wise
, "This race was never competitive."
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POLL: @OHPredictive 2022 #UTSen General Election (R)* Mike Lee 47% (+15) (I) Evan McMullin 32% Undecided 16% 483 LV | 10/5-10/6…
  • Like
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So Utah is getting interesting...Conservative, former 2016 GOP Presidential candidate Evan McMullin is running as an Independent and has the backing of Utah Dems. There is no actual Dem running as they decided at their state Convention to endorse McMullin.

The Incumbent Mike Lee is a converted full blown MAGA who actually voted for McMullin in 2016 and wanted nothing to do with Trump. Of course that changed when he got elected in 2016, and realized trump was the key to remaining in power. And despite portraying himself as moderate and initially condemning Jan 6, later documents have revealed that he actually played a role in the Stop the Steal movement. But neither Trump or Lee are particularly popular in Utah ,and recent polls show him only leading EM by 4 points...

So last night, Lee went on Tucker and literally whined about Romney not (as of yet) endorsing him. He basically begged Romney to endorse him, and even Tucker seemed to be in shock. The look (dumbfounded) on TC's face is priceless...

Now as cringeworthy as that was, Trump getting involved and showing no shame is even more hilarious. Think of all the times Trump has attacked Romney, and all the other "RINO"s he hates. Then check out this statement he released today that if nothing else demonstrates that the word "irony" has not yet made it on to the list of vocabulary words that Trump understands. This is truly rich...

"Former President Trump slammed Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) on Wednesday, accusing him of “abusing” his Utah colleague Sen. Mike Lee (R) following news that Romney has refrained from issuing an endorsement in Lee’s reelection campaign.
“Mike Lee is an outstanding Senator who has been abused, in an unprecedented way, by a fellow Republican Senator from his own State, something which rarely has happened in political History,” Trump said in a statement issued through his Save America PAC.
“Such an event would only be understandable if Mike did not perform his duties as a United States Senator, but he has, and he has performed them well,” the former president continued."

Hey Donald, more than a few folks would like a word with you regarding "abusing fellow Republicans".. And both Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger are at the front of the line, while Lisa Murkowski stepped out for a beer... ;)


This race was never, ever, ever close. I had to calm a friend of mine in UT. I guess the local DemoKKKrat run papers have it a 2 point race.
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𝐍𝐄𝐖 𝐏𝐎𝐋𝐋: Mike Lee holds 𝟭𝟱 𝗣𝗢𝗜𝗡𝗧 lead over Evan McMullin in Utah Senate Race (R) Mike Lee 47% (+15) (I) Evan McMullin 32% ⦿ Source: @Zachary_Cohen ⦿ Pollster: @OHPredictive ⦿ Fieldwork: 10/05-06, N=483 LV
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It would appear Utah is not getting interesting and never was. As I said Egg McMuffin will lose by 15 plus.

Quantus Polls and News

To quote the great and wise
, "This race was never competitive."
Quote Tweet



POLL: @OHPredictive 2022 #UTSen General Election (R)* Mike Lee 47% (+15) (I) Evan McMullin 32% Undecided 16% 483 LV | 10/5-10/6…
So Poll Project decided to tweet (and you to post) the latest Ohio Predictive poll for Utah, because it shows Lee up 15 and you like the message...

How come those transparent folks at PP didn't bother to retweet the latest Ohio Predictive poll for the AZ Senate? By the way, Ohio Predictive is actually based in Phoenix and has nothing to do with the state of Ohio...

But if they know Utah, they certainly know AZ. And strangely enough they have Kelly with a 13 point lead 46-33 lead over Masters. And more importantly they have Kelly with a (+5) to (-13) lead in favorability, which is an 18 point difference.

And more of your inconsistency and BS...

In the Walker thread you argued that Emerson was a very reliable poll and that Warnock only having a 2 % lead meant he was slipping. But Emerson has Vance only up 1 pt (46-45) and I'm guessing you don't think that means Vance is in trouble (although he is)...

Here is one common thread running thru the close Senate races- the GOP nominee is underwater in approval ratings.
I have seen some world class grifters before but the egg mcmuffin takes the cake. No surprise though he is the creation on the Lincoln Project slimeballs who are total grifters.

Washington, D.C. – Evan McMullin is working hard to hang on to his support from Democrats.

During his 2016 failed presidential run, McMullin stated “I would like to see Roe v. Wade overturned.” And “I think we’ve got to respect life in this country, from conception to natural death.”

Fast forward six years, McMullin is singing a whole new tune now that the issue is up on the ballot.

Back in May of this year, McMullin stated during an interview about the overturn of Roe v. Wade, “I do not think that that is the way for the country to move forward on this issue,” McMullin said. He also said he would vote against a national abortion ban if he were elected and such a bill came up in the Senate.

So where does McMullin really stand?



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