
Nothing beats Dilithium crystals as a natural resource investment.
Sarcastic George Costanza GIF

But acquiring a $75M net worth while never earning over $200k your entire life as a public servant is just fine and dandy.


But acquiring a $75M net worth while never earning over $200k your entire life as a public servant is just fine and dandy.

Dbm posting this stuff is the same thing that destroys credibility and belief. Her net worth is about 11 mil and was easily explained. When this stuff is presented and an obvious lie it undermines everything else. It’s a silliness infecting the far right
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Dbm posting this stuff is the same thing that destroys credibility and belief. Her net worth is about 11 mil and was easily explained. When this stuff is presented and an obvious lie it undermines everything else. It’s a silliness infecting the far right
$75M in Wampum.
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Reactions: mcmurtry66

Zero fees on some of the Bitcoin ETFs when they become available in several weeks. @JamieDimonsBalls let me know when you buy so I can properly welcome you to the team.

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It's official. Pop the bottles @mcmurtry66 and put on your best flatbill @BradStevens. Let the good times roll.
between the texan and you as god as my witness i really am in on this shit. to me it's no different than just gambling on whatever else so **** it. i'm in. i'll keep getting more and more. i like joe rogan and musk and dana white and that crowd a lot. and i don't direct this to you so don't take it that way but this from joe rogan was interesting and totally accurate. i feel like crypto for many (men) is viewed as that out. that hope that somehow it'll just take off like a rocket and save them from their shitty, boring lives stuck as a cog. i don't know. even if it's a bust and gives people hope and something to be interested in so be it. #bit4life

True story a few weeks ago I was sitting at a Black Jack table with two young men (found out later they were both 21). They were betting anywhere from $100-1000.00 a hand. One of this lost a split and double down for $3000.00 total and didn't blink an eye. I asked them where does one your age get that kind of cash? Bitcoin or a form of it they told me. The one who lost the $3000.00 told me since April 2022 when he turned 21 he had lost an estimated $120,000.00 playing casino game at the local casino and Vegas and he wasn't at all in a bad financial situation. They tried to explain the site they are on and what coin they buy (not Dodge or Bitcoin since you had to buy fractions of it).

The kid who lost the money did tell me his Mom and Dad would be so disappointed in him if they knew how much he had lost. lol
between the texan and you as god as my witness i really am in on this shit. to me it's no different than just gambling on whatever else so **** it. i'm in. i'll keep getting more and more. i like joe rogan and musk and dana white and that crowd a lot. and i don't direct this to you so don't take it that way but this from joe rogan was interesting and totally accurate. i feel like crypto for many (men) is viewed as that out. that hope that somehow it'll just take off like a rocket and save them from their shitty, boring lives stuck as a cog. i don't know. even if it's a bust and gives people hope and something to be interested in so be it. #bit4life

No worries at all. I don’t lack any conviction when it comes to Bitcoin. I think Bitcoin is going to be one the greatest innovations in human history. I realize it sounds crazy to people, but most people don’t understand it and struggle with math/economics etc. I already had a stern conversation with myself about not putting all my retirement in Bitcoin on day 1 🤣

@mcmurtry66 watch how quickly the narrative changes on Bitcoin now that large institutions have access and ability to make money. Within 12 months they’ll be praising the miners on how they help stabilize energy grids and reduce carbon emissions.
By this time next year we’re going to have uncle mark’s entire home devoted to mining. 7 days a week. That no good Marv’ll be snoopin around. Trying to peak in windows. I’ll shoot him

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